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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. That will be because the Free version does not have the option to clean your browser(s) on closing. The Pro version does have that option, but it's an option you don't have to use it and you can simply turn it off. Go to Options > Smart Cleaning and either: Uncheck 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' to stop automatic cleaning of all your browsers. (In the free version this cannot be checked at all, see the screenshot below). or use the drop down list next to each browser name to use a different action for each browser that you have. That will stop CC cleaning the browsers automatically when you close them. But running CC manually will still clear those authentication passwords unless you also uncheck 'Saved passwords' (and possibly 'Saved form information') for the browsers like this for Firefox:
  2. I've pointed the staff to these last couple of posts.
  3. It could be a USD to Canadian dollar conversion, but doesn't seem right? I'm in the UK so the Pro offer is £9.95 GBP, but the cart here shows that local sales taxes are included - Vat @20%. Which points to a possibe reason for your discrepency. Earlier this week, on a different forum, someone was complaining that VAT was being added instead of their local tax. (That was on a different product, Malwarebytes, but also in a Black Friday sale). We eventually worked out that he was using a VPN, the sales software read his VPN IP as being in Europe, and so it applied the European sales tax - VAT. (Even though he was paying in USD; that's not too unusual people do occasionally purchase things online in other currencies but pay their local tax on them). Interestingly the 2 different prices you quote are exactly 20% different, which is the current VAT rate. So if you are using a VPN I'd try turning it off while you make the CCleaner purchase. I'll also flag your question to the Piriform staff. @Dave CCleaner Hopefully the VPN thing will work and/or Dave will get back quickly as the Black Friday sale ends tomorrow.
  4. You have obviouly not read the recent posts above. There was a fault on the licencing server that was causing incorrect renewal notices to be sent out. Firstly, in mid November Piriform put a block on the incorrect notices being sent out, - in fact they blocked all 'expires today' notices being sent out whether they were correct or incorrect. Last week the faulty server was replaced with a brand new server, - The issue has already been fixed.
  5. You will need to contact support and they should change it for you with no fuss. There is a form you can fill in here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Alternatively you can email your support question to: support@ccleaner.com
  6. Use the 'Slim' installer from the link I gave in the previous post.
  7. You should be able to drag it larger, either sideways or up/down. - But it has always had a set minimum size and you can't make it smaller than that. That minimum size was increased in March when v5.54 was released, a lot of people suddenly noticed it was bigger than they were used to. It's all to do with the minimum size needed to show Easy Clean, and they have no plans to change it.
  8. Two questions occur to me. 1- Are you using Easy Clean/Health Check? Those use a a 'standard' set of cleaning rules that you can't modify. If you want more control over what does or doesn't get cleaned then you have to use Custom Clean. (The clue is in the different names). 2- Why do you have 'important docs' in your trash? Would you keep important letters/documents in your waste bin at home? I cannot believe that anyone would put something important in the trash. PS. You are aware that Windows itself will periodicaly empty your trash?
  9. If I could just add an ammendment to Nergals instructions (Which are originally from 2012, last updated in 2018). With windows 10 you no longer need to enter the full pathname, and don't need the quotation marks. You don't even need the .exe anymore. And you don't need to specify whether you are in 32-bit or 64-bit, CCleaner will run the correct one for your system. Of course you can still use all the above, but you can save a little bit of typing. The following is now sufficent to run CCleaner (32 or 64 bit) in debug mode: Edit - The logfile will be saved in the folder where the main CCleaner program has been installed, usually C:\Program Files\CCleaner.
  10. You may want to check your firewall settings to make sure that it is not your computer that is blocking the connection. We have been told by Admin in another thread that you should specifically check that the 'healthcheck.ccleaner.com' web service is allowed through your firewall.
  11. It's one of the consequences of syncing. To share things like you history, bookmarks, etc. between your devices they have to be copied onto the iCloud servers, from where they are then downloaded to all your synced devices. You have to login to your iCloud account to delete whatever is stored there. https://support.apple.com/en-lamr/HT204247 For CCleaner to be able to do that it would also have to be able to login to your iCloud account, and it just doesn't have that capability. TBH I'm not sure that you would want an application to be able to access you syncing account. Think about if a virus/malware got to it, it would then be synced to and infect all of your devices.
  12. If the history is being saved on the website server, or the browser server if you have your browser synced, then CCleaner can't touch it there. CCleaner can only clear what is on your device, which you say it is doing, but it can't delete things on somebody elses severs.
  13. It has been known. When 1809 was first released it deleted some user files in some very specific circumstances and so was pulled 3 days after launch. The specific circumstances were if you had set up folder redirects from the standard Documents/Pictures/etc. folders, say to put them on drive instead of C:, and if you had left files still in those folders on C:, then the files left in those folders on were deleted by the 1809 update. (The files on were still there). https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2018/10/09/updated-version-of-windows-10-october-2018-update-released-to-windows-insiders/ Whilst I doubt that was the cause here it does show that Win 10 updates can do funny things if it comes across something non-standard. Carmella; Have you tried doing a search of the disc for the missing filename? It may have just been moved. (Or you may have saved it somewhere you didnt mean to). If you were working in Word then as long as it wasn't the first time you have saved that file it should have made a backup when you saved the file. It will have the same filename but with the extension .wbk instead of .doc or .docx. You can just change the .wbk to .doc or .docx to be able to open it again. Those and other ideas for getting a lost word file back can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/word/recover-lost-document
  14. It's probably the Registry Cleaner, you should not use it on a regular basis and especially not if you have Windows 10. Here is what Microsoft have to say about the potential for registry cleaners to break your machine: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities
  15. It has been like that for years, and the problem even has its own thread for reporting: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/42888-the-wrong-temperature-thread/?tab=comments#comment-259016
  16. It's called advertising and every company in the world has to advertise or go out of business. If you use the free version of any software that also has a paid for version then you will get occasional reminders to buy the main version, especially if there is a money saving offer going on at the time. Even if you are using a paid for version you will get notifications of any sale offers - how else are you supposed to know about them? It will take you all of half a second to dismiss any notification that you are not interested in. TANSTAAFL. In this particular case you should get no more than a maximum of 4 'Black Friday' notifications, and they will stop when the half price offer ends next Tuesday.
  17. By 'no installer' do you mean the Portable version or the Slim version? Bitdefender currently seems to have a problem with the bundled offers in the 'Standard' installer. If you want to install CCleaner on a computer with Bitdefender then use the 'Slim' installer and Bitdefender will behave itself. If you don't want to install CCleaner on the computer then use the 'Portable' on a USB stick. You can find all 3 versions here - https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  18. Coincidence? - You talk about something that hasn't happened for months and then ... Just to make it very clear - This is not the main Malwarebytes4. This is a standalone Anti-Exploit module that is now a beta test bed for things that may be added in future to the Anti-Exploit module included in the main Malwarebytes programme. You can't run this and the full Malwarebytes at the same time, the full Malwarebytes already includes it. (Without the test bits).
  19. Just to note that if you use Easy Clean (again) then ticking/unticking those options will have no effect whatsoever. Those options are only ever used by Custom Clean. Easy Clean completely ignores them and uses its own set of rules. (And it will always clear the Thumbnail cache). PS. You should avoid using the registry cleaner, especially with Windows 10. Here is what Microsoft have to say about registry cleaners: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities
  20. Did you raise a support ticket? This is a user forum and everyone here is simply a user willing to help other users by giving their experience when they can. This is mainly to help those who are using the free version and so dont' have access to the paid for support, but we will try to help everyone where we can. You probably did not receive a reply here on the forum as your query seemed to be about a licencing problem which other users can't help with - you would need to contact support directly for those. There are some Piriform employees who help on the forum, their user names end with either "CCleaner" or "Piriform". (eg. "Dave CCleaner"). Whilst they can give more 'official' help they are not technical support either. To receive the technical or licencing support that you paid for with your Pro product then you must contact the support team directly. There are email contact addresses on your purchase notification, one for purchase support and one for technical support. For technical support you can go to: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us and click on 'Submit a request' at the top right. There are also many Frequently Asked Questions and their solutions on that page. Alternatively you can email your support question to support@ccleaner.com
  21. The documentation for the home version can be found here: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner Some of it can be a bit old, (eg. no mention of Easy Clean), they are working on getting it up to date.
  22. Yes, Endpoint is a term used in computer networking to refer to the device(s) at the 'end of the line'. As a simple example think of a spoked wheel without a rim, the network server will be at the 'hub' (that's where the name comes from) and the endpoints will be the computers at the tip of the spokes. It's more often used in these days of mobile computing to refer to any device that is outside of the corporate firewall. eg. Mobile laptops that communicate with the company server over the internet. Are you using CCleaner Network edition for business use? Because that is the guide that you are quoting from. (If however you are using the home version then reg. backups will just be in your 'Documents' folder. To restore one simply Right-click on the .REG file you want to restore and select 'Merge').
  23. I can't think of any reason why a drive wipe should kill your internet connection? (Just out of interest is it always the same drive being wiped, so the 3rd on initially, when it kills it? and I assume that you have rebooted following the first time). But a 35-pass wipe is overkill, just 1 pass is sufficient these days. 35-pass is only still there for legacy reasons. (and because if you remove it someone will shout that the wiper isn't thorough enough, if they want to wast their time on unnecessary passes then fair enough). Have a read of this : https://www.howtogeek.com/115573/htg-explains-why-you-only-have-to-wipe-a-disk-once-to-erase-it/
  24. When you say that you 'lost' the icons do you mean that they went blank or that they dissapeared altogether? (or have they changed to show something else). And are they icons (little logos) or are they thumbnails (little pictures of what is in a file)? For example CCleaner and defraggler here are desktop Icons, 'bluebell' is a thumbnail of a photograph. CCleaner should not delete/clear the desktop icons. However Easy Clean will always clear your thumbnail cache by default. (But not your Icon cache). Custom Clean can also clear your thumbnail cache but you can turn it on and off in Custom Clean. I suspect that these are thumbnails (not icons) and Easy Clean will always clear them. If you don't want them clearing then you have to use Custom Clean and untick 'Thumbnail cache' under 'Windows Explorer'. You can set Custom Clean to be the default screen that CCleaner will show you when you start it: If these are actually Icons that are being cleared then something is wrong and we would need to take a closer look. PS- Just to check something - are you also running the Registry Cleaner as well as Easy Clean?
  25. Yes - 1909 got the taskbar/system tray (and the searchbox) back to normal working for me. Just to note that while I don't have CC monitoring on, I do have one non-MS application that starts at boot and sits in the system tray. MBEA standalone. Occasionally for some reason Win 10 will not let it launch at boot time and so the icon doesn't appear in the system tray. (MBAE, being a security app, does give a pop-up warning if that happens though). Most of the time it's fine, which to me suggest that it's a Windows 10 issue/glitch. Something else is occasionally preventing MBAE from launching at boot and so it simply times out? Being an intermittent issue I've so far not been able to track it down, but a reboot works for that one. So it may be your Win 10 itself that is preventing CC from launching at boot for some reason? Another thought- Do you have 'Fast Startup' enabled in Windows? That is know to cause various problems, so if it's on then try turning it off. https://www.howtogeek.com/243901/the-pros-and-cons-of-windows-10s-fast-startup-mode/ Note that Win 10 settings have changed slightly since that was written. In "How to disable...." you will need to make an extra click than mentioned there. After selecting 'Power options' you will need to scroll down a bit and click: Additional Power settings. That gets you back to the screenshots in the article
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