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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. Warning! Beware as there are nasty things you can get from this site: http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/mystercrowley.com
  2. Tamarindo is awsome: http://www.tamarindo.com I was in Playas del Coco http://www.govisitcostarica.com/region/city.asp?cID=18 Coco Verde hotel is great: http://www.govisitcostarica.com/listings/l...ls.asp?coid=217
  3. I'm happy now. That's how my mum sounded. But we loved the Goon Show on radio before we had a Telly.
  4. Tell the young people today the trouble we had and they won't believe you. I lived in crack in road wi naught but flower sacks fer trousers and cold kippers fer supper.
  5. I have been wasted there many times. 6 Months in Costa Rica with its cheap hooch. 1 bottle Costa Rican hooch = $2.00US but 1 bottle Coke mix $6.00US
  6. Welcome Eapoe Please read the following and someone will help you: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17457
  7. I'm happy with XP and I can't afford a Vista capable system as silly things like food and rent keep getting in the way. I don't play the 649 Lottery so I ain't gonna get rich this way. I don't have any rich relatives so I ain't gonna get rich this way. Listening to the Beatles Revolution on tropicalglen.com through Soundblaster and Logitec R-20 speakers. Only 5 months until nice weather here and I can go out without donning heavy clothing.
  8. The speed tests are good now as well
  9. I had a long dialog with my ISP and they had me reset the modem and I still could not get into the modem diagnostics so they offered me a replacement. I powered everything down then went out for a bite to eat then I figured that I would try it again and somehow it started to work. My XP Pro system was still acting weird as I could not get into Hotmail or many other sites so I booted the diagnostic floppy and ran all of the diagnostics this morning but now I can not get it to boot as somehow the hard disk is empty. I called IBM to see if they could help me but they could not so I have to order a replacement XP Pro CD Monday. This is all very weird as this all started New Years day with weird things happening to this old XP Home system so I booted the XP Home CD and had to remove the partitions then add it back as one 80GB drive then install XP Home then SP3 from a CD I had then slowly get all the applications I like installed. Oh well I guess the old systems needed a cleanup as I have not messed around like this for a few years.
  10. I'm kinda limping along on the old XP Home system
  11. www.live365.com <== way too many cookies slacker radio <== only in the US of A
  12. I am having dificulty connecting and a new modem is on the way so should be here by Wed. or Thur next week.
  13. Happy New Year from Canada EH! -13C and sunny going up to -5C My XP Home system caught some nasty trojan something about DNSchanger so I decided to totally clean it and start it fresh in the New Year.
  14. War of the Worlds was one of my favorite TV Late Fright Nite movies but never would have remembered the eyeball look alike unless you had pointed it out.
  15. I think that the two options in CCleaner that cause the most confusion should either be removed or changed Run CCleaner when the computer starts Secure deletion Why not change: 1 to Run CCleaner at Shutdown This cleans what the user has been doing in the current session slowing down Shutdown after the user does not need the system anymore thus not slowing down the system at boot up when they want to use it. 2 to just Normal file deletion This gets rid of the confusion of deletion method and if the user wants more secure file erasure then there are other much more capable applications with specific erasure features for the most stringent government or paranoid user. By the way, Windows SP3 has been out for 6 months and has several Security Updates.
  16. I am using IE7Pro on XP and I do not see ClosedTabs key listed.
  17. kaybee, the only stupid question is the one that is not asked. How about reviewing the comments in this topic. Have a look at: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=19530 We all learned from reading other people's experiences.
  18. Then you would be in Deep doo doo I bet http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=deep+doo-doo <== for those that do not understand technical terms
  19. Free Registry Defrag is just an advert for Registry Clean Expert but it does check the registry. NTREGOPT is free.
  20. Most people run CCleaner at Shutdown or Log off: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16551
  21. I guess it make sense if you live in the Southern hemisphere as it is upside down for me. The Aussies will love it m8t.
  22. I do not want an automated registry cleaning option as I want to know what is going to be cleaned and I can make the decision as to its being cleaned or not. When I make mistakes I don't like them to be automated thank you very much.
  23. Thanks davey as I'm having my morning Cup O Joe right now with the CBC TV in the background dispensing the morning disasters about the meaningless taking of life in the name of religion and unfortunate acts of nature. Weather forecast is cloudy and colder with snow flurries. Only 4 months until nicer weather EH!
  24. Oh no: http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_13683.gif http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_1672.gif
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