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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Well it was a bit of a waste of time. Changing it to point to CCleaner64.exe just resulted in the permissions pop-up and a slow launch, with the SKIPUAC becoming unticked. When I ticked it again it changed the scheduled task back to CCleaner.exe I'm not sure why its doing this as it is CCleaner64.exe that is running. (I checked it in the resource monitor). Oh well, we live and learn. Scheduler selections are: Run only when user is logged on. Run with highest priviledges. Configured for : Windows 10 No triggers defined Actions defined as in my previous post No conditions selected Settings selected are: Allow task to be run on demand. Stop the task if it runs longer than - 3 days. If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop. Run a new instance in parallel. PS. Not sure where in the world you are but have you been out to take a look at the lunar eclipse?, It's in full eclipse right now.
  2. Yes, I was just looking into that after reading that SKIPUAC used the scheduler. The action is "C:\Programme Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" $(Arg0) I'm not sure what that argument should be? Or whether that should be pointing to CCleaner64.exe? EDIT Think I'll try changing it to point at -64.exe and see if that does the trick. (Trouble is that to replicate the problem I have to do a reboot as it only happens the first time).
  3. Mmmm, Turning off SKIPUAC resulted in the Windows pop up asking for permission to let CC make changes to the computer. CC did launch quickly when confirmed though. Turning SKIPUAC back on brings the slow launch problem back. Looks like the account check is causing the problem then. Not sure why it should suddenly start happening with this version update, but who knows what the coders have changed. Oh, well. I suppose I'll either change the user account control settings in windows, roll back to the previous CC version, or just put up with the initial launch delay until the next CC update and hope that fixes it. Thanks for the help.
  4. Already posted in OP - Win10 64-bit. AV is Windows Defender, plus weekly scans with Defender, SAS, and MBAM CC activie monitoring is off. SKIPUAC was on, will turn it off and see what happens. (Will need a reboot to replicate the problem). As I say I have made no changes other than updating to v5.10.5373 last Friday. To repeat this only happens the first time I run CC in a session, after that it opens quickly as normal.
  5. The latest CC free version, v5.10.5373 (64-bit) is verrrry slowwww to launch. Doesn't matter if I double click the icon, or right click and select run. Both are taking 10 to 15 seconds before the CCleaner window opens. This only happens the first time I open CC in a session, If i've opened it (slowly) once, close it, then open again, it comes up as normal (in about 1/4 second). Windows 10 64-bit. Intel Celeron CPU N2840 @ 2.16GHz, 4.0GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics.
  6. In Win7 'Windows Defender' is only an anti-spyware programme, which is why you have MSE as well. From Win8 onward 'Windows Defender' became a full anti-virus programme, so you don't need the separate MSE. (But they kept the 'Windows Defender' name rather than MSE which can cause a bit of confusion). As Andavari says you need to make MSE an exception so that CC doesn't clean it's logfiles. What is happening at the moment is that you are cleaning out the file that tells MSE when it last did a scan. As it can't find this information it keeps thinking it has never done a scan and so tells you it needs to do one. I had a similar thing after updating to Win10, with Defender always wanting to do a scan. I just unticked Defender in the 'applications' list so that it's log doesn't get cleared and the problem went away.
  7. Say YES and close it, or wait a while before running CC. When you close Chrome, or any other browser or software, it dissapears off screen but is still running in the background for a while saving settings, history, cookies etc. (the stuff you want CC to clear). Saying yes to that message forces it to close straight away, similar to stopping it with the task manager.
  8. Basically - does it realy matter - are we just being a bit OCD? So we've got a few logfiles and cookies hanging about for now, so what. If you are that short of discspace that a few files is a problem then it's time you got a bigger disc.
  9. I posted a (partial) easy solution to this Edge cleaning problem the other day. Take a look at this link: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=44251&p=265400
  10. OK, after applying the above CCleaner still skips Edge files now and again, presumably because somthing is still accessing its database. But it does clean the Edge files now and again. MMM. having trouble attaching the screenshot - double click it to enlarge.
  11. So I was seeing the same as others - Edge files were just showing as 'skipped' in CCleaner. I have managed to get CCleaner to clean out the Edge files; heres how: Opened up edge. Clicked the three dots, top right Clicked Settings Clicked clear browsing data 'Choose what to clear' Selected all options went back to settings Clicked Advanced settings 'View advanced settings' Turned them all off except - block pop-ups, Send Do Not Track requests, and SmartScreen filter Exited from edge. CCleaner now cleans Edge files for me. EDIT It may be that only the 'Choose what to clear' bit is required. I'm not entirely sure that the Advanced Settings step is needed; but thats what I did and I'm not going back to change them again. I usually use Firefox anyway.
  12. My 2$ I believe that these two reg. entries are connected to the cloud storage "OneDrive". (although I could be wrong I haven't dug that deeply). OneDrive is embeded in the Windows 10 OS. Even if you turn OneDrive off as a default storage option it is still there as part of the OS, and so will recreate these reg. entries if you delete them. This is not a bug, just something new in Windows 10. Make them an exception and you won't be bothered by them. I expect the developers will make them a general exception in the next CCleaner release.
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