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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. Now available on Microsoft's update portal Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.43.897.0 http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.
  2. I have a Download Folder and I usually keep the previous update for backup and delete the oldest update.
  3. Sometimes static builds up in the system so remove the power cord then depress the power button for 10 seconds then replace the power cord and power up. Cleaning the dust bunnies is also a good idea: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-11319_7-6240575-1.html
  4. I must be a sly fox as I don't have any of those poor red foxes hanging on to the Earth for dear life on my systems.
  5. I have an APC BACK-UPS ES 350 battery backup to prevent the frequent 5 second power blips we get here in the morning from powering down my XP Pro system and it enables the Hibernate feature for fast recovery. It works great. I don't have Vista yet.
  6. Tonite's forcast Dark <== a classic
  7. My friend's old Compaq system was infected with one of the antivirus2008 trojans about a month ago and I tried everything to remove it but because it was Win98SE none of the removal tools would work. I did a FORMAT and installed Win98SE then the available Updates from Microsoft but I could not get the video adapter to go above 16 color so I did a Google search on that model and the only place I could find a driver for that model was on driverguide.com that I had to register to so I did and downloaded the driver and it worked great. I had searched the Compaq site but they had no drivers for that model. So far I have not received any spam from them.
  8. What programing language are you going to use
  9. It is good but only for new threats and Spybot S&D looks for old ones as well.
  10. Computer Messages I can understand: http://www.jibjab.com/view/41520 Fast Windows XP Prank
  11. Its part of IE7Pro. In IE7Pro Preferences go to Modules (*) and you will see it there. I don't use it myself as I am on a high speed link and hardly ever get disconnected.
  12. Where was Google's first office? When did they attain one trillion site listings? http://www.google.com/tenthbirthday
  13. Do you have the latest NVIDIA drivers installed? http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=78181
  14. Try disabling the running applications one at a time. I bet in order of probability: 1. TeaTimer 2. RealVNC 3. BitMeter
  15. On my 2.4GHZ P4 with 512MB RAM running XP Home SP3 the latest CCleaner comes up instantly for me. What is the graphics adapter type? In CCleaner go to Tools then Startup then show the Startup applications.
  16. Windows Defender Antispyware: v1.43.791.0 now available: http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal
  17. We all started out like a Columbus or Magellan to learn new things and to Boldly go where no man has gone before The Windows key ( the one to the right of the left Ctrl key with the Windows flag on it ) depressed with the E key quickly starts Windows Explorer. Windows Key Shortcuts: http://www.seoconsultants.com/windows/key
  18. Spybot S&D Wednesday update: http://www.spybot.info:80/en/updatehistory Update with its own update function then do an Immunize then check SpywareBlaster as sometimes it needs to be updated as well. Disable the HOSTS file when you do a scan as it will take ages to scan its entries.
  19. I don't let anything from RealMedia on my systems so I use Real Alternative: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/real_Alternative.htm
  20. Lunarsoft Forums Server move complete! http://www.lunarsoft.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3228
  21. Maybe in Base Settings enable Tab Session restore and Restore last sessions automatically:
  22. I like it so much I got the t-shirt and matching Flash Wristband:http://winpatrol.stores.yahoo.net/wispsh.html <== its a sports shirt actually http://winpatrol.stores.yahoo.net/winpatro...-wristband.html
  23. http://arstechnica.com:80/news.ars/post/20...are-idiots.html
  24. What applications do you have loaded?
  25. Welcome Barrotes Where is Skype's history located? Please consider sending the location information after reading Add A Program To Winapp2.ini: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110
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