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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Disks these days are getting very large, so things like defragging the whole disk, wiping free space, or scanning to recover deleted files is going to take a long time. You can speed that up for defraggler by just defragging the fragmented files and not trying to do the whole disk. After analyzing the disk: click on 'view files', click the box at the top left to put a check mark next to all the files found, and then click on 'defrag checked'. That will defrag just the fragmented files and will take minutes instead of hours.
  2. Again, CCleaner is compatible with Chrome, (and other Chromium based browsers). What makes you think/say that it isn't? If you are having a problem then give us the details of what is happening, and we can work out why it's happening and how to put it right.
  3. Note that this Malwarebytes 3-months trial key givaway is planned to end at the end of this month, if you want a trial key then get it now.
  4. @Luciano Sartoris do not put a screenshot of your email address and registration key in plain sight. If you do that then anyone could steal them, use your key to steal your registration, and bombard you with spam emails or worse. What 'name' did you use when you purchased your registration key, you need to use the same name to register the key. (Not you email address, unless that is what you used for the name).
  5. To expand on nergal's post. In CCleaner go to Options > Smart Cleaning and click on the arrow next to the browser name. That gives you options on if you want to clean the browser when you close it, and if you want to see a notification or not. Or untick the boxes to turn off Smart Cleaning altogether.
  6. Not quite. Those are the 2 'older than 24hrs' settings from Options>Advanced. "DelayTemp" is the older than 24hrs for Windows temporary files. "DelayRB" is the older than 24hrs for the Recycle Bin. They are binary switches - either '0' for off, or '1' for on. If you want a different delay than 24hrs for them then it should be possible, but would take a bit more work. You would have to tell CCleaner not to clean them in the standard lists (untick them) and then add them as an include specifying the delay that you want. Whilst that's easy enough for the RB, it's more complicated for the System Temporary files.
  7. Could you describe the problem in words rather than with a video? Many people are wary of downloading files from an unknown source. The words you used there - "pretends to clean" - suggests a probable cause of what you may be seeing though. If you have your safari history synced, or backed up to iCloud, then CCleaner will clear it from your machine (and report that it has), - but then safari/iCloud will sync it right back again.
  8. It's a poorly worded message that they have promised to change. It doesn't actually mean that you are offline, it means that Health Check cannot contact CCleaners server for some reason. Those 2 functions need to contact the server to check against the database for any updates available to applications on your computer. (Note those 2 functions are only available in the Pro version). It may just be a connection problem in which case try again later, but more often it is your Anti-Virus blocking CCleaner from passing through the Firewall to contact the server. Try making CCleaner an exception in your Anti-virus, - google for how to add an exception in the particular AV that you use. (eg. google- "Add an exception to Avast anti virus" would find instructions for Avast).
  9. ?? You are the OP here and you started this thread last Sunday. Things that were posted in 2013 are now 7 years old, about older CC versions and older Windows OS's - they have limited relevance today. I believe that we have established that this is not a bug, it's just the way Windows works, and possibly a missunderstanding of what Wipe Free Space is meant to accomplish. As it isn't a bug then any further discussion may be better in the lounge: https://community.ccleaner.com/forum/7-the-lounge/ Thanks for all contributions, but I think this thread has run it's course now and so I'll close it.
  10. Interesting question. Unfortunately many parts of the documentation are somewhat out of date, we have been promised they are working on updating it. First to say that I am not familiar with using .ini files. But I had a go and found the delay parameter for includes, see below. The guys on the winapp22 thread should/will have a better clue about all the current .ini switches and parameters and how to use them. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/#comments The only similar .ini parameter that I can find in the ccleaner documentation is 'DelayTemp' which says "If enabled, CCleaner will only delete temporary Windows files older than 48 hours." https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/using-ccleanerini-to-modify-how-ccleaner-runs So that is saying 48 hours and not 24, and there isn't even one documented for the recycle bin delay, which is one of the advanced options. You could set up an include with 'Only delete files or folder older than 24 hours' selected, save your settings as an ini (Options>advanced), and then look at the created ccleaner.ini file to identify the switch/parameters. (You can delete the ccleaner.ini afterwards - but be aware that doing so will reset CCleaner back to the default options as if newly installed for the first time, so you will lose all includes/excludes/cookies to keep/etc. that you have added and any options you have changed from default). I tried that myself- I created an include for the fictional "J:\ *.*\*.dwg" with older than 24 hrs set, and then closed ccleaner to create a new ccleaner .ini That created the following entry in ccleaner.ini -Include5=PATH|J:\*.*\|*.dwg||1|0|24 So it's the 'IncludeX' from that above documentation, but with some new, undocumented, parameters added. Obviously that |24 is the 24 hour delete delay switch for the specified path/filename. (Change it to how many hours delay you want/need). I tried again, this time I set the include to "J:\*.*", All files, include Files, subfolders, and the folder itself, 48 hr delay. This time the resulting .ini entry was: Include5=PATH|J:\*.*\|*.*|REMOVESELF|1|0|48 Hope that helps, have fun playing with the parameters and checking the resulting .ini entries.
  11. Mmm, maybe you shouldn't get an IDM integration app from searching the store. Apparently the official extension is not searchable in the store, although it is there if you know where to look. See this from IDM themselves, https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/register/new_faq/chrome_extension.html
  12. What are you using to see that CCleaner has left some cookies behind? What cookies does it say have not been cleaned? I other words how are you sure that CCleaner is not clearing the cookies? The way things work with google changed a while ago, if you stay logged into your google account then you will be automatically logged into your Gmail account as soon as you open it. And you stay logged into your google account even when you close Chrome. When you sign into your google account then you will not (never) be automatically logged out of it again again - you stay signed in until you physically sign out. So even if you have logged out of Gmail, if you haven't also logged out of your google account then google will automatically log you back into Gmail next time you open it. (It also works the other way, if you are signed out of both, then logging into Gmail will log you into Chrome as well). You should be able to stop this automatic logging into Gmail by deleting your saved password from Chrome, if it doesn't have your password saved then it can't use it to log you in. See this google article: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/54490?hl=en This should also be of interest: https://www.online-tech-tips.com/google-softwaretips/want-to-automatically-logout-of-gmail-or-google-account/
  13. I also only use the free On Demand Scan version of MB4 on the desktop and run it once a week. (Even though I have a complimentary key, and now a 3-month trial key). However I do use MB Anti-Exploit beta real time, it's a stand-alone testbed for the exploit protection module in the main programme now. I also have Malwabytes Browser Guard for Firefox, which is realtime. (Also available for Crome/Chromium browsers, including the new EDGE). As well as Windows Defender of course. As a bonus all of those are free. Not much will get past that combination so running MB4 real time as well would be a bit of overkill. Browser Guard can sometimes be a bit keen with FP's, but they are easy to override and getting a lot less as it matures.
  14. Fancy a 3 month trial of Malwarebytes premium? It normally comes with a 14 day trial built in, so if you've not installed the latest version yet (v4.#) then you could use that 14 days and then enter the 3 month key to give you even longer. Simply enter your name and email address on this offer page to get your Free activation key for 3 months trial usage: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner-offer/ NOTE - THIS OFFER IS NOW CLOSED. The trial activation key is valid for Windows, Mac, or Android versions of Malwarebytes. EDIT- this giveaway is currently only planned to run for this month, February, see the post below. So if you want a 3-month trial key then fill in the form now. (Once you have the key you can register it later). After the 3-month trial ends Malwarbytes will revert to the 'Scan only' version, which is always handy to have but doesn't include real time protection. If you want to keep the real time protection after the trial you will need to purchase a regular activation key. Note2- If you already an anti-virus, other than Windows Defender, installed you may need to set up some exclusions in the AV so that they will both run happily side-by-side. (Yes Malwarbytes can be run alongside an Anti- Virus, it works differently to 'regular' AVs). See here if you find you need to do that: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038522974
  15. Complete Erase is not selectable for the drive that has the OS on it, for obvious reasons. Again It's meant for securely wiping secondary (external) drives before you give then to someone else. No, and No. You will always get differing opinions on the internet, whether those opinions are correct or not is another question. They can't all be correct, so you have to decide which opinion you trust. HInt, if Microsoft technical documents say one thing and Johnny's Blog says the opposite (and is trying to sell you an app which will do the opposite) then which is more likely to be correct?
  16. That's another good point. Accessing the disk for long periods at a time is going to shorten the life of it's bearings and other moving parts. Not normally.a problem but if you are wiping free space everytime you run CCleaner (daily?) then it will affect the life of the drive. Especially with todays terrabyte drives that often have more free space than used space. The same consideration applies to defragging too often with large drives that have a lot of data on them.
  17. nukecad


    You should be able to add it as a Chromium extension. See this earlier post from Dave CCleaner regarding installing Chromium extensions in CCleaner browser:
  18. As said above Wipe Free Space is included in CCleaner as an easy way that you can wipe it to prevent recovery of deleted files after you pass on your computer to a new user. It is not intended to speed up your computer - wiping free space won't do that. It's included twice, once as a tickbox in Custom Clean, and again on it's own in Tools as Drive Wiper. Note that if you regularly use the tickbox in Custom Clean it will wipe the free space every time you run CCleaner. Which means that you will have little chance (well none) of recovering deleted files yourself if you ever have the need. The Windows settings you refer to apply to the Master File Table (MFT). MFT free space and disk/data free space are two different things. MFT is where Windows stores the location(s) of files on the disk (which clusters they occupy), the file data itself is on the disk not in the MFT. From the CCleaner documentation: https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-settings/changing-ccleaner-settings As you have found wiping either of the free spaces is not going to alter the preformance of your computer, because that's not what it is meant to do.
  19. I'm not realy familiar with Mac, but I do note from your screenshot that you have OSX 10.15.3. That OS version update was only released at the end of January, about 2 weeks ago, is that when the issue started? We have seen some recent reports since that update where CCleaner, and other apps, are blocked from launching. There is a link to a fix for that one in this thread: I also notice that you don't have the latest CCleaner for Mac version which is now 1.17.603. Updating CCleaner may fix your issue but there again it may also give you that 'CCleaner can't be opened' error, in which case the link to fix it is in that thread. If you are still having problems then as you have the Pro version you are entitled to help from product support, you can find the form to raise a support ticket here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  20. We have also been asking, and the answer is that they have been doing a lot of work on the next version(s). From a staff member: So it's coming, but may be a while yet.
  21. We have seen similar before. The first thought is does anything on the Advanced Report also show an unbelieveable number? You screenshot doesn't show it all. I'm thinking particularly about the recycle bin, which is often the culprit in reporting files that are not actually there. If it is a false report (from the bin, or anything else Windows) then doing a new analyze in CCleaner should show it again. The time reported is also large, 10 minutes for a clean?
  22. I would question why you seem to be wiping free space on a regular basis? It will make no difference whatsoever to the performance of your computer. It is not going to 'speed up' your computer, or make any more space available on the drive. So what does wiping free space do then? When you delete a file in Windows rather than deleting the actual data Windows just marks the space that the file was occupying as 'free', so that another file can then be written to those blocks on your hard drive. This means that the data from the deleted file is still there until it is overwritten by something new, and so it can sometimes be reconstructed by a recovery tool like Recuva. What wiping free space does is to erase that old data from files that you have deleted in the past, so that it can't be recovered. It does this by writing new files (usually just X's and zeros) into that free space and then deleting them all again - That can take a long time on large drives. Wiping free space is typically something that you would do after deleting your files when selling, or otherwise getting rid of, a machine/drive. You do it so that the new owner has no chance of recovering any of your old data. Again- Wiping free space will make no difference whatsoever to the performance of your computer.
  23. Looks to me as if some system process has 'decided' that you need the elevated 'net user administrator' priviledges to terminate it? Yep pulling the plug can possibly have consequences, but sometimes it's the only option left.
  24. Advice 101 - "Have you tried turning it off and then (not) back then on again" 102 - "Sometimes when all else fails you just have to pull the plug".
  25. Do you mean that you can't enter the CCleaner licence key into CCleaner itself? Or do you mean that your Mac computer is telling you that the app is unregistered? If it's the computer saying this then where did you buy CCleaner from?
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