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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. Emergency update for XP through Windows Update Security Update for Windows XP (KB958644) Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.45.1012.0) http://www.microsoft.com:80/technet/securi...n/ms08-oct.mspx
  2. I removed them and have a backup of them but I have not had to restore the backup as I have not noticed a problem yet.
  3. Actually I prefer wired Mouses as the darn batteries keep wearing down and even if I have spare batteries they only last a short while. Also I prefer the PS/2 connected Mouses as they work without the fussy software that claims to add mega features that I invariantly forget. The same thing goes for keyboards as well.
  4. I have a Sony NWZ-B103F MP3 player with FM tuner that is amazing that is like It is so easy to drag music items from my collection to its storage so that I can listen to them on the bus. Listening to Bruce Springsteen belting out a few tunes is so much more uplifting than the boring classics, Hip Hop, Rap that is over the air right now.
  5. YoKenny

    Start menu

    Welcome Pitcher Typically a shortcut to the application is installed in Start Menu and the application developers consider their application The best thing since sliced bread so they put the startup information there so that the user does not have to figure out how to have access to the application. Good applications have setup options usually in its Setup or Options to enable/disable auto starting. There are more locations that the system can use for auto starting so an application like AutoRuns comes in handy: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb963902.aspx
  6. I like A-Z Freeware Launcher FUD launcher Razzamatazz
  7. My favourite topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16667
  8. I addition to checking for dust these devices look interesting: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/Sea...&CatId=3486 http://www.futurelooks.com/403-CoolerMaste...ler-Review.html
  9. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityf...isrc=newsletter
  10. I think you are trying to make things too complex. An application can be used as a tool for you or the system to do something with: application program ?noun Computers. a program used for a particular application (opposed to system program). Also, applications program. Also called application software, applications software. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/app...n%20program?o=0 A utility program: ?noun Computers. system software used to perform standard operations, as sorting data or copying data from one file to another, for application programs or other system software. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=utility%20program
  11. Welcome Nozy Where does Yahoo Site Builder store its files? If it stores them in a Temp Folder area then they will be removed. Can you set up Yahoo Site Builder to store its files in a Folder of your choosing?
  12. They probably did and learned how to dodge the cars and how to "Play Safe"
  13. Practically Networked: http://www.practicallynetworked.com/howto Networking PCs Made Easy: http://pcworld.about.com/magazine/1812p268id32216.htm Go to Control Panel then Network Setup Wizard.
  14. YoKenny

    Opera 9.61

    Opera works differently with a HOSTS file installed and using HostsServer proxy: http://forum.abelhadigital.com/index.php?showtopic=600
  15. Plus other happy users that have switched: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=34334.0 http://forum.avira.com/wbb/index.php?page=...0809#post670809
  16. It is a highly recognized icon to the gateway for America the Beautiful the Land of the Free and millions have rejoiced seeing her upon safely arriving in New York harbor from war torn nations looking for a better life for their family. The No. 1 icon in Canada is still Canadian EH!
  17. YoKenny

    IE 8

    I think you will be much happier. See you over at the Avast! forum: http://forum.avast.com/index.php Whatever browser you choose will give you the option to be the default browser. To be honest I do not like the way IE8 jumps around and sometimes Home and End keys do not work and the way I have found to get them to work is to move the slider on the right up or down a bit.. That would not convince me to install Firefox though. Opera is OK but its different.
  18. YoKenny


    I had a friend who could not believe that you had to go to Start to stop the computer When I was teaching at a local Senior's center one of the lessons was Turning off the computer safely and we stressed that going to Start then Turn Off Computer then selecting Turn Off was important.
  19. http://www.imagespeech.com/index.php supports 1024x768
  20. I chose Safety above Folly and have relegated Win98SE ( commonly known as Silly Edition ) to the Great Bit Bucket in the sky and I have a Brother MFC-240C All-In-One copy/printer/scanner that accepts the Flash cards for its use I tried the USB Safely Remove application and it works flawlessly. I really like the features "Return device back!" feature new! sometimes it would be very useful to return it back to the system Stops any kind of hot-swap devices. new! Hiding drives of empty card reader slots! you will see only those drives of the card reader where memory cards are connected Ability to eject card reader memory cards Drive letter management Exploring a device drive in an alternative file manager Mount point support mount your USB storage devices as a folder of a fixed drive Improved interface Another reason you probably don't like it is that it only works on Win2K - Vista
  21. Even with my reading glasses on that image is so fuzzy I can't read it.
  22. YoKenny

    IE 8

    I know that Microsoft has crippled the return to IE7 once IE8 beta2 has been installed but then it is beta after all and that is why I chose to install it on the old PIII. I do not like Firefox but if it works for you then that's OK. SiteAdvisor is having problems and I think that it has to do with its popularity as witness to the situations in its forum: http://community.mcafee.com/forumdisplay.php?f=194 That is the only thing of McAfee I would permit on my system. I remember 9/11 very well as I was out of work and I was staying at a friend's place and I went to a local coffee shop for us where I heard the announcement on the radio that was playing at the time and I thought that it was a terrible accident so I went home and switched over to CNN and watched it for the rest of the day in shock and amazement at the unfolding events. I found that the statistic that over 2400 people lost their lives interesting in the aftermath and about the same number of people lost their lives in the Perl Harbor attack many years before dragging the US into WWII that they thought they were isolated from. Unfortunately there will always be Terrorism as long as people inhabit this Beautiful Planet that we humans call Earth. Ages ago I read a book called Childhood's End which opened my eyes to our human traits.
  23. I just don't like Firefox. I like IE7 and IE8 beta2 on my old PIII both with IE7Pro.
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