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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I fix PCs as a hobby as I am thankfully retired and I can watch the boring election results for as long as I can stay awake.
  2. Just make sure that it is not running then run the updated install application and it will update the old version.
  3. That's how I found my avatar. I like to do this on my Birthday because it is usually cold, snowy and bleak with nothing better to do it makes me feel better. When I get a system to look at the first thing I do is remove the dust bunnies then work on whatever is ailing the system.
  4. Make sure you don't link it to "spill" especially near the keyboard. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhan...ted/RebIC.shtml
  5. I just checked Windows Update and 7 were downloaded and installed on XP Pro for me. Reboot required.
  6. For me the left side "Ads by Google" are blocked by: www.google-analytics.com <== hpHOST HOSTS file tags.expo9.exponential.com <== MVPS HOSTS file
  7. WinPatrol V15.9.2008.5 http://www.winpatrol.com What's new: http://www.winpatrol.com/upgrade.html
  8. I tried Ubuntu on my old 500MHZ PIII with 512MB RAM and RAGE 128 PRO video adapter that I found in my apartment's recycle area but I could not get it to load on its 80GB hard drive from the CD and I posted about it earlier. It had Win98SE on it. It had a second 40GB as D: that I removed and now use in an external USB case as a backup drive with Karen's Backup. I took it to my local PC shop to get XP Home installed but it was not available so I had XP Pro installed and it runs IE8 beta2 fine and I was able to install a driver for its SoundBlaster card. Now it runs Avira anti virus, the usual HOSTS files, MBAM, Windows Defender and WinPatrol quite happily but a bit slowly. In all it cost me $50.00 but it provides me with a system that I can try things on without fear of loosing much if I have to FORMAT the hard drive and re-install the image I have. I'll forgo the venture into Linux Land and let the Penguin operating system by used by the Neckbeards.
  9. I can't use Adblock Plus because I don't like Firefox. The HOSTS file uses very little system resources and works for any browser. FreeImageHosting.net is down right now. I prefer ImageSpeech Free Image Hosting: http://www.imagespeech.com/index.php
  10. They will become available automatically and probably require a reboot. Some people like to be in total control of everything waiting for a disaster to happen then blame Microsoft for poor software and some people like to be made aware that Updates are available and can choose to have the Updates applied automatically or just notified that they have been downloaded and ready for installation. That's why you have choices.
  11. Welcome svhk I have never seen any reference to RegCure from ParetoLogic on the http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner page. I would download MBAM then update it then run a Quick scan and let it remove what it detects and a reboot may be required to remove locked files: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php Then install a HOSTS file to prevent those known malware sites from accessing your system. HOSTS files I use: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm http://hosts-file.net/?s=Download Managed with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing: http://www.abelhadigital.com
  12. Welcome TechDeck Try disabling all check marks then enable one at a time to see which one is causing the problem and let us know. You should update to SP3 as it has been available for over 4 months now and tomorrow is Patch Tuesday with a few more updates coming. IE6 is very vulnerable to infections so down load IE7 and install IE7Pro: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/ie/getitnow.mspx http://www.ie7pro.com/
  13. YoKenny


    I Googled for it and found http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winxp/1045990083 On my old PIII it is set to 1388 Its a Most Recently Used ( MRU ) indicator.
  14. Google celebrates Canadian Thanksgiving It is a beautiful day here and we are in the midsts of our Indian Summer that has been much better than our rainy Summer.
  15. These may help:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon I like AM-Deadlink to check Favorites/Bookmarks and keep the Favicons for them: http://www.aignes.com/deadlink.htm
  16. You're welcome. No wonder anything Norton ( Symantec ) spit is referred to in this manner.
  17. I like watching The Good Ol' Boys" racing around the track on TSN or ESPN: http://www.nascar.com I tried to get to see a race in CHARLOTTE but getting a place to stay nearby was impossible: http://www.nascar.com/races/tracks/lms
  18. We have 4: http://www.conservative.ca <== better the devil you know http://www.liberal.ca/glance_e.aspx <== no way http://www.ndp.ca <== You though the financial crisis was bad http://www.greenparty.ca <== great ideas but that's not where the money is Does green suit you?
  19. http://www.rw-designer.com/windows-xp-icon http://www.iconarchive.com Google is your friend.
  20. When I run Analyze then Save to a text file... it is quite legible. Maybe it would be nice to be able to Save to a CSV file to import into an analysis application.
  21. I think that varocketry has more issues than GuardianEdge Disk Encryption interfering with CCleaner. They are running Symantec spit SAV10 as well.
  22. Welcome pirigood The prefetch issue has been discussed quite a bit before: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17155
  23. That's what all the leaves look like here now EH!
  24. YoKenny

    Opera 9.6

    That Don't Impress Me Much It does not support McAfee SiteAdvisor nor Web of Trust ( WoT )
  25. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/ms08-oct.mspx Critical (4) Important (6) Moderate (1)
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