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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. More details of that KB4517211 update - https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-releases-windows-10-build-18362387-with-a-whole-bunch-of-fixes
  2. They are not lost, a setting has been changed and you can change it back quite simply. To reassociate your PDF's back to opening with Adobe, or whatever you want to open them with, Right click on any PDF file. Select 'Open With'. Select 'Chose another app'. Select the app you want to use to view PDFs. Tick the box 'Always use this app to open .....' Click 'OK' See the screenshots in this post: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/55455-ccleaner-browser-pdf-files/?tab=comments#comment-310603
  3. Right click any PDF file and select 'Open with' - don't select the app directly there - instead select 'Chose another app' at the bottom of the menu and then you will be shown the list and the 'Always use this app to open.....' tickbox.
  4. It's in the browser sub-forum so probably related to the browser rather than CCleaner itself? A few more details of just what is happening is probably a good idea though.
  5. It's worth making clear that MS has not 'blacklisted' CCleaner, despite what some of these headlines are implying. MS user forums are simply automatically removing any posted links to www.ccleaner.com. They haven't said why as yet, but many fora put blocks on posting any links at all, or direct download links, etc. Forum mods routinely remove advertising links from their particular forum.
  6. Smacks head; I had forgotten that it's Windows itself that stores those taskbar shortcuts, rather than Chrome storing them. (I'd been assuming this was a change in behaviour brought about by the Chrome version update).
  7. Then it looks as if Google have changed something in Chrome v77. The CCleaner devs will have to work out what has been changed, adjust CC to take account of the changes, and issue an update. For now I'd suggest that you set Chrome to clean it's own history on closing, or use either 'Incognito' mode or the new 'Guest' mode as I suggested above. (PS. I know from experience that Mozilla made some changes this month with Firefox v69 and started saving some things in different directories than previously. I have my own batch file for cleaning Firefox and have had to add some new entries to that after FFx updated to v69.0.1, - CCleaner had already picked up some of those changes which is how I first noticed them when the files still showed up in CC after I had run my own cleaner). The issue of the taskbar not showing the shortcuts that you refer to may be due to Windows last Patch Tuesday. Since that update none of my taskbar icons have a right-click context menu, and none of my system tray icons have flyouts anymore. It's a known issue for some users as a result of KB4515384.
  8. Is your Chrome 'Synced'? If so then CCleaner cannot touch any information saved in the cloud, and it will be automatically restored. So CC can clear it from your machine, but the cloud server will just sync it back again. You could try 'Incognito' mode, or the new 'Guest' mode with Chrome v77, either of those should not save your history. https://mspoweruser.com/google-now-allow-users-to-launch-chrome-in-guest-mode-by-default/
  9. I've not used (or even seen) the CC browser yet, but it's a Chromium based browser so Chrome add-ons/extensions should work with it. If an extension you are trying to add is not installing/working take a look at 'extension guard' in the CC browser tools.
  10. You don't need an extension to open all links in a new tab, it's been built into the Firefox options for a while now.
  11. Many webistes save such information as a 'Form', so try unchecking 'Saved Form Information' as well as 'Passwords' for Chrome. Or you could right-click on 'Saved Form Information' and Analyze to see if your bank has put something there, and make anything that it has an exclusion. (I don't know about Chrome but Firefox just saves all form information in your user profile as one database file called 'formhistory.sqlite'). Be aware though that some sites, especially those dealing with money, do require you to enter your password etc. every time you visit. Even if you tell your browser to save the information the website will not allow those fields to be autofilled and you have to type it in every time. It's a security measure so that if your device is ever stolen the thief can't just automatically access you money.
  12. It may be that your recycle bin has become corrupted. It does happen and while confusing it's not a serious problem. See this for how to reset/fix it - https://www.thewindowsclub.com/recycle-bin-is-corrupted-windows
  13. I do know something about the situation with Malwarebytes licences, they have tightened up on their checking of licences and this has had 2 effects. Just to note that Malwarebytes no longer issue new lifetime licences - but do still honour existing lifetime licences. So if you see a Malwarebytes 'Lifetime Licence' for sale or a licence for multiple installations then it's almost certainly a fake or scam. (I say 'almost certainly' because there are a very, very, few genuine lifetime licences still held by authorised resellers who bought a large block and still have a few left). The first issue that has arisen is that there are/were a lot of counterfeit/cracked licences out there, bought off e-bay and the like. These have always been blocked where identified, MB have just recently got better at identifying and blocking them. The second issue is that although genuine lifetime licences were only ever for one (lifetime) installation on one machine, the MB licence server would allow leeway of up to 3 installations to make transfering your valid licence to a new machine easier. So some people have been using this leeway to use one licence on more than one machine, and some have even been buying one licence and then selling it 3 times. (e-bay again). MB changed the process of moving a valid licence from one machine to another and so are more strictly enforcing the one licence one machine rule. If you want it on more than one machine then you need more than one licence, or a multiple or business licence. You can see Malwarebytes official statement about lifetime licences and those issues here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/249277-lifetime-license-issue/ If you are having issues with your Malwarebytes licence then see this: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/249141-having-licensing-issues-after-a-malwarebytes-upgrade/
  14. As Negral has said not many of us have the CCleaner browser. (I don't have it myself). If the Browser is cleaning itself when you close it then you will need to change the browser settings to stop it doing that. (Just as you would with any other browser). Go to the Security and privacy centre and change the cleaning settings to keep you history, etc. To access the Security & Privacy Center click the CCleaner Browser icon in the top-right corner of the CCleaner Browser screen. If you are also using the main CCleaner application then remember to also tell that not to clean the browser history, etc. when you run it. You can find the documentation for using the browser here: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner-browser
  15. I've had Win 10 since it first came out and never really had any real problem with any updates until this one. A few glitches and annoyances yes, and TBH (apart from the CPU high usage thing which has been fixed) even these latest glitches are an annoyance rather than any real problem.
  16. Ah, my apologies. I was looking at the Windows version not the Mac version. The Mac version has the three options - Single pass, 7 pass, and 35 pass. https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner-for-mac/ccleaner-for-mac-settings/ccleaner-for-mac-file-deletion-settings Note that a lot of the CCleaner documentation is somewhat out of date and they are working on rewriting/updating it. It would appear that 'Single pass' has been renamed to 'Zero out' in the Mac version of CCleaner. (Because that's what Mac's own Disk Utility calls it).
  17. KB4515384 did fix the high CPU use issue, but brought a couple of issues of its own. For some users 'Search' has stopped working, the Start Menu is broken, the taskbar behaves oddly, and wifi is unavailable. On my laptop the Start menus is OK but the search has gone altogether, there are no longer flyouts for the MS items in the System Tray, and no right-click context menus for any items in the taskbar. It will also no longer find available wifi networks, clicking 'Show available networks' does nothing - but it will connect to those already in the 'Known Network' list, and you can add new networks to that list if you know the name/password (find them with your phone). None of that is bad enough to stop you working, just not what is expected and a PITA. There is a possible fix for the wifi issue here, (that didn't work for me, neither did changing the driver or uninstalling/reinstalling the wifi adapter). Or you could uninstall the KB, the article tells you how: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-fix-network-adapter-after-installing-update-kb4515384-windows-10 For now I'm leaving it as is until MS come up with a fix.
  18. I've tidied this thread up and updated the links above.
  19. Where is that quote from? (There is no member here with that username). Easy Clean uses its own cleaning rules, which are different from what you have set in Custom Clean. So it analyzes things that your Custom Clean doesn't. On mine Easy takes about 7 secs to analyze, Custom takes about 2 secs.
  20. Good to hear it's sorted itself. I do have another thought about what might be going on here. It's a bit esoteric but could explain why this isn't getting reported much as an issue, and why it eventually it goes away (until next time?). CCleaner used to clear Old Windows Update Files, but stopped doing this a while back after Windows 10 changed the way it utilises those files. It may well be that the Smart Cleaning analyze routine never got updated and so is still seeing these as files to be cleaned, but the main CC itself no longer sees/cleans them. Eventually (a week, a month?) Windows will remove those files itself when it has finished with them, and so Smart Cleaning analyze would no longer see them. As I say that's a guess, but it would seem a possible explanation of what has been reported and the fact that it cures itself after a while.
  21. I'm not sure what you are meaning? Where can you see "zero out" as a setting? I only see the following: "Zero Filling" a drive is a different thing to wiping free space. Zero filling is a disk formatting technique that overwrites everything on the drive, not just the free space. The equivalent in CCleaner is selecting "Entire Drive" to wipe rather than "Free Space Only". CCleaner will not let you select "Entire Drive" for the system disk (usually C:) because that would remove everything including the Windows operating system.. See this: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/10143/zero-filling
  22. There may be a rounding difference for parts of a MB, and the files to clean may grow between the analyse and the clean. ie. analyse may show 44 MB, but clean show 45 MB. If you are seeing larger differences then could you provide some screenshots?
  23. See this for an explanation of why you will always see these files in CCleaner: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043
  24. I can't say for definite without checking the others. But 'depricated cookie' will always be recreated if/when you delete it. If you open it in notepad you will see that it's just a notice that cookies are no longer saved there.
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