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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Fine lets see if we can work out what is happening. Firstly- I suspect that when ccleaner finishes that it checks if you have 'Run when the computer starts' ticked (or anything else) and changes the reg entry(s) based on if it's ticked or not. So that would change it back to /AUTOS. (unless you have put the extra space on the end). I'm not sure why /AUTOS is not running on your machine. One big question though - When you say that 'no cleaning is done' how are you checking that? That is to say how do you know that no cleaning has been done? Have you tried what I said above about leaving Task Manager open and seeing if CC is running as a background task when you restart? Have you tried restarting , waiting a minute or two (without doing anything) and then doing a CCleaner Analyze to see what it finds? Again as said above if it has run a clean at start then there should only be a couple of files found by the analyze.
  2. I agree with that. And perhaps change the button to read something like "Run a clean in background when computer starts"?
  3. The estimated time is bascally just a guess, I always ingnore them in any software. How long a Recuva scan will take will depend on what options you have set, and of course the size of the drive(s) to be scanned. Modern drives are much larger than they were just a few years ago. I'm not really familiar with Recuva myself but I'd leave it running.
  4. Sorry for the delay in responding. After some testing on my Windows 10 1909 (64-bit) I can confirm that "Run CCleaner when the computer starts" does set the switch to /AUTOS rather than /AUTO. However it runs on startup as expected. In fact further testing showed that both the /AUTO (no space needed) and /AUTOS switches run CCleaner with both Boot and Restart. I believe that /AUTOS is a combination of the two old switches /AUTO and /S (silent). @gofo is it simply that you are expecting a CCleaner window to open when you boot/restart your computer? /AUTOS doesn't do that - it runs a clean in the background so that you don't see it. (Which is what it should do). If you leave the Task Manager window open showing processes and then restart your computer do you see the CCleaner running as a background process when it restarts? It should look something like this, and then after a minute or so the CCleaner background process will end (unless you have monitoring enabled in which case it wil stay running): Further if you then open CCleaner manually and do an analyze it will only find a couple of System files that have been recreated since CCleaner ran at startup.
  5. I'm still not sure what is happening with the original question here. Nikg, Please start your own thread and state just what problem you are seeing, give as much detail of what happened/is happening as you can.
  6. Yes that is what I was saying. It looks like a bug in CCleaner. I am not at home at the moment, but when I am home I will test it to see if does the same here.
  7. I believe that what the OP is saying is that CCleaner is setting it incorrectly in the registry and they are having to correct it manually.
  8. Personally with an SSD I'd just let Windows handle it, for a more in-depth answer about defragging SSDs try reading this: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheRealAndCompleteStoryDoesWindowsDefragmentYourSSD.aspx
  9. As you say this is a very old thread and so is not relevant to Windows 10, or the latest versions of CCleaner. Windows 10 versions 1903 and 1909 have know issues with some wifi connections, this is marked as 'resolved' but isn't (until you update your wifi driver) and there are other wifi issues that aren't noted on the Microsoft official page. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/release-information/status-windows-10-1903#231msgdesc My 1909 ocasionally (usually) won't automatically connect to wifi on boot-up, but it's a Windows 10 issue not CCleaner. (For a while it wouldn't even show any wifi networks at all). My solution was to write a quick batch file to connect to wifi. Type the following into notedpad, adding the name of the wifi router that you want to connect to (no space after the=) netsh wlan connect name= You need the 'name=' and then your wifi name. Save it to your desktop with a '.bat' extension (eg. Connect-wifi.bat). Double clicking it will then open a command window, connect to the wifi, and close the command window. It may take another couple of seconds to show the connection in the system tray. As this is an 11 year old topic I'll now close it. Please start a new topic if you require more help.
  10. Maybe that's just what they had easily to hand to fill up the USB when testing? (Plus if they used their own video footage there would be no potential copyright issues).
  11. Different defragmenters work in different ways and so do different things; See this post (and the link therein) for a fuller explanation:
  12. There is no real need to defrag an SSD. Indeed some say that you should never do it. However that is a bit out of date and was meant really for older SSDs that had a small write/erase operations limit, so zero filling a drive would use up some of that limit. If you did it often enough you would soon reach the limit. Newer SSDs have a much larger limit so it's not the same problem as it was. If you have Windows 10 then as well as optimising it will ocassionally do a defrag of SSDs. As to your question about renewing your licence - if you don't renew then you will lose your priority access to the support team and lose automatic updates, (when was defraggler last updated?), but everything else should work as it does now.
  13. Unfortunatley not. A secure delete with overwrite is intended to overwrite the original file to prevent it being recovered. So it has done what it is supposed to and securely deleted and overwritten the files. Unless you have a backup on another drive or in the cloud the file is gone.
  14. Maybe as part of a factory test? It's pretty standard practice to pull an occasional item off a production line and give it a test, so it could have been pulled, files loaded onto it to test and then deleted, then put back on the line.
  15. If you run Easy Clean in CCleaner debug mode and just do the analyze and then close CCleaner without finishing the clean, then the log shows you what Easy clean is looking at. https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/troubleshooting/running-ccleaner-in-debug-mode That's not as simple as what you are suggesting, but it is a way of seeing what Easy Clean/Health Check is looking at on your computer setup, it will be different depending on what apps you have installed. As an example here is a section from an Easy Clean debug log I ran a while ago, you can see at the end of the lines what it was looking at:
  16. That is the expected behaviour if you turn off the warning, people would not be happy if CCleaner closed their browser without prompting them first. However you are correct that it's a bit odd that once the browser warning has been turned off the only way to get it back, without editing the registry, is with an uninstall/reinstall. (Uninstall/reinstall will reset the relevant registry entry). If you are confident editing the registry there is a registry setting that you can change. For Firefox it's "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner\ShowFirefoxCleanWarning" (values are True or False). There are a couple of other CCleaner warning messages that act this way, with their own registry entries for warnings rather than the general entry "HideWarnings". This is presumably to give a bit more control about which warnings will be displayed and which not. (And allow you to set different on/off of warnings for different browsers). Here's a clip of the relevant reg entries on my laptop (note that the general "HideWarnings" is 1/0 rather than True/False):
  17. Advertising links in your signature are not allowed by forum rules, (Rule 6:VI). https://forum.piriform.com/announcement/15-forum-rules/
  18. We have seen one a couple of similar reports - and the problems cleared themselves without further action from the users. It seems to be a Windows issue not CCleaner. A Restart of the computer may clear the issue. ('Restart' not 'Shut down' if it's Windows 10). It's unsure but it seems to be the new multi-clipboard feature in Windows that may be causing it, even if you are still using the single clipboard. The multi-clipboard is still being developed/tweaked by Microsoft so it's possible for it to change without warning. Another issue is if your clipboard is synced and so storing clips in the cloud - CCleaner can't touch those. CCleaner can clear the local clipboard files stored on your machine, but it can't delete things off Microsofts servers (the cloud). This explains more about how the multi-clipboard and syncing works, and tells you how to clear clips/history from the MS syncing servers: https://www.howtogeek.com/351978/using-windows-10s-new-clipboard-history-and-cloud-sync/
  19. Did you run the registry cleaner? If you did then it's probably removed something that Chrome needs. Modern browsers, and Windows 10 itself, change that quickly that registry cleaners can't keep up and shouldn't be used anymore. (Except for advanced jobs like cleaning a computer after it's been virused - and even that is of debatable use). CCleaners registy cleaner is going to be moved to the advanced tools for that very reason. If you did use the registry cleaner then you may have to reinstall Chrome to get it working properly.
  20. The offline message in Health Check is missleading. It means that the servers cannot be contacted to check for software updates, etc. Not that you are offline - we are told that it will be reworded. To use the Pro features though you need to run Custom Clean and not Health Check. Health Check is a simpler clean and is meant for less technical people. - You do need a bit more computer knowledge to use the pro features.
  21. Is this with a particular browser? It may be pre-loading and so when you think that you have closed it it is still running in the background - and CCleaner can't clean browsers (or any file) that is open. Edge in particular can be a problem for that reason. You can check in Task Manager to see if is still running in the background even though you have closed it's window.
  22. You can check if it is cleaning either by turning #3 on so you get a notification which will show if it's working when you close the browser - and/or after you have closed the browser open CCleaner and in custom clean doing a analyze to see if it finds anything to do with the browser.
  23. Have you selected an 'action' for each browser as well as 'enabling' browser cleaning? If so which action? The actions are: Do not monitor browser. Prompt me to clean on closing. Automatically clean on closing with notification. Automatically clean on closing without notification. Do you have items ticked to clean for each particular browser? Automatic browser cleaning uses the settings you have ticked in Custom Clean. Do you have your browser(s) synced? CCleaner can only clean the history, cookies, etc. stored on your machine, anything that is synced will be restored from the cloud next time you open the browser.
  24. You might find an apk somewhere else (I've seen one) don't be tempted - unless you really want a virus on your phone.
  25. As far as I know CCleaner for Android is only available through the playstore - it's a Google restriction thing.
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