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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. Even though you believe you are spyware/virus free you should still submit a "hijack this" log for analysis in the appropriate area of the forum anyway.
  2. I don't think you can manually add that kind of cleaning, it will have to be programmed in with a new version. Hopefully MrG can shed some light on this for you.
  3. If you want to be sure it backed it up, just open the backup*.reg file in notepad (just don't save any changes when closing) and it should contain your entries.
  4. I've never noticed this, could you post some system spec's. You may also want to press ctrl + alt + del after running/cleaning/closing CCleaner and make sure no processes are using at 80% - 100% of the CPU other than "System Idle Process", also take note of the cpu usage thing at the bottom of the window if they are let us know. It is possible you may be low on ram, though if you don't think your system is sluggish and you have Norton running, your system must be a doozy ! my reason for saying this is its known to be a resource hog.
  5. This is not dealing with that sort of "Static IP", it is only dealing with a "local network significant " IP address the - range (or the 10.0 range if you prefer), its not the IP that your ISP sends to your modem when you connect (If your ISP has given you a static IP you could use your PC as a web/file server, and access it with the IP address). With the local network static ip set on some/all of his systems all should work the same as if it was done DHCP style, remember to keep them on the same subnet. eg. PC1 has (ip address statically assigned) with a subnet mask of PC2 has (ip address statically assigned) with subnet PC3 gets IP/subnet mask from DHCP with subnet PC1 and PC2 will not see each other, PC1 will see PC3 and visa versa (hopefully ) Its a complicated topic so I wont try to explain anymore here at the moment, search the net for more info. ---- @1984 If any of your machines receive a 169.254.#.# address they are not picking up the DHCP from the router, PPPOE vs PPPOA, some ISP's only support one of the two, call you ISP if unsure, so that would explain it if you loose connection or your connection is unusual after changing it. ie. At college one day some sites just wouldn't load and it wast host or filters, but changing it over it fixed the connection problems. I haven't done port forwarding so cannot directly help with this problem at the moment. Restarting from the beginning is a good idea, remember to reset (not restart) your Router setting as well otherwise it will keep them. ps. So your modem is separate from your router?, In that case make sure you only have one dishing out DHCP (set as a DHCP Server) so if the option is there disable the modem one, it should be unneeded now, (not the DHCP settings for the ISP, only if your Modem has a option to act as DHCP server. --- If there any stupid errors in my post feel free to point it out, willing to learn
  6. It really shouldn't be any different than plugging it in directly. I'd send/bring the unit back, then try a different brand.
  7. there are more applications supported if you install the latest winapp2.ini : Continually updated in this post. This is also alphabetized.
  8. See if recuva has created an error log : Error Logging Then post that here for MrRon as well.
  9. Microsoft Windows SE (Shareware Edition)
  10. Good choice, good old supervision :-) Here are a few "protection/monitoring" links I found. Note: I havent checked all the links , and all the descriptions belong to Naomi's Programmer All those links thanks to the Freeware Naomi Internet Filter (available unsuported since 2006) website
  11. Welcome to the forum mickeymouse. If anyone needs the updated links: HexDump LSP Explorer Theres been a few revived topics recently, though mostly for a good reason.
  12. That is also included in K-lite and Quicktime Alternative.
  13. Start / Run / iexplore Start / Run / firerfox If you are only disabling the shortcuts it may not be enough, you can still run them.
  14. Does that mean that they are collecting personally identifiable information on you..... Wonder if they send their reps overseas, It would definatly be worth taking photos of that occasion, A company company sending their rep over, we should all await the call/knock. Very interesting observation login123.
  15. Woops, yes I ment it that way, will edit my post to make that obvious . I don't like the style of most IBM's they look the same as they did in Win98 days.
  16. http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/12/macbook...ire-down-under/ Another reason not to buy a MacBook or a Dell Laptop. edit: Changed "over" to "or", Dell's blow up aswell.
  17. It is when you get sent back an advertised amount (of money) back after you purchase the item. Usually you have to Mail/Fax back your receipt and some details and the offering company will pay you back.
  18. I suppose you've tried "Quicktime Alternative"? http://www.free-codecs.com/download/QuickT...Alternative.htm
  19. I'd say the reason of using an exe instead of a registration code is that it really is "only free to install today" not on another machine on a different day.
  20. Thats all right, its better to be safe than sorry. I ran the file without checking that, Ive gotten to trust NOD32's active system monitor, maybe a little too much . By the way that was a scan of activate.exe not the setup file. I have since done a scan of the setup files with NOD32 and nothing turned up, may turn in to quite an interesting site, seeing the haven't bundled anything (noticeable) into the packages.
  21. COD2 requirements: ? Pentium IV 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1700+ processor or higher ? 256MB RAM (512MB RAM recommended) ? 3d Hardware Accelerator Card Required ? 100% DirectX 9.0C compatible 64MB REVIEW TEST system:Page with Review and COD2 requirments ? Pentium IV 3.0GHz (Northwood Core) ? 1GB Kingston V.R ? Sapphire ATI Radeon 9800PRO 128mb How does your system compare? How well did it play on the 9200? You may just have to tweak the in-game options to some lower levels. Make sure you system is using the 9600 and not an on-board (motherboard) chip. Official page on the 9600
  22. then maybe I wont let myself get around to trying it out again
  23. there, overall quite possibly safe
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