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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. This has already been reported, and workarounds given: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=44723&hl= It seems to be something to do with the User Account checking on the first run of CCleaner after startup, (and after a Windows Update Check if one runs). We believe that the developers are working on it. The workaround that is doing the job for me (Free version) is to have Active Monitoring turned on. This way I only see the delay after a Windows Update Check runs, (or if I run one manually).
  2. When CCleaner is run on startup it runs in the background; and cleans out cookies etc. using the options you have selected without opening a window. So what you are seeing (or rather not seeing) is normal. If you want to check this then open the Task Manager as soon as you get to your desktop and you will see CC running there as a process, and closing once its has finished cleaning. (Unless you have active monitoring turned on that is, in which case it will keep running i the background).
  3. I think that we have established that this issue is mainly to do with the User Account Control (SKIPUAC setting). Which may be why you are getting different results with an Admin account and a User account. (and that is an interesting pointer to the problem in itself).
  4. Hmm, not with my laptop. Boot time from pressing the power button to desktop is still the same at around 12 to 15 secs, including the time it take me to type my password. (Makes no difference if CC active monitoring is on or off). Yes of course the CC initial startup delay is still there, I still see it if I turn off the active monitoring. But with AM on once I'm at the desktop I can launch a browser (or whatever) straight away without stopping CC running in the background. So when I do come to open CC it comes up straight away.
  5. "I dont see a link" Do you mean that you have no desktop icon for CCleaner? Have you actually installed it? or just downloaded it? Once you have downloaded the installer you have to run it to install the programme. Open Fie Explorer and browse to your 'Downloads' folder. Double click on "CCsetup511.exe" The installer will run, answer the questions it asks about language, etc. An Icon will appear on your desktop.
  6. Still getting the 15 second delay with 5.11.5408(64 bit), skipuac selected, run on startup not selected. My latest workaround- I have found that turning on Active Monitoring means that again CC runs in the background on startup so you don't see the delay. (Similar to the 'Run on Startup' workround mentioned before). The difference is that using the 'Active Monitoring' rather than the 'Run on Startup' means that launching a browser does not stop CC running in the background. And yes, despite what you may have read elsewhere, you can run Active Monitoring with the free version.
  7. "We've found that the dots from at least one line of printers encode the date and time your document was printed, as well as the serial number of the printer," So what? A date and a printer ID, hardly identifying you and stealing your info is it?
  8. Cheers, I should have thought of that. (XP is out of support so the definitions would not get updated anyway).
  9. Be careful here: In Windows 7, Vista, & XP Defender is only anti-spyware. It was only with Windows 8 and above that it became a full Anti-Virus when they incorporated Microsoft Security Essentials into Defender. If using Win7, Vista, or XP then you should use MSE as well as Defender.
  10. Yes, there is true freeware and 'not so freeware'. Piriform are among the Good Guys, giving you the choice of either Free or Paid For with extra features. (And no I don't work for them). If you have only just found this then you may want to take a look at some others that work in the same way: 'Superantispyware' and 'Malwarebytes' are both highly recommended (some would say essential) and work on the same principles, with a truly free version and paid for versions..
  11. So this new thread today about CCleaner Cloud http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=44851&hl= talks about "enhancing user account management". Coincidence that the problem here seems to be with skipping the user account control?
  12. nukecad


    If you are talking about being slow to launch then this is already being looked at. Follow this link: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=44723&hl=
  13. I had seen the reports about the greyed out button issue, but thought it was a seperate thing. the previous post by menace seems to indicate the (subjective) time delay is similar, and so it suggests that it may be the same thing? Maybe Win 8.1 is showing the GUI but not responding for 15 secs, whilst Win 10 is not showing the GUI for 15 secs? Still seems to be the SKIPUAC that is causing this behaviour. PS. I have gone away from the run-on-startup work-round and have just turned off SKIPUAC for now.
  14. Not a typo, I hate the thing and always call it that. With a bit of luck it will catch on.
  15. Hot off the press. I just double clicked on CC and it was taking the 15 or so seconds to launch again. So, after what I noted in my last post, before doing anything else (didn't even run CC) I went to Windows Update. And yes there is an update waiting there to be installed, So it does look like Windows Update is having an effect on this issue. Again, hopes this helps any dev. looking into this.
  16. I just have to laugh about this "Windows 10 is spying on us" paranoia. Win10 is new and so it is getting all this shouting from those who don't understand the world as it is now. Give it six months and they will be shouting about some other 'new' thing. If you want to get paranoid then take a look at what Google and Faceache are harvesting about you. Note- thats the way Google, Bing, YaHoo, etc. etc. work. They catalogue everything that is put online, if they didn't then you would not be able to search for it. If you don't like it then don't connect the the internet, turn off your phone, never use a card to pay for anything, close your bank account, and try to get rid of your social security number (good luck with that one). My personal paranoia theory- Google will be running the world ten or twenty years from now and the current governments will not be able to do a thing about it. And to be honest I'm not sure that this would be a bad thing.
  17. I like that analogy; but I suppose it depends on whether the OP is old enough to remember the Yellow pages? Apparently we are all abandoning some aspects of our memory and leaving it up to our devices instead. I know that I don't bother memorising phone numbers like I used to. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-34454264
  18. Some more information/testing for any Piriform coder looking at this delayed launch thing. I had noticed a return of the delayed launch of CC after Windows Updates so decided to take a look. (Took a while because of the way Windows Updates work with Win10). So I tried this today. Boot up. Let CC run on startup. After a while double click CC to launch; comes up immediatey. Go to windows update and check for upates. Finds a 'Definition Update for Windows Defender' and downloads/installs. Close Windows Update. Double click CC to launch; takes around 15 seconds to come up on screen. Close CC. Double click CC to launch; comes up immediatey. So It looks like this is definitely a Windows 10 issue, and probably to do with (Defender?) Updates. Looks like Windows is changing a flag on boot and/or on updates; I'll leave it to the devs to track it down.
  19. Guaranteed to make everyone go and take a nosey. LOL.
  20. Just a bit more info: The launch at startup work-around does work.... BUT If you forget this is running and launch a browser (Firefox in my case) during the initial delayed period, then this stops CCleaner running in the background and you will get the delay the first time you launch it manually.
  21. Mmm, just had this slow launch again, even though I had been logged on for over 2 hours. (Maybe the launch at startup hit a snag?) EDIT- It's because I launched a browser whilst CC was in the initial delay period; see post #30 below. Anyway just in case one of the Piriform coders is following this, here is what I'm seeing at boot with the launch-at-startup selected- Boot the laptop and open task manager. CCleaner is shown as a background process, and has reserved 1.8 MB RAM but is not active. After 10-15 seconds CCleaner then starts using the CPU and accessing the HD.
  22. Again good to see that I was not the only one having this issue. Thanks for the input.
  23. Yes, if you install chrome then CC will recognise that its there and add it to the applications list. By your pic not uploading do you mean an avatar or an inline screenshot of your problem? If its an avatar then I have just been having the same problem. For some reason the forum would not upload any pic from my PC (.jpeg or .png) to use as an Avatar. Got round it by uploading the pic from a url instead. If its one on your PC that you want as an avatar try this: Attach the image to a post using the 'Attach Files' in the full editor. When it shows in the post right click on it and select 'Copy link Location'. Go to your settings and select 'Change my photo' Paste the link location into the 'import a photo from a url' box. Click 'Import', click 'Done' I've just done it exactly that way with the attachment below.
  24. Good to have confirmation that it wasn't just me seeing this. The workaround that I gave in post #18 is doing the job for now so I am not looking for any other solution. I would advise anyone with the issue to do the same and set CC to automaticaly launch at startup. With your Windows 10 you can just use Windows Defender. Theres no need for a third party AV. Defender has been a full AV since Windows 8 when Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials were merged into the one programme. It runs in the background, takes up very few resources, and the definitions get updated daily in the background. With Windows 7 (and earlier) Windows Defender was not a full AV, it was only Anti Spyware, so you need a separate AV. Most guys I know are using Windows Defender to monitor, and then once a week run scans with Windows Defender, Super AntiSpyware, & Malwarebytes. Thats what I have been doing since Win8.1 and have never had more than a couple of PUPs show up. (Advice- run CC before running SAS, otherwise SAS wastes time finding and quarantining all the cookies).
  25. The shortcuts (desktop, start menu, and metro tile) do, and always have, pointed to CCleaner64.exe, it just seems to be the scheduler that doesn't. I probably would never even have noticed this if I wasn't looking round because of the delayed start thing. Anyway what I have done to stop this delayed launch bothering me is to set CC to run on startup. (A bit superflous as I usually run it right before I shutdown). That way the initial launch runs as a background task when I boot, so I don't see the delay. This means that when I do later come to run CC from the desktop it launches immediately as normal. This doesn't cure the delayed initial launch thing, just means that I don't see it. I've watched it with task manager and it still takes about 15 seconds to launch, enough time for me to open the task manager and sit waiting for CC to launch as a background process. This may also explain why others are not seeing this delay, if they also have run-on-startup set then the delayed first launch is happening in the background. Thanks all again for your inputs.
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