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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. YoKenny

    new user

    Welcome Superman There is no Kryptonite in CCleaner to harm you nor your system. You will find that hazelnut is your Lois Lane and davey is your Jimmy Olsen. CCleaner does not touch any files critical to windows operation even in its default configuration. The Registry cleaning function should be used with caution as it could remove a required setting but there is a backup function that should be used to save what it removes.
  2. Welcome PIO VINCE I like that look and it is quite efficient in both its display and update speed. I guess that would be good if you had a super computer and many files to defrag. I have neither and usually less than 200 files to defrag that takes less than a minute. I use PageDefrag but once it has run then unless the amount of RAM is changed then it is not necessary to run it again: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb897426.aspx
  3. Welcome Haddon Chap I run CCleaner a few times a day and I just checked and I have restore points back to early October so CCleaner does not remove restore points for me. What applications do you have running? Download MBAM then run it and Update with the latest definitions and do a Quick scan and have it remove everything it detects plus it may require you to reboot to remove some locked files: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php Download HijackThis 2.0.2 from: http://filehippo.com/download_hijackthis Then post a HijackThis log in Spyware Hell: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  4. http://consumerist.com:80/5102797/8-signs-...nline-is-a-scam
  5. A smiley view with a beautiful sunset: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/081...-mikesalway.jpg
  6. Look at where AVG, McAfee and Norton are now. Big enough to fill the Titanic and we all know what happed to that super ship. I prefer eating with a knife and fork sitting at a table chewing my food with my mouth closed not a pitch fork and shovel lying flat on my back with my mouth wide open.
  7. Have a look at this 10 minute video and the best part starts at about the 8 minute mark: http://www.besttechie.net/2008/08/20/malwa...loper-interview I do not run a software firewall as it slows down my browsing too much and it is it like having suspenders and a belt on your trousers and you need to go quickly to the loo for a no. 2 after a few brew. The ISP supplied DSL modem has a built in hardware firewall so I surf like I am wearing a skin tight Speedo suit.
  8. Checking out the speel chukeer spell checker OK It works great on my real old PIII system. It is a beautiful sunny morning here after about 2 weeks of continuous clouds, rain and snow flurries. Maybe I might be able to see Jupiter and the other two stars this evening.
  9. Sort of like a Swiss Army knife. Maybe a Nylon toothpick as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Victorinox_Cybertool.JPG
  10. http://billpstudios.blogspot.com/2008/12/t...trol-again.html
  11. My daughter and I use Facebook to share pictures. Be careful who you permit access though.
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/ms08-dec.mspx
  13. Welcome Sean. SpywareGuard is abandonware. SpywareBlaster can co-exist with any anti virus or anti malware application because of how it works with CLSIDs. There are many topics discussing good and not so good applications here on the forum. What I use are hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files, Windows Defender and WinPatrol. I occasionally use MBAM to verify that no infection has slipped through.
  14. I took care of it and I see that you are OK now.
  15. The O Spell User Java Script spell checker is Shareware costing $99.00US. IE7Pro spell checker costs $0.00
  16. That would convice me to install Opera on this here old PIII as my spellun sum tymz iz 'orribull
  17. I opened up a topic anyway and if you can see it then respond over there. I am glad that they are working better for you now.
  18. Or an older PC like my real old 500MHZ PIII. It runs Avira AntiVir Personal Free quite well although Luke Filewaker takes about 1/2 hour to run and MBAM almost 10 min. for a Quick scan.
  19. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8027 Use the internal update then get the latest reference file update then run a Quick scan to check your system.
  20. Welcome actrambley21 This has been discussed before and that is where Search comes in handy that is in the upper right. There are two applications with the first being Eraser and the other being DBAN. Google is your friend.
  21. The bottom pictures are from HostsServer and they are set correctly as far as I can see and the only difference is that I chose a small image to be displayed instead of message and image. What do you see when you look at the Log file? This is what I see That lets me know that the HOSTS file is blocking www.google-analytics.com Regarding the log in problem. The forum had a problem with spammers and certain IP address ranges have been blocked so PM me the your IP address plus what ID you want and I will ask the application author why you can not sign up to the forum.
  22. JMPMLP777, please turn off Caps Lock as everything you type appears as if you are SHOUTING AT US. I remember I had to re-install Nero from the CD in order to remove it but it is a hard application to remove as it leaves a lot of remnants on the system.
  23. What is the error? You are running a real old version of HostsServer. I am running HostsMan 3.2.70 Beta6 and it is running very well with no problems so far: http://www.abelhadigital.com Go to Add/Remove Programs and un-install HostsMan then install the new version.
  24. It was a bad experience but it was ages ago and I can not remember what happened.
  25. Its not in HostsMan but in HostsServer. Do you see its gray S down in the information area of the Task bar? If yes then right click it then Show Control Panel then go to Preferences then Server to set up its properties like I indicated before.
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