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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. Same Happy Easter / Passover
  2. I actually the current prefer NOD32 GUI, nice plane simple, yet still powerful enough. I don't like this new VISTA style gui. Current NOD32 takes only 21.9MB for Kernel and 2.22Mb for Gui.
  3. I changed it just for this thread
  4. I believe the idea was to make sure no drive letters where disabled. Open TweakUI, click +My Computer , click Drives, make sure none are unchecked, you may also want to make sure no drives have autoplay disabled (unless you decided to turn it off) click +Autoplay, click drives. PS. So you definitely have a card in the camera and it's not storing the images on its' non-removable camera drive? If so it may be easier to buy a (relatively cheep I believe) card reader, thats if your printer doesn't have a multi-card reader in it which you could use.
  5. fireryone


    Maybe they where beta testing a different design...
  6. I'm not planing on migrating any time soon, I may end up with Vista if I get a laptop though I'd prefer to get XP on it.
  7. http://computing.net/windowsxp/wwwboard/forum/82776.html This is old (2003) looks simmilar... try Tweak UI power tools as suggested. Also are the photos on a card or on the camera, if on a card you could just go out and get a card reader. Have you tried pluging in the camera without the drivers? you never know XP may just recognize it.
  8. I agree, Something should be done to make the beginners guide more obvious to beginners, and for those who may never enter or join a forum! Either a full inclusion of the gude in the download or even the link idea would be beneficial.
  9. BBC World Service: Digital Planet - Whats in the future for Firefox 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 3D Listen to the report (Its near the end)
  10. It seems you are using a customized Windows Classic theme with larger fonts and sizes. Try reselecting Windows Classic Theme then compare.
  11. Do you know, in the mean time, you can just type .mp3 into the find box to find all of that file type? An easier way, would be welcome as well, like the support for wild cards (*) should be added.
  12. The Internet Explorer customizations seem not to do anything, most are redundant. The rest of the program I believe, still works fine.
  13. They are most unusual, though I'd qualify: 1. I don't own/drive a SUV regularly 2. I've never taken 4 flights in a 12 month period Click to Read Terms I assume he is targeting the freeware version at lower income earning people. Though I agree it would be unenforceable,
  14. Should be fixed by lowering the browsers font setting.
  15. 6 out of 9. Answers Here if you missed them
  16. Open Source Car We all love Open Source, this economical car even runs on Linux.
  17. Thanks Andavari, I'll give it a go. Only disappointment so far is it does not support un-Ace-ing (.ace) archives, I know I have a few of those lying around...
  18. It quite good, I found a ton of programs needing updating lol though I've noticed this bug and my favorite zip program has an update: WinAce 2.6.0 to 2.6.5 I think I'll stick to my old 30 day trial (doesn't expire, just like old WinZip it keeps going) exceeded by 150 days.... probably should move to a freeware alternative.... It even lists Beta Updates!
  19. Check, if there are any log files in recuver's folder (eg C:\program files\recuva ) and post (attach or copy paste) that as well for bug fixers (not me). Hopefully your problem is fixed in a future version.
  20. Nice, I've noticed GMail has now incorperated somthing similar, I can use their online app to open attached word documents. Very Handy .
  21. You could always give it its own MAC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0BfrX2xfX4
  22. I use PopFile for anti-Spam, which happens to be on the top of the above mentioned site snapfiles.com
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