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Everything posted by fireryone

  1. All right, sorry for the mis-understanding. Lets wait and see what rridgely recommends next, seeing he recoginzes the problem.
  2. Hey Anthony, GCNbball8 above: (Post #63), bet you to it.
  3. Woops, never thought to search this one Here is another, Charice Pempengco: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...p;search=Search
  4. If you missed Americas Got Talent last year, or you, like me, don't live in the USA (or just got tired of Idol shows) You missed an awesome little 11/12 year old: Bianca Ryan: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...p;search=Search ...:Wow:... She reminded me a bit of Joss Stone and Anastasia but better in my opinion. If you have any others to add, go ahead.
  5. We are on broadband now (Internode.on.net), wouldn't go back to dial-up.... Good to see AOL changed from forcing you to use the browser, though I don't imagine we will use them again.
  6. Why are you still recommending an old version version from way back then? Just recommend the most recent version 1.40 (or 1.38 if they still have trouble with secure delete). Have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling (latest version of) the browsers?
  7. No, Darkman, layman, rbeekman, and others (no offense), should just click the "FastReply" or "AddReply" buttons cause they don't seem to understand how to use "Quote" and/or "Reply" and somehow end up just posting the quoted reply without their personal message.
  8. I hope he gets Lara back, then he is sure to get a fine price for her on E-bay.
  9. I remember when you did 'have' to use it (or at least leave it running). Back in my early 'dial-up' days we tried AOL (Before it was PrimusAOL here in Australia), Whenever you closed their browser it disconnected you from the internet.... , If there was a setting to turn it off I never found it... While I'm at it, our first internet access was on the Dreamcast it was fun typing emails (so my early dial-up experience wasn't that long ago I suppose ....)
  10. Another reason to like Firefox better.
  11. Here's my error log again, as I've been having the same problem. Not much of use in it though, as I'm forced to click cancel to get access to the system again, It doesn't seem write an error to the log. I've just run a check of my hard drive with the freeware app "HD Tune" http://www.hdtune.com/ and the drive appears to be going bad, you may want others to run the test on their machines as well, as this could be a related cause to the problem. I've twice now had to run a chkdsk to make one of our partitions work as windows refuses to open the drive, so we will have to replace this drive soon. Hope this sheds some light on the problem. --------------------Debug Report-------------------- Recuva v069 =========== System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz, 767MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 [10:56:15] === Debug Mode==== --------------EDIT-------------- Ok, I just ran a chkdsk on my C drive (the one with that stops scanning at 81%) and Recuva now ran right through and found 30206 (1108 ignored) files recoverable. The chkdsk did find various errors on the disk, so I advise anyone with this problem to run this command. Click: Start / Run Type: chkdsk C: /F /R When prompted press: Y then press Enter It will require you to restart to run the check as it is your main system partition/drive so restart, let the scan run through, then try recuva again.
  12. Your not the only one, you wont find many here singing praises for Norton, Just stick with the free AV's they are way better than Norton, If you want to pay for one I recommend using NOD32.
  13. Yea it's not hard, just share it out and set permissions and all should be fine.
  14. Well I don't know then, unusual filetype anyway... Are you having no other trouble with reoccurring registry entries. You could try the fix for re-appearing registry entries here : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8588 By the way good work sticking to freeware and staying away from pirated stuff. I do the same, just I've seen some hacking software on other pc's using squares instead of letters.
  15. Are you using any files from an Asian (or other foreign language) download or computer, as I've seen a few that have squares wherever the Computer (English based PC) can't understand the non-English letter. Do you know of any files like this on your pc? It could also be used by foreign cracks/hacks for pirating programs, as they often come from overseas.
  16. If you have "Window Size/Location Cache" selected in the "Advanced" section on CCleaner this is most likely the culprit.
  17. No, there is no switch for that, for safety reasons it will most likely not be added either.
  18. Yes, I'll have to start re-reading my posts instead of just typing it up fast with bad spelling. lol
  19. A nasty kids "brainwashing" show by Hamas infringing copyright using a mickey mouse like character. A little more than the local news shows. http://hotair.com/archives/2007/05/12/vide...de-on-hamas-tv/
  20. How much "faith" do you have in your GPS, hopefully not as much the these people. http://www.engadget.com/2007/05/11/another...early-perishes/ http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/10/motoris...-into-sandpile/ http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/20/uk-driv...their-own-eyes/
  21. Don't add it to the top of you list of things to do, but it could be a handy feature for those rare occasions, so I'll throw a vote in for it. Keep up the good work MrRon.
  22. Secure deletion has a bug in the current version, Either don't use secure delete until CCleaner 1.40 or get an earlier version of CCleaner from www.filehippo.com.
  23. You may want to post a "hijack this" log in this area of the forum not in this post, just for a checkup in case its more than a CCleaner bug but something more malicious. Also try reinstalling photoshop elements then try uninstalling it.
  24. It doesn't get my ISP. ----------
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