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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Well, there have been indications that Win 10 2003 (currently known as 20H1) may be 'released to market' in December 2019, - 3 months early. (Who knows what they'll call it then?) Which may help explain why 1909 didn't have new features apart from a couple of mediocre changes?
  2. I suppose that what MS said is fair enough then - it seems an odd problem and if you are happy with 1903 then keep using it. Not a real fix for the problem but sometimes you just have to be practical and stick with what works for you. (And hope there is a real fix later). I had a few niggles (not problems) with 1903 that 1909 has cured. PC= Personal Computer, with the emphasis on personal, each one is set up differently with different components and software installed.
  3. Sounds very odd, 1909 is not all that different to 1903. It was more of a fix update rather than a full feature update. Reliability History usually has errors in there and reports them back to MS, if you haven't turned the reporting off. Most users aren't even aware that these errors are hapening as they don't usually stop things working. I do note that you say you tweaked the registry to stop RB using high CPU, have you tried undoing/reversing that tweak in 1909? It could be that 1909 has fixed the original high CPU problem and is now balking at your tweak? PS. MS support seems to be pretty useless these days
  4. As Hazelnut has said the staff have advised that you contact support seeing as it is a special business version. I'd note a couple of things: The Technicians edition is not cheap, you may be better (your pocket will be) with a home version either a PRO subscription or simply the Free version. Malwarebytes will not clash with CCleaner or vice-versa, they do entirely different jobs. (I'm not sure why your chap thought that they might clash?). MB is an Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus/Anti-Ransomware application it does not clean junk files, - CCleaner is a junk cleaner it does not protect against malware. I have both on my machine, as do many others, without any problem.
  5. Thread moved at members request.
  6. I note that you have the 'Technician Edition' installed, did your "guru" install that for you? That's a special business version for computer technicians - it's not something we would normally see on the user forum so I'm not sure whether you would need special steps to uninstall it. Edit - I've asked the question of the Piriform staff.
  7. Ahh, Windows 10 feature updates, the ones that change the version number ie.to 1909, will (annoyingly) remove old programmes that it thinks are 'Incompatible' with the new version, and doesn't warn you when it's doing it. This is supposedly to safeguard you and avoid the 'old' programme crashing Windows. It doesn't remove them completely and it is possible for a while to get them back, but it's usually better just to reinstall the latest up to date version of the removed programme, if there is one. https://www.howtogeek.com/243581/windows-10-may-delete-your-programs-without-asking/ Alternatively you could roll-back the Windows version, but you only have 10 days to do that following the update. Go to Settings>Update & Security>Recovery>'Go back to the previous version of Windows 10'. I still suspect that it was your AV and not Windows that would not let you install a new version of CCleaner, some AV's do not like the Standard installer because it contains 'offers', the Slim installer does not contain these 'offers' and so the AVs let it install.
  8. Mmn, TBH that sounds like MS marketing. I don't even have a MS account anymore (deleted it) and don't have any problem without it. Of course if (like me) you were conned into thinking that you had to have a MS account for Win 10 (MS marketing again) then there may be more unwanted stuff that you can't get rid of while you still have that account. (I wish it was as easy to stop Goggle sic. putting/updating unwanted stuff on my phone)
  9. I'd also suspect your anti-virus if you are having issues with other programmes as well. For example you can see on various forums that the latest Kaspersky update is causing quite a few problems.
  10. CC can't uninstall all of the pre-loaded apps from Win 10, they are 'protected'. Sonething that can remove unnecessary pre-loaded stuff is AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes, it has to be version 7.4 though - earlier versions couldn't touch them either. It can't remove all Win 10 apps, some are built into the OS. Note that AdwCleaner is not a rival to CCleaner - They do very different jobs. Use Adw once to get rid of junk apps, use CCleaner regularly to get rid of junk files. You can download the latest AdwCleaner herehttps://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/?channel=release:
  11. Isn't translator wonderful I believe that the OP is talking about Easy Clean and the 'Review' options: If you untick an option then it will not be cleared. If you leave it ticked then it will be cleaned. Note that with Easy Clean/Health Check you have to do this everytime you do a new clean, it will not 'remember' what you ticked/unticked last time.
  12. nukecad

    How can it be?

    If you compare the figures you can see that there is a difference is in the Windows System files. Particularly the Windows Log files. Cleaning up the system after a recent Windows Update? But the big culprit is the Recycle Bin, there is around 16 GB more in the second image, showing that you must have deleted a lot of large files. Which is the difference thatt is showing in the top line figures.
  13. To use an old saying- If it ain't broke don't try to fix it.
  14. To see that pop up in EC you have to click on "Review junk". EC uses it's own rules and ignores anything that you have set in Custom Clean. So yes EC is ignoring your checked or unchecked box (es). If EC used your custom settings then it would be Custom Clean.
  15. Note that in Custom Clean you only need to untick the box there once and it is remembered for future Custom Cleans. If you are using Easy Clean/Health Check then you have to remember to untick the box there every time that you run a clean, it doesn't remember it.
  16. nukecad

    Microsoft Edge

    You can't completely remove Edge from Windows 10. (Articles that say you can are not telling you all the story, they are only talking about the Edge browser). You can disable or uninstall the Edge browser, - but core components of Edge are needed for other Windows 10 apps to work. Edge is built into the Operating System and is used by other apps/programmes not just the browser - if you could remove it completely then Win 10 (or parts of it) would stop working. This may change in the near future when the Edge browser becomes Chromium based as standard. (You can get trial/beta versions of Edge Chrome now if you want to). So even if you do remove the Edge browser other things are still using Edge components and so can leave stuff to be cleaned. Because Edge and IE are built into Windows 10 as standard then CCleaner will always show the catagories for them. If you don't want CCleaner to analyze/clean Edge then use the Custom Clean and simply untick all the boxes for Edge. If you don't use IE browser then you can untick those as well, but leave the 'Temporary internet files' other apps use those as well. (Note that Easy Clean/Health Check will still clean them no matter what you have ticked/unticked in Custom Clean).
  17. Could you give more details, and maybe a screenshot? Just in case you don't already know- To make a screenshot press the 'alt' and 'prt scr' keys when you have CCleaner open and active. That puts the window content into your clipboard. Then in your next post press 'alt' and 'v' (or right click and select paste).
  18. It always find stuff in a second or third running because Windows automatically recreates some files immediately after you have deleted them. If you do this multiple times then Windows will pause recreating them while it tries to work out what keeps deleting them. So it looks like CCleaner has finally got rid of them, but they'll be back again minutes later. If you don't want to constantly keep seeing these files then make them an 'Exclude' in CCleaner, so that it will ignore them. eg. One of them is "C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\deprecated.cookie". If you delete that it just comes back again, so exclude it and CC will then ignore it. (On my machine I also have 3 Adobe font files excluded, again if not excluded CC deletes them and Adobe just puts them back again). Alternatively these may be files that are being synced back to your machine from the cloud, usually by your browser. To stop those coming back you have to delete them from the cloud, or turn off syncing. See 'Secondly' in this post for more about what these files are that Windows automatically recreates: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043
  19. Agreed, and agreed, to both those points. (But we don't have any real say in that, as volunteer moderators we can suggest but....). It's often been suggested in the past that CC should make a backup of the files that it removes. The big problem there is that if you are clearing files to free up disc space, which is part of what Health Check boasts, then making a backup of the removed files defeats that object because the backup will still take up that space. The same applies to Windows own Disk Clean-up and Storage Sense; they don't have a backup option either and for the same reason.
  20. I'm aware that this can also happen if you have recently updated to, or newly installed, Malwarebytes version 4 on your machine. It doesn't always happen, it depends on how you have MB set to register/not register with the Windows Security Centre. If it is set to register then it will turn off Defender. (Any 'traditional' anti-virus programme that you install does that). If it set to not register then both Defender and MB4 will run side by side quite happily, giving you double protection. I gave a bit more information about that here: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/54677-malwarebytes-4-now-rtm/?tab=comments#comment-312012
  21. CCleaner can find duplicated files for you, - but you have to select which, if any, you want to remove yourself. CCleaner cannot make that decision for you, only you know which you want to keep and which you want to remove. You would not be happy if CCleaner removed the wrong duplicate. Only ever remove duplicates of your own files, photos/videos/documents/music files/etc. that you have saved. Don't remove any duplicated system files, copies of system files are often needed in more than one location and deleting them may (will) stop your computer working properly.
  22. As Nergal said above it is an error with the licencing server. We have now been told that a new server is being installed this weekend, and that until that is up and running these (incorrect) renewal notifications have now been turned off so you shouldn't get any more.
  23. Not really other than revisiting the website so that it gives you the cookie again. The same would also apply for anything removed by Custom Clean as well, once they are gone they are gone. Unless you have made a 'mirror image' backup of of your system that you can restore? PS. A normal backup wouldn't do, it would need to be a 'mirror image'. https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4241/how-to-create-a-system-image-in-windows-7/ (You might be able to do something with Recuva, - if you have not done anything on your computer since wiping them, and of course you would also need to know the filename in which the removed cookie(s) were stored in order to know which file(s) to restore. TBH I suspect that it would be a fruitless attempt and I doubt that I'd even try it myself).
  24. This tells you how to manage, increase, or even disable the pagefile size for each disc: Usually it's best left to the system to manage the pagefile size required, if you set it to a custom size you could set it too small. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/77692-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10-a.html
  25. Are you getting an error message when the install fails? If you are then letting us know what that message says will help work out what the problem is.
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