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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Are you using the Easy Clean option of CCleaner? Easy Clean uses its own settings and will always clean firefox. Instead use Custom Clean which gives you more control over what is cleaned and what is not. You can make Custom Clean the default in Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen. In Custom Clean go to the Applications tab where you should find Firefox. Alter the settings for Firefox so that it does not clear your Saved Passwords and Saved Forms, that should stop the loging in issue. (Although for some sites your login status may be saved as a cookie, so you would have to untick 'Cookies' as well if that's the case). Also untick Internet History of you want to retain your browsing history. Here's what mine looks like, you can see that the forms and passwords are unticked so will not be cleaned when Custom Clean is run. (They will still be cleared if I run Easy Clean though). PS. A few users will see the new Health Check instead of seeing Easy Clean, the advice above is the same whichever you see.
  2. They are having a few issues with the licence server and are planning to upgrade it. https://forum.piriform.com/topic/55373-ccleaner-expires-today-3-months-before/?tab=comments#comment-311064 In the meantime these suggestions about new licence registrations may help: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/55373-ccleaner-expires-today-3-months-before/?tab=comments#comment-310162
  3. You need to use the Custom Clean and in the Applications tab untick the entry for 'Adobe Reader DC'. If you use the Easy Clean then it will always delete Adobe Reader files. (Even if you have unticked it in Custom Clean).
  4. The option is "Wipe MFT Free Space" - not delete the MFT. (Which is not something you should do anyway, it would make your computer unusable). From the CCleaner documentation:
  5. Mmm. It may be that the first install with health check has set a registry entry which also triggers it in the later download. (I recall similar when Quick/Easy clean was being trialed, I could turn it on and off by changing a reg entry). I've not seen Health Check yet other than screenshots, but suspect it may be being "previewed" in the same way. I'm not at home at the moment but when I am I'll have a search of my registry to see what I can find. If you uninstall CC and then reinstall from the builds that may get rid of it for now. As you have a pro version you can raise it with support (sorry can't link from this phone) but TBH just like Easy Clean did, Health Check is coming and everyone will get it, probably with v5.63?
  6. The CCleaner browser is Chromium based, so any Chrome extensions should work happily with it. Just add them as you would with Chrome.
  7. Just to check. You don't have 'Only delete files in Recycle Bin older than 24 hours' selected do you? It's in Options>Advanced. If that is ticked then it could explain why CC will find them to delete today, but ignored them yesterday. (If you had only put them in the bin yesterday or maybe the day before)
  8. I believe that if you download the Standard v5.62 installer from the 'Builds' Page then it will not yet include the new Health Check feature. (Although it will be in future versions). https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds If you use the regular download page then you may (or may not) be given a 5.62 version with Health Check included as an advanced preview.
  9. I'm not sure why CCleaner is getting stuck there but I would try cleaning the cache from within Chrome itself to see if it clears the blockage. See this for how to do that https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en I do think/recall that there can be a problem with 'compact database' in Chrome that only Chrome itself can clear.
  10. Is there any indication of what file/category it is sticking on? If you use Custom Clean then it should be written just below the green progress bar. If you use Easy Clean it should be written underneath each of the 2 icons.
  11. That setting is already there - You change it in: Options > Settings > CCleaner Home Screen. Whichever one you pick becomes the default screen you see each time that you open CCleaner. As said above Easy Clean uses it's own rules and will always empty the recycle bin, regardless of what you have set in Custom Clean. If you don't want the bin to be emptied then you must use Custom Clean, and tell it not to empty the bin.
  12. Indeed, but there is a difference between 'do not need' and 'should never be'. TBH I wouldn't defrag an SSD but that's not to say it should never be done. It may have been advisable never to do it when SSDs were a new technology with the number of write operations being low. But I think like a lot of things the technology moves on and the 'wisdom/advice' takes longer to catch up.
  13. Report of the same/similar error here: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/55627-script-error/
  14. This looks to be the same error as one that has already been reported and @Dave CCleaner is looking into it. See this thread: [threads merged]
  15. Most people will say that you should not defrag a SSD only Optimise/trim it, others will say it's OK to defragment a SSD. It's a matter of opinion, with the 'do-not-defrags' in the majority. Windows itself will occassionaly defrag an SSD. (MS says it does it in 'an inteligent' manner). Try having a read of this: https://www.easeus.com/partition-master/defrag-an-ssd.html
  16. Just to note that the name of the official product is CCleaner. (Only two 'Cs' not three). 'CC Cleaner' is the name of a fake disguised to look like the real CCleaner name. Avoid 'CC Cleaner' (with 3 'Cs'). https://www.enigmasoftware.com/cccleaner-removal/
  17. Not since the latest update, TBH the lack of search is not really bothering me at the moment so I'm not making any special efforts to restore it. It was handy for launching regedit, device manager, etc. but there are always the old ways of doing that, just takes a few more clicks. (or I could simply put them on the taskbar). PS. Search in file explorer is still working fine.
  18. Nope it shows up but it's as if it doesn't really exist. If you right click in it then you get the standard taskbar context menu, ctrl+v doesn't work for pasting into it either.
  19. There are different types of PDF files which can be handled differently by software. It may be that the CCleaner browser can save some types but not others? I don't have the CCleaner browser myself, but it may be worth taking a look in your settings. For instance Firefox recognises 5 types of PDF and can handle each type differently: Or you could change things so that PDFs open into something other than the browser, see my previous post.
  20. Dunno, I might give it a go later but I'm in the pub at the minute. Like I say it's not a problem, you can do things another way.
  21. It wasn't, it was hidden. (Of course I couldn't see that before - no taskbar context menus). However turning on the icon or even the searchbox still does nothing other than display them. It won't even let me type anything into the searchbox. Not a great problem, I was mainly reporting that the others had been fixed. I'll see what happens on patch Tuesday.
  22. I just downloaded and installed the optional KB4517211 and it has cured the issue I had with no Taskbar context menus or System tray flyouts, both of those are now working again. It has also cured the issue with finding available wifi networks. Still no 'type to search' on the start menu though.
  23. Yes these are nothing whatsoever to do with CCleaner - Other than the fact that they have 'stolen' the name to try and fool people into thinking they are downloading CCleaner (or whatever other programme name they have chosen to steal/use). What you are actually getting is some malware that is pretending to be something else. They only ever use the names of genuine software that many people will be downloading, to try and fool as many people as they can. This is why you should only download software from the 'official' site(s) for that software, and not from any sharing sites.
  24. This error is usually a problem with a Visual C++ redistributable, (some have also reported that it often happens with a corrupted Chrome browser, usually following an update to Chrome, and reinstalling Chrome fixes it). See this for more info on how to fix it (Method 2): https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/windows-10-error-the-application-has-failed-to/5c6a015e-4162-491d-b7d9-f3b13612e304?auth=1
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