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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. You need to give more information. iPhone, Android Phone? What do those have to do with a 240 GB SSD? Where are these 'warnings' comming from? What is issuing warnings? And where does CCleaner come into this? Can you explain better what the problem you are seeing is?
  2. That is interesting information that may help the developers track down what the issue may be. I would suspect that not many people leave CCleaner open for later, most will open it and run straight away.
  3. A bit of extra information might help someone pin it down: Can you still see the C drive in Windows own defragmenter? Is it an HDD or an SSD? Which Windows version are you running?
  4. You should have Disabled and not Deleted. The wording in CCleaner is confusing - Delete on that screen just removes it from the list in CCleaner, it doesn't stop it running at start up. You will now need to use the Windows task scheduler to stop it from running at startup. (Or uninstall/reinstall CCleaner so it shows in the list again). I'm on my phone at the moment so can't give full instructions on how to do that. Try googling 'remove items from Windows start up' or someone else may be along to give help.
  5. Firstly you should not run the registry cleaner on a regualr basis, especially with Windows 10. It can cause problems or even break your machine if used indiscriminately. It's a specialist tool to be used sparingly in certain situations and not used as a regular cleaning tool. (It is going to be moved to the advanced tools section of CCleaner for that very reason). Do you have Bitdefender? Is it Running? It may be a False Positive by the Registry Cleaner and either Bitdefender is protecting it from removal (AVs do that for their own files and reg entries) or CC may be removing it and Bitdefender recreating it. If you have previously uninstalled Bitdefender then how did you uninstall it? As said above most AVs will protect their own files and settings, to prevent malware removing them; this means that you should use their own uninstallation programmes to remove everything. Windows or other uninstallers may not be able to remove all of those protected files/settings. Bitdefender has it's own uninstallation tools: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2791/ The tools themselves can be found here: https://www.bitdefender.com/uninstall/ (You may need to reinstall Bitdefender and then run the uninstallation tool to remove it completely).
  6. To defrag system files you have to defrag them before the Windows OS loads. You do this in Defraggler by running a 'Boot Time' Defrag. On the menu at the top click on Settings>Boot Time Defrag>Run once. You will be prompted to ask if you want to reboot now - You can say yes and your machine will reboot and defrag the file system, or say no and it will defrag next time you reboot.
  7. They may be holding on for the official release of Edge Chromium, which is slated to be 15th January. (It will probably be part of this months Patch Tuesday update). We are promised a couple of other changes (Health Check as standard, and a change to the way bundled offers are made) as well as the Edge Chrome cleaning: https://ideas.ccleaner.com/roadmap
  8. Other things than IE and Edge themselves use their storage space, and can put cookies there. For example Skype among others uses IE storage, Cortana is one that uses Edge storage, as do some 'live' tiles such as weather apps, etc. that change all the time. There is also a permanent IE cookie named 'deprecated.cookie' which if deleted Windows will automatically recreate, so you will always see that one. It just contains a message for developers that simply says "Cookies are no longer stored in files. Please use Internet*Cookie* APIs to access cookies." (If you use Custom Clean you can tell CCleaner to ignore it, but you don't have that option with Easy Clean/Health Check so they will always find it everytime).
  9. I'm unsure about any CCleaner browser setting, - but could you not simply install the applet on the client (remote) machine as well as the host and then connect remotely using the app rather than the browser? (If you are using various remote machines that are not yours then presumably they will have some other browser than CCleaner browser anyway).
  10. File system error -1073741819 is a User Account error and (usually) has a surprising fix - by changing the Audio scheme. This shows how to do it using either solutions 1 or 2, it also gives 2 alternative fixes that involve more work: https://appuals.com/file-system-error-1073741819-on-windows-10/ If that doesn't fix it then there are more technical solutions to try here: https://www.xtremerain.com/file-system-error-1073741819/
  11. TBH the quickest way is to only defrag the files that are fragmented rather than defragging the whole drive. Run analyze and when it's finished click on 'View files'. At the top left of the list (next to 'Filename') click on the box to tick all the files. Then click 'Defrag Checked' to defragment the files.
  12. This issue has been flagged up for the developers to take a look at it.
  13. Simply click the Stop button to stop the defrag wherever it is up to, it will finish defragging what it is currently working on and then stop. Files that are already defragged are already defragged. Then start again when you are ready to defrag the rest.
  14. I've flagged both threads up for the staff to bring to the attention of the developers.
  15. Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?
  16. It may do, The OP of this thread is running Win 10 but it's also 32-bit. If I was one of the devs I would be looking at if it's an issue with 32-bit Windows, or 32-bit CCleaner. (And of course you won't have Edge on Win7, so it's obviously not that which is giving you an issue).
  17. Fair enough, the linked post from trium also shows the same message. (And checking about I can find a few other examples). But it still looks very odd to me, and my points from above still stand. Why have a countdown on an error message? Is it going to send the message after 5 minutes whether you click to send or not? And why say "The Application CCleaner has quit unexpectedly" making it sound like the message has come from somewhere other than CCleaner itself? Why not just "CCleaner has quit unexpectedly"? I'm guessing that the problem that caused the error is related to Edge preloading/running in the background, that seems to be a common problem at the moment.
  18. I don't like the look of that error message. I don't like how 'unexpectedly' has been cut off like that to start with. Why does it have '5 minutes remaining'? And if CCleaner has crashed then how is it going to make any kind of report? It just doesn't look right. I wouldn't put your email address in there. (I wouldn't try to send it). I'll see what I can find, if it's a genuine error message it needs revising.
  19. No problems, if there was an issue then we would want to try and track it down. It does seem from what you say that CCleaner is running, and cleaning, at startup. (But you were a bit eager to look for the results). Windows 10 does present you with the desktop quicker than 7, but it can still be doing startup tasks in the background for another few minutes. You can see this by watching Task Manager after booting. You might want to take a look at AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes. It's not a rival to CCleaner, it does a different job. What the latest versions of Adw can do is remove unwanted/uneeded start up items and background tasks that the computer manufacturer has put there.
  20. It's simple when you know how: Go to Options>About and click on 'Upgrade to Pro.' Enter your key and name in the box that comes up and click on 'Register' to re-register your existing key.
  21. Unfortunately the Duplicate File finder is only available in the Windows version of CCleaner and is not included in the Mac version. This is also the case with some of the other tools available for Windows, they are just not available in the Mac version. It is because of the different ways that the operating systems work, in particular the Mac's Sandboxing. You can find the (admittedly out-of-date) documentation for CCleaner for Mac here: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner-for-mac This might be a clearer overview of CCleaner for Mac's functions/capabilities: https://www.pcmag.com/feature/294508/ccleaner-for-mac/1
  22. Fine lets see if we can work out what is happening. Firstly- I suspect that when ccleaner finishes that it checks if you have 'Run when the computer starts' ticked (or anything else) and changes the reg entry(s) based on if it's ticked or not. So that would change it back to /AUTOS. (unless you have put the extra space on the end). I'm not sure why /AUTOS is not running on your machine. One big question though - When you say that 'no cleaning is done' how are you checking that? That is to say how do you know that no cleaning has been done? Have you tried what I said above about leaving Task Manager open and seeing if CC is running as a background task when you restart? Have you tried restarting , waiting a minute or two (without doing anything) and then doing a CCleaner Analyze to see what it finds? Again as said above if it has run a clean at start then there should only be a couple of files found by the analyze.
  23. I agree with that. And perhaps change the button to read something like "Run a clean in background when computer starts"?
  24. The estimated time is bascally just a guess, I always ingnore them in any software. How long a Recuva scan will take will depend on what options you have set, and of course the size of the drive(s) to be scanned. Modern drives are much larger than they were just a few years ago. I'm not really familiar with Recuva myself but I'd leave it running.
  25. Sorry for the delay in responding. After some testing on my Windows 10 1909 (64-bit) I can confirm that "Run CCleaner when the computer starts" does set the switch to /AUTOS rather than /AUTO. However it runs on startup as expected. In fact further testing showed that both the /AUTO (no space needed) and /AUTOS switches run CCleaner with both Boot and Restart. I believe that /AUTOS is a combination of the two old switches /AUTO and /S (silent). @gofo is it simply that you are expecting a CCleaner window to open when you boot/restart your computer? /AUTOS doesn't do that - it runs a clean in the background so that you don't see it. (Which is what it should do). If you leave the Task Manager window open showing processes and then restart your computer do you see the CCleaner running as a background process when it restarts? It should look something like this, and then after a minute or so the CCleaner background process will end (unless you have monitoring enabled in which case it wil stay running): Further if you then open CCleaner manually and do an analyze it will only find a couple of System files that have been recreated since CCleaner ran at startup.
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