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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I don't have a fireplace nor chimney in my apartment to hang my Christmas stocking on but it is draped near the little Santa on the couch. It looks like Santa will have to put up with a bit of rain and sleet in my neck of the woods this year but I'm sure he will get through OK. My Santa likes a bit of Toblerone chocolate and a small shot of brandy to warm his tummy.
  2. I use SiteAdvisor and Web of Trust (WoT ) and I like both of them. I use SiteAdvisor on IE7 without Yahoo search and it is Version 2.9.239 I use WoT on my old PIII because I could not get SiteAdvisor to work on IE8 beta2
  3. YoKenny


    Looks like I will receive the promo license in the New Year but I will test it out now.
  4. Which firewall is the better one? Hardware is the best as it is in front of your system and usually included in the modem for high speed connections Software there are several software firewalls providing just about the same level of protection so it comes down to personal likes and dislikes Windows provides incoming protection only but is better than no firewall Have a look in the topic about having a software firewall or not: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17348
  5. I believe that installing under Returnil prevents its major monitoring functions from being installed and thus makes it not as effective as it can be. Why not ask the program authors about the False Positives?
  6. "You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. " Abraham Lincoln Thanks for your work and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  7. Did you report them? http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=42 Did you even look?
  8. IQ tests The Germans always make good stuff: https://www.shamwow.com/ver4/index.asp Billy Mays Kaboom!
  9. Advert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3YRBzz_4Hg SiteAdvisor: http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/finallyfast.com
  10. YoKenny

    start columns

    It is a good application and updated several times a day. SIW is twice as big as WinPatrol They are that.
  11. I hope you didn't make this? or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaUUK2_ED70
  12. http://green.cbc.ca/default.aspx
  13. I am talking about Comodo or ZoneAlarm or other software firewalls.
  14. YoKenny


    Now that the image display confusion is straitened out can someone answer the original question? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=19471
  15. YoKenny


    I don't use The Gimp but I see that it has a recent update GIMP 2.6.3 + GTK+ 2.14.5: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...ckage_id=250052 I like Paint.NET
  16. I was a long time user of AVG but when they released the bloated 8.0 and kept bugging me to upgrade last May I dumped it for avast! Home Free and I am still a happy user and enjoy their friendly helpful forum that is a refreshing change from the caustic AVG forum. AVG AV 8.0 very annoying: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...&hl=grisoft
  17. She is married to Kevin Kline who stars in A Fish Called Wanda K K Ken. I h h hate b b being r r run over by steam rollers.
  18. I found this http://home.earthlink.net/~ladyjeweler/ima...mas%20Scene.jpg
  19. YoKenny


    I have to refresh in IE7 on my XP Pro system as well.
  20. I'm a dark hair and dark eyes man myself. Phoebe Cates - Fast Times At Ridgemont High I go ga ga when I see her.
  21. YoKenny


    I heard that the Opera is not over until the fat lady sings. In other words I have no idea. That brings up memories of a silly joke about a no eyed dear.
  22. It has been made into one 19 minute video: http://www.besttechie.net/2008/08/20/malwa...loper-interview I still go by the advice: ? Software based firewalls are a waste of system resources. A router based firewall is much better.
  23. YoKenny


    I can see the image on the right side in Opera 10 but I have to Reload the page ( Ctrl +R ) to have the image appear.
  24. On my old PIII running Opera 10
  25. I downloaded the file indicated but when I tried to run it the error appeared that it was not a valid Windows application.
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