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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. It is also being discussed over at Avast! forum: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=39451.0 and hpHosts forum: http://forum.hosts-file.net/viewtopic.php?...=&start=120
  2. YoKenny

    IE 8

    I could not get SiteAdvisor to work on IE8 beta 2 so I now use Web of Trust ( WoT ) I like Avast! for my XP Home system and Avir AntiVir for my old PIII When I visited Tokyo I was on full expenses and had my airfare paid and now that I am retired I can't even afford taxi fare.
  3. I just found out that the beta version costs $14 US for an unlimited Personal Use license: http://safelyremove.com/order.htm?ver= I think I will purchase it after I have used it for a while.
  4. http://safelyremove.com
  5. Today on my XP Pro system
  6. They work on XP as well. A Dreamy World 87th Wallpaper http://www.vistaknowledge.com/category/vista-wallpapers Read below for some info before clicking on this link ~ moderator
  7. Along with WinPatrol. Woof. Woof.
  8. For the dog lovers: http://upsidedowndogs.com:80/page/2
  9. The DNS Client service is not necessary and can cause huge system slowdowns if you use a HOSTS file from hpHosts or MVPS. Disabling the Windows "DNS Client" service: http://www.simpledns.com/kb.aspx?kbid=1089 I recommend OpenDNS: https://www.opendns.com/homenetwork/start/computer Install a HOSTS file to prevent known malware sites from accessing your system. HOSTS files I use: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm <== includes good guide http://hosts-file.net/?s=Download Managed with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing: http://www.abelhadigital.com
  10. Belarc Advisor Version: 7.2x http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html
  11. YoKenny


    RegCure is a rogue application at least and dangerous to your system at worst. Stick with CCleaner or RegSeeker: http://forums.techguy.org/windows-95-98-me...-regcure-7.html
  12. I think I'll pass as I'm Red-Green colour blind: http://www.toledo-bend.com/colorblind/ishihara.html I see the 25 in the top left pattern and that's it. Don't worry. I know Red traffic lights from Green and that most trees have Green foliage except for Fall.
  13. Another possibility is in IE then Tools then Internet Options then Advanced then scroll down to Enable Install On Demand (Internet Explorer) and insure that it is checked.
  14. Go to the location where the file is http://www.CCleaner.com/download/downloading then right click on Click here if it does not. and select Save Target As...
  15. The Gruff at ArtsWells 08 video works fine for me on XP Home SP3 but I have High Speed DSL. What version of Flash Player do you have installed? Secunia Online Software Inspector will show you: http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/online
  16. .NET Framework is necessary if you use any .NET applications like Paint.net: http://www.paint.net
  17. YoKenny


    In addition to what davy said the backups create small reg files on the hard drive and if your hard drive is getting near full then the system will have more problems. Please show what operating system and Service Pack level installed and hard disk size with its free space.
  18. Welcome TTW Are you logged in as Administrator? I do not have any experience with Win2K but there are others here on the forum that do and will provide more help with your situation.
  19. YoKenny

    IE 8

    I'm using IE8 beta2 on my old PIII with XP Pro SP3 plus IE7Pro and like it a lot. I especially like the fact that it highlights the root URL address of the site that is active. I loved Tokyo when I was there in the Spring of '92 when the Cherry blossoms were in full bloom in the parks that I visited on my days off.
  20. IE7Pro forum MIA for me for the last day I wonder why? Their Home page is available: http://www.ie7pro.com
  21. I had not noticed that as I am automatically Logged in to that forum just like all the others I visit. I think I'll pose the question over there. Posted with IE8 beta2 on my old PIII XP Pro SP3 system.
  22. You peeked. I think that is a function that should be in forum software and IP.Board is the software that is the same as here.
  23. Tailwaggers and Jokes: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=20 I'm not sure if you have to log in to see it. I liked Roping A Deer A video collage:
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