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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. I'm sorry you think that way The art is beautiful, weither you believe it is God inspired or not, she still drew it!
  2. Have you tried restarting the machine since the clean? You never know the problem may fix itself. The registry backups should be in the "My Documents" folder. If neither works and you don't get any other suggestions from this group, you could try doing a System Restore.
  3. CCleaner is a very safe cleaner but clarify what you are about to clean, have a read of the beginners guide, then if still a bit confused go here and click the image you will see neer top right of that page. Start new topic relating to your question.
  4. wow interesting bug... good job on finding it Hope they get around to fixing it.
  5. In PC Authoritys latest "Downloads Newsletter" Recuva is listed second on the list: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/newsletterar..._2007_4_10.html here is there review:
  6. Not sure why, The programs must be very good at hiding the entries, and leaving them looking valid after uninstall. You could also use Zsoft uninstaller to analyse an installation to remove anything left behind by the uninstall / registry clean. Though this will only work for future analysed installations of different programs.
  7. Ok. Right Click the shortcut (not the actual batch file), click properties, go to the "shortcut" tab, go down to where it says Run: Normal and change it to Minimized. NOTE: The command window will still be there, but now unobtrusively minimized out of the way. ------------- The batch file can only launch CCleaner, it knows nothing of the CCleaner settings, etc. So in short the end-user will have to have CCleaner properly configured via the CCleaner options. Thanks for clearing that up Andavari, thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize that .
  8. To run CCleaner at shutdown initiate the batch file by double clicking it. (it will run CCleaner, once finished cleaning it will initiate a shutdown) If you would like to lessen the time that you see that "Windows is Shutting Down" notification: Right click the batch file and click edit, look for: And change the 30 to whatever you wish as low a 0 if you want. If you do set it to 0 you will have NO chance to cancel the shutdown if you initiated it accidentally ------- @ MikeW this is the batch file (it only runs CCleaner.exe /AUTO , then shutsdown the pc, those file should not be harmed) @echo off"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTOshutdown -s -t 30 -c "Windows will shutdown shortly"echo.echo To abort the Windows shutdown press any keyecho on the keyboard before the shutdown timer expires,echo otherwise don't press any keyboard buttons.echo.pauseshutdown -aclsexit
  9. CCleaner may not find those sorts of files, it is not the aim of the program. If you which to continue using a program buy it, or ask here to find a freeware alternitave.
  10. In normal (every thing is working ok) circumstances I'd advise you leave it (the registry) alone, but since we are trying to fix a problem, and you follow the directions to the letter you should be fine. Just one extra step for security of mind: For backing up the registry either: Open regedit, click File, click Export, type FullRegistryBackup.reg into the filename section, click Save or install run Erunt http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/ to backup you registry before making changes. Really you shouldn't make any damage, just adding that registry key.
  11. You will notice he allready tried that. See quote below: It seems he has been locked out via a policy by another administrator (which he is meant to be the only one), He should do as whiteshark suggested "...take a look in C:\Document and Settings\ ..." and see if any other accounts are on the machine as it may have been malware/hacked/prank etc, or just an accident using a utility to remove it.
  12. fireryone

    p2p software

    With the couple of times I've used it uTorrent seems quite good, also has an easy interface, and a WebUI version (I have not this tried yet) so you can control uTorrent from anywhere. http://www.utorrent.com/
  13. No it doesn't attach itself, you will need to manually open it.
  14. Nice, didn't think of doing a youtube search aswell.
  15. This stuff is mind blowingly good (and I don't mean just for her age!)! Akiane child prodigy painted at age 8 painted at age 11 Plenty more examples on her site all the way back to age 4! ::Edit:: And another artist, keep an eye out for the motorcycle in the slideshow Jordan A Cook 7 Years Old painting since 2
  16. fireryone


    Not sure if you (and the others) missed it, the announcement was below the beer
  17. The winapp2.ini file is a text file (opens with notepad), one you download it put it in your CCleaner directory (it won't overwrite anything, its a new file). To add an asterix to the becining of each new CCleaner entry: Open winapp2.ini (notepad), Click find, Click replace: In the "find what" box put [ In the "replace with" box put [* click Replace all, when its done (may act like it froze for a short time during replacing) click close, click File, click Save, now you done close winapp2.ini (notepad)
  18. fireryone


    Here's a link to the announcement http://mag.mypclinuxos.com/html/Issues/200704/editorial.html
  19. I love it, it would make a great forward
  20. I never liked duplicate file checkers, too much work finding out if what its found should be deleted! Let aLONE using one in beta (pre ver 1.0, as it's only 0.8.1)! I'd recommend leaving the duplicates alone, unless you have lots of spare time to check into every entry!
  21. Sounds like a great Idea should be implemented into the winapp2.ini download!
  22. great news, are there any teaser screens of 2.0?
  23. Duh, So you can be infected by one of the few Linux viruses. I think I'll stick to my iRiver
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