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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. try this: Right click on the CCleaner Shortcut and click "Run As" then type in the username and password with administrator privileges, see if that does what you require.
  2. Sounds similar to: these posts you may to check the similarity, don't make any changes to you system till directly advised to by an accredited member! http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=9460 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=9527 Make a post in the Spyware Hell - HijackThis Log Analysis as suggested above, post even if hijack this wont run.
  3. Thats because it wasn't the realistic portable Sony Betamax with wireless remote controll fastforward and rewind (note I've never used one, I just noticed the advert on techeblog.com )
  4. Do you have any heat/temperature monitoring software running? As they will make beeps (donk donk donk donk ....) when it thinks heat is above the recommend heat threashold.
  5. fireryone

    Laptop Specs

    Sorry, I too am keeping an eye out for good priced gaming capable laptop, and cant recommend anything atm. Also, make sure that your external is connected every time you use CCleaner (Issues clean) or it will find lost of missing files related to in the registry.
  6. Have you tried using XP's "Run As" option, with this you could run CCleaner with your Admin account without logging out and back in.
  7. http://www.seanbuckley.ca/blog/2006/08/28/...frozen-in-1911/ According to asnwering posters it isn't photoshopped. http://www.niagarafallslive.com/Facts_abou...agara_Falls.htm <--more proof
  8. That would usually happen when you download a compressed file or some other application specific file, when that application (eg WinRar, Microsft Access, Paint Shop Pro, etc) is not installed the computer doesn't have a clue what to do with the file type. Try the option to search the Internet for an application to open the file with, or type the file extension into google.
  9. maybe this month but not by next month theres sure to be some kind of patch maybe even WGA.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, but is there anything special about renaming hijackthis to family.exe? Way back in the discussion, you will see, there were a few attempts with renamed files that still got bounced - I can only assume that this malware can see some internal naming or descriptor. Thanks again. No, its the same as renaming it earlier, I don't believe there is any significance to family.exe (correct me if I'm wrong ). -- If andy's suggestion dosn't work (for some reason), You may be able to remove some stuff with a live boot cd ( ala BartPE) or a linux live CD (if you underestand a linux environment) . You could use a BartPE boot disk to check the contents of that file and remove infections. There are many programs (called plugins) you can include on the disk along with the bootable windows like environment. links: BartPE Home Page Download Part PE Download Plugins NOTE: If this seems too over your head feel free to wait for other suggestions.
  11. This is still in beta (testing phase), so you can expect it to miss stuff other completed (mostly tested) programs find.
  12. Seems mostly bug free but... Tried out the ctrl+A thing worked well for "selecting everything" clicking a single happily surprised me with "ticking everything" but when I tried to click one again (to "untick everything") the program hung . Had to End Task it, it did not create an error log
  13. It's listed in my CCleaners Applications tab (If not there by default install the winapp2.ini)
  14. Working fine here as well...
  15. Amazing..... (goes away Trying hard to find proof of it being an urban legend....) [comes back finding none ] Unless you found something I didn't. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/787776.stm http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=4142
  16. I was wondering if you could take out the txt file again (loose your desktop), then in taskmanager try initiating explorer.exe (via File / Run / C:\windows\explorer.exe ), that usually would bring back the desktop and start menu etc. I noticed this because in the HJT/Comboscan report above, explorer is not running, which is why you have no desktop. Also what are the contents of the text file?
  17. Microsoft admits uptick in Live account hacking
  18. JK Defrag is well recommended around the forum.
  19. Colossal Squid found in New Zealand All I want is some photos..... ::Edit:: Here is one
  20. I've never had a problem with it, read the beginners guide here
  21. Here Goes: The Google Earth install takes up 30.3Mb and the separate cache folder (you can choose the location of the cache during install, use custom install) took up 7Mb after zooming into a couple of places around the world and letting if fully load. One must visit location in google earth is the Grand Canyon...
  22. This is being reported but other users aswell, and no one seems to know exactly why yet. As an added note many some of the same users cant run HijackThis either (As you've noticed trying to download it.)...
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