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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. YoKenny


    The first time I went there I saw the same as you then I went again and see the error message about a corrupt file but I have no idea what it means.
  2. The SIW Standalone (English-Only) is not a valid Windows application. SIW With Installer first thing I did not like was the pre-checked Crawler Toolbar It does provide a lot of information but it is scattered over many pages and takes ages to compile the pages that mostly is provided on one page in Belarc Advisor. I remember trying SIW ages ago and dumping it when I found Belarc Advisor as it provided me the information I needed faster.
  3. Another old classic: http://gpsinformation.info/main/merryxmas.swf
  4. I like Belarc Advisor http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html I could not figure out what to download on my old PIII so I tried Lansweeper but I could not get it to work.
  5. It doesn't take a computer to figure that out.
  6. I just remembered this annual tradition: NORAD Tracks Santa http://www.noradsanta.org/en/home.html
  7. From Microsoft: Runas http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490994.aspx
  8. MBAM is good at getting rid of Vundo. Download MBAM then update it then run a Quick scan and let it remove what it detects and a reboot may be required to remove locked files: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php For a small fee you can get resident protection and life-time upgrades.
  9. It looks real nice out there right now and another 5-10cm ( 3-5in ) forecast for Sunday but the sidewalks will be treacherous until the next warm spell. That would make the orange growers a bit upset though and parking lots a lawyer's delight.
  10. Or pull it up at the wrong time
  11. A classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTHvW2JcAA
  12. From H0H 0H0 postal zone http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/19/...m-sontario.html Nothing fake about the snow in Las Vegas: http://news.scotsman.com/world/Nothing-fak...snow.4807999.jp
  13. Wow. That is great. I want one of those homes on the advert on the right: http://www.dreamholidayhomes.com.au/valencia/about.html
  14. 1.91% of all PCs are fully patched! http://secunia.com/blog/37 The Secunia PSI 1.0 - now available in Spanish! http://secunia.com:80/blog/39 Download: http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal German and Danish versions available. Secunia PSI forum: http://secunia.com/community/forum
  15. Coming up on 64. I remember slide rules, mechanical adding machines, ferite core memory, 1200BPS dial-up modems, 5.5 floppy diskettes with DOS 1.0 and rotary dial telephones that were owned by Bell.
  16. Stocker360, next time I fire up the old PIII I'll give it a try.
  17. They are only listed because they take up space not because they have errors. Its in the Beginner's Guide under Hotfix Uninstallers: http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com <== contains a wealth of information
  18. YoKenny

    Opera 9.63

    I'm not just another pretty face. Do you mean AOhell? It works for me. Who the heck is Karl Rove?
  19. Doc Bones to Captain Kirk Its dead Jim Try a new mouse. I keep an extra PS/2 mouse for trouble shooting and it was less than $5.00 at my local PC shop and it works great.
  20. Corona is a bit weird bordering on insane.
  21. YoKenny

    Opera 9.63

    Opera 10 is super fast even on my old PIII http://www.opera.com/browser/next From what I read it is much faster than Firefox.
  22. It has a lot of features to make XP into a vegetable and a bit of a come on to purchase the full featured release. I much prefer Tweak UI: http://www.microsoft.com/Windowsxp/downloa...ppowertoys.mspx See Adds TweakUI for Windows XP to the Control Panel Download: http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_addtweakui.zip
  23. I just installed this update through Windows Update and reboot required.
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