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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. More targeted than that, After using netflix open CCleaner and go to Options>Cookies. Look in the list on the left 'cookies on computer' for anything netflix, click them one by one and use the arrows in the middle to move them into 'cookies to keep'. (Or you could right click to do the same). Doing it that way means you can still clean other cookies but leave the netflix ones alone.
  2. If you mean tabs that you have always open when you launch your browser then you would have to use Custom Clean and untick 'Sessions' for whichever browser you use. (You may also have to untick 'Cache' depending on just what the pages are and how you are loading them). If you want to be sure then untick everything for that browser, of course that means it won't be cleaned at all. TBH I just keep regularly visited websites ,such as this one, as a bookmark/favourite in the browser so that a couple of clicks opens them.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, your question seems to have been overlooked in all the fuss about the new version. Easy Clean/Health Check is meant for simple use and has it's own rules for what it does, you can't change those rules. If you want more control then you have to use Custom Clean where you choose what to clean or not clean. You are presented with two tabs/lists, Windows and Applications, of things that you tick to clean or untick to leave alone, the lists are pre-pouplated with popular choices but you are free to change them. In the Options you can further specify particular cookies to keep, and can even add specific includes for files that CC doesn't clear by default, and excludes for files CC would normally clean but you don't want it too. So in your case you want to leave your Chrome browsing History alone then you would se Chrome on the 'Applications' tab and simply untick 'Internet History' under Chrome in the list. (You can have different settings for each browser this way). I don't have Chrome here, but you'll get the Idea from this which is the Firefox list. This is set to clean the history, and everything else except saved forms and passwords. If I didn't want the history cleared then I'd simply untick it. If you want to use Custom Clean as the default then go to Options>Settings and under 'CCleaner Home screen' select Custom Clean.
  4. Simply download a new CCleaner and install it. You can download CCleaner from the builds page here: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds If you had a Pro version then - Once installed go to Options>About>Upgrade to Pro. You will get a box where you can enter your existing registered name and key, and then click on 'Register'. Be careful when entering the key that you don't mistake numbers and letters, 1 & I, 2 & Z, etc. PS. Sorry for the delay in replying, we must have missed your original post in the flurry of posts about the new version.
  5. Just because CCleaner calls 'tracking cookies' 'Trackers' doesent mean that they are actively following you around. In fact CCleaner Health Check calls all cookies 'Trackers' now. The deprecated cookie that I mentioned above is put there by Windows to remind developers not to save cookies in files there anymore. It's a texfile and isn't doing anything other than just sitting there, but Health Check still calls it a 'Tracker'. I do see what you mean about the 'Found' and 'Cleaned' reports though. That looks like a calculation error, someone has dropped or added a zero or two in one of the calculations so KB becomes MB. I'll report it to the staff.
  6. I'd first try the corrupted Recycle Bin fix, it often clears most hangs: We seem to be seeing a lot of corrupted bins recently, maybe some problem with Windows? https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/42673-corrupted-recycle-bin-fix/ If you do at anytime need to download/reinstall CCleaner then simply go to Options>About>Upgrade to Pro, enter your already registered name and key, then click on 'Register'
  7. Good spot @larryg1516. I also see them now I know to look. They seem to be adding a new one every time you open CC, whether you run Health Check or not. I'll flag it to the staff to look at quickly, we don't want an ever increasing ccleaner.ini file becoming junk itself.
  8. It seems to be saying that your MS Edge is pending an install/update of the new Edge Chromium. You may get messages like that when Windows has updated something in the background but needs a restart to fully install it. If a restart isn't doing it then I'd do a 'Check for Updates' in Windows to see if anything is still pending. (or needs another go because it didn't update/install properly first time).
  9. Good to hear. I suspect that your original problems were not CCleaner related, it sounds more like you maybe had some kind of Adware which is why you installed CCleaner in the first place. CCleaner is not designed to detect/remove Adware or other Malware, it's simply a junk file cleaner. Whilst we can't give one to one malware removal advice here, forum rules forbid it, there are some things we can do to help, and we can point you where to get more help. The first thing I would do is download and run AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes. That is not a rival to CCleaner, it does a different job altogether. It is made to target Adware and other unwanted/unneeded programmes, (as well as now removing junk programmes put there by the computer manufacturer). It doesn't need installing, simply download it and double click to run. https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/ If you want to go further than that and have your machine checked over by an expert, then we have a list of where you can go to get that done for free. Each one of the links on the list offers one-to-one online help to check and clean up a suspect computer. If you use one then it's important that you follow exactly what they tell you and nothing else until they tell you that your computer is clean. You can find this list of expert helpers in chapter 10 of the forum rules here: https://community.ccleaner.com/announcement/15-forum-rules/
  10. A dark mode/dark theme is at the top of the list in 'Under Consideration' in the roadmap: https://ideas.ccleaner.com/roadmap
  11. Good to hear you got it sorted out. Removing the bin from the command lne' usually does the trick, but as you found there are other ways you sometimes need depending on just what has caused the problem in the first place. I'm guessing that somehow the roll-back screwed up permissions which is why you needed that second step? But as long as it's now OK then that is what matters.
  12. Thanks, The issue with cleaning new Edge on closing has already been reported, the staff/developers are aware and are looking into it.
  13. The first option there, using rd (remove directory) from an elevated (administrator) Command Window, deletes the entire Recycle Bin and so Windows will recreate a new empty bin. I'm still not sure how WinSxS files ended up in the bin, it must have been sonething to do with rolling back?, something I've never done. But the other option would be to reinstall Windows altogether. Which would be 1909 with no rollback option. There again we are not far off 2004 so maybe you could put up with 1909 for a few weeks.
  14. That registry change is a work-around but not a fix. What it is doing is reverting to Easy Clean without the Health Check functions.
  15. It does have it's uses as a repair tool, say following a malware infection, used by someone who is familiar with how the registry works. But it's not something that should be used on a regular basis. You might as well ask the same about a chainsaw, easily available and useful for some - but it can, and will, cause damage when used indescriminately or for the wrong purpose. As said above it's planned to move the Registry Cleaner into the 'Tools' section where it will be less prominent/tempting.
  16. See how that goes and it you get up and running I'll point you to where you can get your computer analyzed by experts and cleaned of possible malware for free.
  17. Which could explain why CCleaner got stuck on it as well. I'd suggest resetting the Bin as shown in this article: https://www.vistax64.com/threads/recycle-bin-corrupted-cannot-delete-file-or-folder.131294/
  18. There have been one or two suspicious looking posts that I have given the benefit of the doubt today.
  19. I'm not sure how WinSxS files have come to be in the Recycle Bin. Had you manually deleted them yourself? WinSxS files are needed by Windows for a time following an update, Windows will remove them itself after 30 days or Windows built in Disk Clean-up will remove them if its safe to do so. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/clean-up-the-winsxs-folder
  20. Please stop making repeated posts on old threads. I have given you a reply here, it is a Windows Update problem and I also tell you how to fix it:
  21. There should be an X to close the popup. If you can't see one then the quickest option may be to restart your PC.
  22. You don't say what Windows you are running or what the update was, but it's almost certainly a Windows Update problem. It's known to happen that you can get a black screen following a windows update, but it's easily fixable. See this: https://www.howtogeek.com/425382/how-to-fix-a-black-screen-after-updating-windows-10/ (I've moved this from where it was orignally posted on an old thread and changed the title).
  23. If you want Easy Clean back then you can modify a registry entry (for now at least). (Cfg)HealthCheck Set the value to 0 and Easy Clean will come back in place of Health Check. The usual warning - Modifying the registry could make your computer unusable, if you are not sure what you are doing then don't touch it.
  24. If you mean that you want Easy Clean back then you can modify a registry entry (for now at least). (Cfg)HealthCheck Set the value to 0 and Easy Clean will come back in place of Health Check. The usual warning - Modifying the registry could make your computer unusable, if you are not sure what you are doing then don't touch it.
  25. Thanks for the head up, I've flagged this up to the staff/developers.
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