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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. Have you tried this: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8588 , though what you are experiencing may just be a Vista issue.
  2. If you use the "Issues" section of CCleaner it will remove invalid shortcuts, though I just noticed it will not also delete the folder, so I agree to your suggestion .
  3. Thats ok funky, welcome back To run regedit: Click Start, Click Run, then type regedit press enter Please follow rridgely's suggestion below
  4. Yea, seems to be a working update, some paying donator must have leaked it to Major Geeks. CCleaner : 1.39.502 I don't know whats wrong with your link from Piriform, just get it from Major Geeks as Humpty Mentioned. CCleaner 1.39.502 with Yahoo Toolbar
  5. Nice one FiresInTheSky, I forgot about that one I use both Ctrl+Alt+Del or the right click trick.
  6. I'm sorry no matter what they say I'm not getting rid of Adblock Plus or PDF Download or Video Downloader or Faster Fox.... only one I'm definatly staying away from is the trojan. lol
  7. Use "Scan For Issues",then right click and uncheck all, just check off a few to remove then click "Fix Selected Issues", That is what MikeW is referring to.
  8. Haven't tried it (30 day trial available) as I usually don't download trials, but looks almost as good as the vista one. So, if this is all you where looking forward to in Vista, here it is for just US$14.95. http://www.otakusoftware.com/topdesk/ Wonder if there is a freeware equivalent.
  9. fireryone

    Windows Vista

    Some older pages Google OS @ kottke Google OS @ Topix Blog Google OS @ Gizmodo And some more up to date (~Jan 2006) Google OS @ arstechnica Goobuntu @ Wikipedia
  10. I had a feeling that someone would say that, if I posted that reply lol.
  11. ^ There should be a tutorial on "Quoting" & "Replying" that all new users are required to read before posting lol ^
  12. you shouldn't EVER run CCleaner while installing or updating an application or operating system, as it will do its job and remove all temporary files (which is where some programs uncompress files to while uninstalling).
  13. 1. Try using the recuva program and look see if the file is recoverable. or 2. Have you tried just creating a renamed text file there? Create a new .txt file and rename it x.htm or whatever random name is used and see what happens. or 3. Try using system restore, hopefully it is regarded as important enough for it to back it up...
  14. You could try it, though you may get an error message or one of those annoying "warning" noises each time the PC starts.
  15. Please tell us exactly where you downloaded and payed for CCleaner, piriform only has a paypal link for donations: Here is a sample of how CCleaner/pirifom ask for donations, you are in NO way required to pay for the software:
  16. 26,241 files and no crashing on mine
  17. Yup CCleaner is absolutly free
  18. LOL looks like most users, even those who understand, couldn't do it without access to Filehippo's Update Checker source code, If I understood that right - I'm not sure where to start with that fix so I'll leave it till either filehipo or microsoft fix it (or I go home and find out it fixed itself ...). Anyway I don't have Visual Studio 8 installed, lets hope it won't effect any more of my software....
  19. Undelete and Re-Download(as there it doesn't install, its stand alone), Thanks for the suggestion I'll try it. Will Edit this post after trying. ::Edit:: didn't work It seems to be a .Net2.0 error but as far as I know I havent changed .Net2.0 since the last time I ran update Checker... maybe I should reinstall .net2.0 Anyone know if filehippo have a hidden forum to post bugs to? Here is what I found out from Event Viewer: Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Event ID: 5000 EventType clr20r3, P1 udc.exe, P2, P3 4613cdfe, P4 mscorlib, P5, P6 4333ab80, P7 32f8, P8 26d, P9 system.io.ioexception, P10 NIL. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. The program dies when scaning local directories ::EDIT:: Re-Installed .Net2.0, update checker still crashes just the same.
  20. Just noticed it no longer works for me I had 1.008 and it started giving me crc errors during compare. So I updated to 1.010 and it crashes to windows error reporting. so no more update checking for me , back to random manual updates
  21. Well technically its software still, as you need to download the little exe, which from there checks you system and compares with known updates. So it still fitted into the software section And yes it's a very handy tool, for those who don't visit filehippo every day anyway, like me.
  22. In the future uncheck that option in CCleaner.
  23. Weird , I would have said something was wrong with your monitor but then we wouldn't see the result in a screenshot. Or it could have been a browser theme/skin, but it wouldn't be in both Opera and IE7. Plain Weird. Anyone else been using your system, ask them if they installed/changed something. Wonder if anyone else has some idea whats up?
  24. All right I'm starting to understand, thanks for clearing that up
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