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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Isn't it just a case of clicking on 'Programs' in Win 7 ? (Don't have Win 7 to hand). Icons can occasionally go missing from the CP. As a workround in this case you can press 'Windows Key'+'r' to open the 'run' window and type in appwiz.cpl That should open the Windows uninstaller for you. You could make appwiz.cpl a desktop shortcut, I'm not sure where it is located on Win7 (it's usually in the system 32 folder) but a search in file explorer should find it.
  2. Did you already pay for and recieve an activation key? Unfortunately a PC key won't work with a MAC version, or vice-versa. So you can't just download the other version and put your key in. Fortunately if you contact Piriform support they should be able to transfer your a current valid MAC key to a PC one. You can contact support using the form at https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or just by emailing support@ccleaner.com
  3. In CCleaner go to Options>Smart Cleaning and in 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' change the action for Chrome to "automatically clean on closing without notification." (Or you could turn of Smart Cleaning of Chrome on closing altogether).
  4. It sounds like you have inadvertently downloaded CCleaner Browser, which has associated your files with the browser. Almost all newly installed browsers will do this and reassociate how files are opened. The possible inadvertent downloading of CC Browser will become less possible shortly (in a few weeks we are told) but can still be annoying for now. What can you do about it? This talks about PDF files - but it is the same process for any other file that has been reassociated. You just have to set the file association back to whichever programme you want to open those files with:
  5. The offered bundle (One of Avast, CC Browser, etc.) should appear on the first screen of the installer at the bottom, but they are small and pre-ticked and many say it is easy to miss them if you are not looking carefully. Unwanted bundle installs have been a complaint for a number of years, usually from those who simply did not read carefully what was there and see that it was pre-ticked. (Although there have been a few cases where the offer wasn't shown so that you could untick it but still downloaded anyway, happened to me once). As a response to the complaints there is a new version of the installer that makes the offers much clearer by putting them on a seperate, second, page with big, clear, 'Accept' and 'Decline' buttons - but it's still being trialed and while some will see it (about 25% of offers) not everyone sees it yet. I'm not sure when it will become the default offer screen, but it shouldn't be far away now. PS. CCleaner will not 'Protect' you - It's a junk cleaner not an anti-malware application. If you need any help with restoring your default browser, or anything else the CCleaner Browser install may have changed (it usually also changes PDF associations and icons), then please ask.
  6. It is not that unusual to see that message when working with the file list. The message usually means that one or more of the fragmented files is either protected by Windows, or more likely has been reopened between you analyzing and running defrag, and so it cannot be defragged at that time because it's open again. (The rest of the selected files will have been defragged). If you OK that notification to get rid of it then you should be able to see in the file list which one(s) didn't get defragged. Windows Defender is often the culprit for reopening files after you have analyzed, and it spreads files all over the disc so it usually the top of the list for having the most fragments, but there are sometimes others. If you analyze and defrag again it will usually complete. Or if the file is still open then analyze will ignore it.
  7. I wasn't defending/promoting Defraggler, simply pointing out that comparing different defragmenters logically is an almost impossible task. You don't know exactly what each one is defragmenting, apart from the starting conditions usually being different one may be more thorough than the next, one may be ignoring less fragmented files, or so on. As I say above it's down to user perception which suits them the best, when you find one you like stick with it.
  8. So to analyse that - What you are saying is that after Defraggler had done most of the work with the difficult/more fragmented files you stopped it, and then a different defragmenter did the rest of the easy/less fragmented files quickly. The different defragger(s) didn't have to deal with the difficult/more fragmented files because Defraggler had already done them. So it's hardly a basis for a meaningful comparison. It's not just the total number of fragments, it's how much each particular file is fragmented that counts. For example the ones that Defraggler did may have had hundreds of fragments for each file, whereas the ones left after you stopped it may only have had one or two fragments per file. You would need to know how long the other defragmenters would have taken with the original, more fragmented, files to make a meaningful comparison. Which is why it's always difficult to compare different defragmenters, it's very difficult to make sure that they are starting with exactly the same amount of fragmentation. (You would have to make an exact mirror copy of the fragmented disc with all the fragments intact before starting a comparison). So usually all you can rely on is your own user perception of which is the best for you.
  9. What did you loose? CCleaner only cleans out temporary/log files. (unless you explicitly tell it to do something else).
  10. Although widely available/leaked the 'stable release' of Chromium Edge is still in preview/beta and is not yet released as a full production version. The CCleaner developers are working on it and cleaning was introduced in the CCleaner v5.61 beta. https://forum.piriform.com/topic/54563-ccleaner-beta-edge-chromium-v561006/ There is also Chromium Edge cleaning included in the winapp2 user extension for CC. https://forum.piriform.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/
  11. To stop the warning notice when CClener launches then in CCleaner go to Options>Settings and tick 'Skip User Account Control warning', (or the equivalent in French). If you don't want CCleaner to run automatically when your computer starts up then make sure that this box is unticked:
  12. If you go to the webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions in CCleaner Browser then you should be able to add the extensions from there.
  13. If you are downlodading to the standard location ("C:\ProgramFiles\CCleaner\") then that sounds as if your Anti-Virus is removing /quarantining it, check your Anti-Virus logs to see if this is the case. v5.63 was given a new security certificate and the old certificate revoked - some AV's have yet have to update their allow lists. So they are still looking for the old certificate, and when they don't find it they will remove CC because they think it has the wrong certificate. If it is your AV doing it then try doing a manual update of your AV definitions to make sure you have the latest. If that still doesn't cure it you could make "C:\ProgramFiles\CCleaner\" an exception in your AV which should then leave it alone.
  14. The ones that fix themselves are the easiest.
  15. Can you give more details of the problem you are having launching the programme? A screenshot or even a description of the error message should help.
  16. I would suggest that you install the latest version which is 5.63. (Uninstall 5.62 first if needed from the Windows settings or control panel). There has been an important change to security so even if you weren't having a problem with 5.62 then you should update it to 5.63 anyway. PS. Don't use the registry cleaner as a regular tool, it is not meant for that, will not 'speed-up' your computer, and can cause it to not work right. It is a specilist tool for use to try and repair a broken computer. Please come back if you need more help installing 5.63.
  17. Hi, I've merged these two threads about the same topic and will point the Pirform staff to the merged thread.
  18. I'm not sure why it should be doing that, it's unlikely but possibly be something to do with this? https://www.ccleaner.com/news/blog/2019/10/21/ccleaner-version-563-preventative-update-as-part-of-our-zero-tolerance-policy-against-cybercrime There was a widely publicised download link to an advance copy of 5.63 before it was officially released, I suspect that would have had the old certificate so if you do have that one it may be shouting because the security certificate is not the latest? Again that's just a guess on my part. Personally if I was seeing update messages like you are then I would simply download a new copy of the 'slim' installer from the builds page and (re)install that, hopefully that will set the flag to say that you do have the latest version and stop nagging you. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  19. It sounds that you have installed the CCleaner browser which has changed your file associations. See this for how to change them back, it talks about PDFs there but the process is the same for any kind of file just the programme you want to open them with changes:
  20. It sounds like you used the registry cleaner and wiped out the file associations for those filetypes, repairing MS Office reset the associations. Registry cleaning is not something you should do on a regular basis, it's a specialist tool for trying to repair a broken computer. It will not 'speed-up' your computer or make it run any better. You should especially avoid running any registry cleaner if you are using Windows 10. Here's what Microsoft have to say about it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities
  21. If it's just the CCleaner icon that has dissapeared from the desktop then you can easily put it back. Open file explorer and go to- C:\Program Files\CCleaner In there you will see CCleaner.exe and CCleaner64.exe Right click on the one for your machine (32-bit or 64-bit) If you are not sure which your machine is then just use CCleaner.exe In the menu that pops up click on 'Send to' and then on 'Desktop (Create Shortcut)' That will put a new Icon on the desktop for you. This shows Windows 10 file explorer but it's similar for all other Windows versions. (You'll see more files than shown in this screenshot, I've deleted some of the standard files from my machine).
  22. I thought that I had, using multiple passes when wiping will be slow (and is not needed). Were you meaning something else?
  23. Using multiple passes will take a long time, and is unnecessary. See this post and the article linked there: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/54792-freespace-wiping/?tab=comments#comment-309341
  24. Leftover folders will not slow your computer down if they are empty. They may take some badly written 'scanning' programs a little bit longer. Most programmes will see it's an empty folder and just move on. If there is something in that folder then you may have to delete it yourself as nergal says above.
  25. Additional- You can use these tools to find out which country the GeoLocation filters say your IP is registered to. Just click on either one, or both, to see where they think that you are located. (My guess is that that they will say Iran and not Spain). https://www.iplocation.net/ https://www.ipfingerprints.com/
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