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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. I hope you can speak Catalan without a lisp. I was there once for a few days on a course and I really enjoyed it especially the Paella and generous quantities of local wine provided by my hosts.
  2. After my supper I could be the Gas Works.
  3. Its the rogue money grabbing ISPs that host the malware that should disappear but they are usually in a country that has no laws that can stop them and probably is their major source of income.
  4. YoKenny

    Cleaning AOL

    Welcome John B If I remember AOL uses IE as its base so selecting the Internet Explorer cleaning options should clean it out.
  5. This has already been discussed in: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16665
  6. We get a bit of snow up here in the Great White North EH! Not many tornadoes nor hurricanes thankfully.
  7. http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/index.cfm?newsid=104943
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...isrc=newsletter
  9. SpywareBlaster has been around since 2003 and is one of the most recommended anti-malware preventing applications available. It is one of the best as it does not consume system resources as it just blocks malware by listing its CLSID signature and setting a "kill bit" in the registry to prevent the malware from running.
  10. YoKenny

    firefox 03.0.03

    I always knew that Firefox was a POSIMO but I didn't have an acronym for it. Lovin' IE8 beta2 on my clunky old PIII.
  11. Malwarebytes site is having very slow response for me and they are aware of the situation.
  12. Probably your system is infected. I would go to a non infected system and download SDFIX then put it on a Flash card then run it on the infected system: http://downloads.andymanchesta.com/Removal...DFix_ReadMe.htm http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic131299.html <== print this out
  13. It means that you have to Activate Windows: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307890 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940315 http://www.web-articles.info/e/a/title/How...vate-Windows-XP
  14. I think I'll give it a wide birth: http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/registryoptimizer.com What makes you think that it was on Malwarebytes site?
  15. http://billpstudios.blogspot.com/2008/09/v...unt-coupon.html
  16. On my old PIII with a RAGE 128 PRO Ultra GL video adapter with its own RAM and 512MB RAM installed both CCleaner and System Properties report the full 512MB RAM installed.
  17. 10950 Total Immunizations 41 new in Restricted Zone Available with the online update function
  18. http://www.firetrust.com/en/products/mailw...r-pro/changelog Download: http://www.firetrust.com/download/mailwasher-pro
  19. I am but a lot of things do not run on it any more. My friend's old Compaq was infested with the antivirus2008 infection that I could not remove so I did a FORMAT and installed WinME with the latest updates but I did not have to install Flash Player as my friend only uses it for Hotmail.
  20. Your video adapter probably uses some of the RAM. My XP Pro system has 768MB RAM but CCleaner shows 759MB RAM and System Properties shows 760MB RAM and Belarc shows 760 Megabytes Installed Memory Slot 'J4' has 512 MB Slot 'J5' has 256 MB Slot 'J15' is Empty Slot 'J16' is Empty
  21. English is not their first language so they do a good attempt to make technical information documentation but a bit sparsely however.
  22. I have learned that an old dog can learn new tricks. The ramifications of clearing out prefetch file has been discussed before: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17155 I also started using PCs in 1982 and I find I am still learning new tricks.
  23. BEWLDR32.EXE and WSA32.EXE are highly suspicious: http://www.windowsstartup.com/wso/detail.php?id=4101 http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/dange...irWSA32EXE.html
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