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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I find that adbrite.com is blocked by hpHosts HOSTS file as it is a target advertising sponsored site: http://hosts-file.net/?s=adbrite.com&x=29&y=11
  2. From the way I understand the ini files is that the internal ini files are the default settings and if you want to make a change you have to add a corresponding entry in winapp2.ini to override its default setting such as making a True entry False so that it is not pre-selected.
  3. http://www.ghacks.net/2008/10/31/windows-s...-control-center
  4. I like my upgrade FileHippo page better This is with the HOSTS file and IE8 beta2 on my old PIII system.
  5. Now available on Microsoft's update portal Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.45.1311.0 http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.
  6. jis, I tried the same steps on my old 500MHX 512MB RAM PIII system running XP Pro SP3 and I did not have the symptoms you outlined. What is your video adapter? Can you post a screenshot of CCleaner?
  7. Those are the embedded ini files not the winapp2.ini file. The official winapp2.ini topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110
  8. Download winapp2.zip then unzip it then go to CCleaner Folder C:\Program Files\CCleaner then copy the unzipped winapp2.ini into CCleaner Folder: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/winapp2/winapp2.zip You will now have more items in the Applications tab to be cleaned.
  9. Be careful with advice from a person from Van, BC as they smoke and eat weird stuff out there. The smoked Salmon is very good though.
  10. Not many people have Windows x64
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/photogallery/canada/1716 No. 3 Newfoundland Wiley the dog guards his pirate booty well on Halloween. No. 6 Saskatoon Nanna is a little devil, at least on Halloween. No. 10 Manitoba Ernie the dog tries to imitate the other furry members of the Bradley family.
  12. The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server. Limitations: Free for personal use. http://www.majorgeeks.com/Belarc_Advisor_d1385.html Author : http://www.belarc.com
  13. Welcome DaleUpNorth That is a confusing situation.
  14. Welcome Ignyte Software Where are the logs located? You can use CCleaner Options Include Add File to clean the log.
  15. Here I am reading this exciting news with my friend's 133MHZ TURBO CPU 32MB RAM system with Win98SE sitting on my living room table desperately in need of a dust bunny exorcism to see if I can give it a few more months of life. All she wants to do is read her Hotmail to respond to her Grandchildren and being of limited income a better system is out of the question.
  16. At least he did not get locked up. That produced a few belly laughs and almost made me spit my coffee on my monitor and keyboard so it should have a C&C warning though.
  17. Now available on Microsoft's update portal Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.45.1259.0 http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.
  18. Thanks Mike. That is one powerful clean up utility. I'm off to watch some British comedy. Waiting for God then Keeping up appearances
  19. After updated to Java version 10 I wanted to un-unstall the old version 7 so I used Add/Remove Programs but it will not let it be removed so I tried CCleaner Tools Uninstall then selected Delete Entry and I receive the following error I have tried JavaRa to remove the extra Java files but the version 7 entry is still there.
  20. Welcome earthlover Discussed already in this sticky topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14936
  21. Off topic post removed by moderator.
  22. Fourth one down: http://icanhascheezburger.com
  23. Welcome MrFear This had been discussed before in this sticky: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14936
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