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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...isrc=newsletter
  2. YoKenny

    Error 1321

    Welcome towser What is the name of the program you are trying to remove?
  3. http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/ind...ial-malware-kit
  4. When I had an IBM ThinkPad laptop it had a small volume control on the side that could take the sound from inaudible to audible in quiet surroundings so I used external powered speakers or headphones if I wanted to listen to music.
  5. That goes along with Moore's law: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law IBM was doing the same thing back in '65 with its SLT chips: http://books.google.ca/books?id=Bc8BGhSOaw...esult#PPA287,M1 Back in early '71 I was spending 3 months down in Kingston N.Y. learning the 360 Model 65 and it does seem like a long time ago.
  6. Welcome I grew up just north of Durham City and came to Canada in '57 I watch Heartbeat every week.
  7. Intel 4004 35th Anniversary Project http://www.4004.com http://www.4004.com/assets/4004-masks-showing-fets-j3-.jpg <== Sort of looks like downtown Manhattan N.Y. to me Discussion: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07...248&tid=118
  8. I am listening to The Who's Magic Bus right now in Windows Media Player Version 11.0.5721.5230 on XP Pro SP3 and I know the same song works on my XP Home SP3 system My Altec Lansing VS2221 speakers are nice but I have to be careful as the Sub Woofer can vibrate these walls in my apartment quite easily. My audio is the built in SoundMAX on my IBM ThinkCentre ( Canadian ) system. I am going to listen to some Bruce Springsteen now.
  9. Welcome Pat. Please check your CapsLock key as you are typing in ALL CAPITALS which is considered SHOUTING. You can access Set Program Access and Defaults through Add or Remove Programs or start All Programs top left
  10. Welcome mike42 Have a look in winapp2.ini at the use of |RECURSE
  11. The driver appears to be down level: Intel? Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows* XP (exe) (20476KB) 10/24/2008 http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_res...mp;submit=Go%21 <== this may not take you to the correct page so start from the Intel download page: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Product_Fi...77&lang=eng
  12. Welcome cr0t It works fine for me on my XP Pro system Please include the Graphics Controller information
  13. It could be a Permission issue with the registry. I had that situation on my XP Pro system and it had nothing to do with SP3 which is working fine for me. What I had to do was download Dial-A-Fix then run it and insure that Policies... had no entries: http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/Dial-a-fix I also had to get SubInACL.exe from Microsoft to enable some Permissions that were locked: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en I hope you are trying this with an Administrator's Log in and not a User Log in.
  14. http://www.katu.com:80/news/34292654.html
  15. It is just to cover the shipping costs that for me was about $10.00 for two CDs for myself and my friend who only has a low speed DSL connection. I guess if you have a high speed connection then downloading the huge ISO then burning it to a CD that is able to be read on one of the plethora of bargain basement CD readers that come with the bargain basement systems these days then it should be OK.
  16. I ordered the free XP SP3 CD and you can choose the shipping method then it arrived in just a couple of days: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...mp;mg_id=20399b
  17. Oops. I did not understand the purpose of that Startup page.
  18. Your signature is VERY offensive to me! WARNING Images could lead to a heart attack!
  19. There is no such thing as a safe browser. They probably would but but I would not want to remove any key logger as I know I would feel like I was a rape or burgled victim. I keep a log of my known good system and make one whenever I do a major change plus I do have ERUNT files to restore my system.
  20. Now available on Microsoft's update portal Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.47.363.0 http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.
  21. It was up for a short while but suffered another attack. Stephen does not visit here often but he does at the staff area at Malwarebytes where he said that he will release what he plans to do.
  22. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityf...ml?nav=rss_blog
  23. Just put the following in your HOSTS file: www.google-analytics.com ad.doubleclick.net edge.quantserve.com
  24. Its a waste of time as the pagefile is rebuilt by Windows at bootup. If you choose to clear the pagefile at Shutdown then that takes 10-30 seconds longer depending on hard drive speed then bootup takes 10-30 seconds longer for Windows to allocate the space then populate its contents.
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