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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. Keithuk, I like that Freudian slip. I guess dial-up users would object but there are plenty of Download Managers that can handle the extra bytes.
  2. I don't have anything in the White list I think that it should operate the way CCleaner operates when selecting which cookies to keep.
  3. Humpty, I have seen that weird walking man over at Malwarebytes forum.
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/technolo...amp;exprod=digg
  5. Now available on Microsoft's update portal Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.45.1240.0 http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.
  6. I do not understand what is not working for you.What language are you selecting? Most speak English but the computer acts way different if I select English Canadian because date then becomes DD/MM/YY instead of MM/DD/YY which drives Outlook Express crazy because all emails are sorted by day then month and not the way I prefer which is by month then day.
  7. Klaustrophobia, I hope you are no relation to Santa Klaus By the way, in Tools then Internet Options then Browsing history then Settings the default disk space alloted is 10% of the hard drive (HD) which was OK when the HDs were much smaller. I make mine 100MB that I find is adequate for normal browsing.
  8. I can't see it on this side of the pond.
  9. Why do you want to downgrade to IE6 when IE7 is much more secure and has many more features? Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP Fact Sheet: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/newsroo...IE7XPSP2FS.mspx
  10. I was puzzled why it did not detect the Google and SiteAdvisor Toolbars I have installed.
  11. SpywareBlaster update has 63 additional entries. Use its built in update function.
  12. If its operated by Homer Simpson then there is gooey donut jam on the keys. Hmmm. Donuts.
  13. I see:Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
  14. Looks like you have disabled PMs davey so I'll post my PM response here
  15. Even though the file indicates that it has 0 bytes it still takes up one 512 byte block on the hard drive as that is the nature of how files are stored there.
  16. That reminded me of my '72 black R75 750cc motorcycle I had that I went all over Canada and one trip down to San Diego with it on a trailer back in the '70s but I had to sell it in '81 when I got married and it became too expensive to ride and the cold season too long.
  17. You could always ask the man in the Red suit to stick one under your bed after a night's sleep of being really naughty the day before. I never owned a North American car but several VWs with the last one a '95 Golf that I had for about 7 years: http://www.fixya.com/Brands/Images/V/Volks...50/21650482.jpg
  18. Ratz! I lost my neat signature pic http://pixpipeline.com/d/b28f8cb15e3b.jpg
  19. www.imagespeech.com has gone AWOL Where is the recommended image site?
  20. Welcome nycquery What is the operating system you are running? Maybe they were not installed to begin with or some other application removed them as CCleaner does not have the capability to remove them.
  21. bean, please go to start then Control Panel then Regional and Language Options and let us know what language you are using I am using English (United States)
  22. If you click Analyze then right click in the list produced then you can save it as a text file to review what will be deleted.
  23. Welcome Kamran What operating system are you using? Have you installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en
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