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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Most people will know that Windows 10 is due a feature update next month. This on howtogeek today is a good read of what to expect: https://www.howtogeek.com/438830/whats-new-in-windows-10s-20h1-update-arriving-spring-2020/
  2. That is the Windows User Account Control, it's shown by Windows whenever you launch an app that can make changes to the registry, etc. I'm surprised that you haven't seen it with other apps as well. In CCleaner if you go to Options>Advanced you'll see an option to 'Skip User Account Control warning', if you tick that then Windows won't show the permission box when you open CCleaner.
  3. 'Cookies on Computer' is only reporting what cookies are already there, it's not a question of necessary or unnecessary it's simply what someone (eg, Youtube) has already put there. It would be an issue if CCleaner didn't report all the cookies that were there.
  4. It's been doing it since at least 2014, and yes it surprises a lot of people when they first find out that Windows does this. This Scott Hanselman blog is worth a read for more about it: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheRealAndCompleteStoryDoesWindowsDefragmentYourSSD.aspx I still wouldn't use a 3rd party tool to defrag an SSD though.
  5. As said it isn't a bug to be fixed, many programmes will behave like that and leave an orphaned message behind if you close the main programme before dismissing any messages, that's simply the way that computers work. (It may be possible to put an interrupt in the code to prevent closing if a message is open, but no doubt someone would then complain about that). Any and every software update tool needs an internet connection to check for the latest software versions, trying to test one without an internet connection is therefore not a useful test to do.
  6. @jasoncollege24 That was true a few years ago, but SSDs have moved on since then. Read/write lifecyles have improved by at least an order of magnitude from early SSDs, so it's not the same concern as it used to be. Whilst defragging an SSD is still pretty pointless it's not going to significantly reduce the life unless you do it every day. Windows itself will occasionaly defrag an SSD as part of the optimise process.
  7. Firstly you shouldn't realy be defragging an SSD. Second just what was it you did? Was it a defrag of files or a defrag of free space? One puts files together for quicker loading, (not realy a problem with a SSD), the other puts free space together at the cost of fragmenting some files. So which were you trying to do? See my answer above from Jan 24.
  8. It's not a bug, it's simply the way programmes work. Firstly there is not much point in running any updater with no internet connection. But Ok, it may happen by mistake. What has happened there is the order in which you did things. If you had closed the error message before closing the main CCleaner window it would have gone away as expected. However because you closed CCleaner first, using the 'X', you left the message 'Orphaned' from the main CCleaner programme which has closed. The CCleaner you see in task manager is then just that orphaned error message all by itself. CCleaner was no longer actively running and so there was nothing to recognise that you were clicking OK and nothing take away the message when you did click it - the message was no longer owned by any other running process and so you had to End Task it. The same will happen with messages from many programmes if you close the main programme using the 'X' without closing any message first.
  9. I'd suspect that Mcafee is removing it in the background, maybe at boot, we have seen it doing the same thing before with new CCleaner versions. Here's one from last April, the problem dissappeared after a few days: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/53757-mcafee-ccleaner/ Mcafee does sometimes seem to have a problem recognising when there is a new version of CCleaner released, and it seems to take them a while to update their database. They seem to see it as being different to what they expect CCleaner to 'look like' (different filesize? different checksums? I'm not sure how they check it) and so remove it, - of course it's different, it's a new version
  10. I'd suggest that you only use the Custom Clean and on the 'Windows' tab under 'System' untick 'DNS cache' so that Custom Clean will leave it alone. (I'm not sure if Health Check clears the DNS cache or not? But if it does you cannot change the behaviour of Health Check so always only use Custom Clean).
  11. OK, use this link to download CCleaner, the "slim" does not contain any bundled offers so it's what most of us here use: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds Simply download it and double click it to install/update the latest version over your current version. The invalid key thing is probably something we see a lot. Be careful not to mistake letters for numbers - I & 1, Z & 2, S & 5, B & 8.
  12. Are you unticking them but then still using Health Check/Easy Clean? Unticking things only works if you use Custom Clean. HC/EC will always use its own settings regardless of what you have ticked or unticked.
  13. Where it asks you to purchase click on 'No Thanks' and carry on from there. If you download/install the free version it should recognise that the one you are replacing is Pro and register the new installation as Pro. If for some reason it doesn't (say if you had uninstalled the old version) then go to Options>About and click 'Upgrade to Pro'. That gives a box where you can enter your already registered name and key then click on 'Register'.
  14. Looks like you found the cause, but for info older versions of CCleaner can be downloaded from 'filehippo'.
  15. A UWP app could be anything, written by anybody. It's simply any app that has been written/designed to run on any device that uses Windows 10. They are usually written using Visual Studio. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/get-started/universal-application-platform-guide
  16. I'm struggling to follow just what you are doing, but as far as I can make out- First you seem to be doing a drive wipe after fromatting a 4TB disc? Doing a drive wipe on a 4 TB disc is going to take a long time, especially if you have specified multiple passes. If a drive wipe is unexpectedly stopped/interrupted it can/will leave junk files behind which you will then have to delete manually. See this post for an explanation of why that can happen, and what to do if it does: Then you seem to be trying to run two instances of CCleaner, doing different things at the same time? Never a good idea, it's not designed to work like that. Do one thing at once and have patience. PS. When doing a drive wipe you shouldn't really be using the computer for anything else until it has finished. Even if it isn't the system drive itself that you are wiping, best to leave alone while it's working.
  17. It might help to know just what those 'sweeps' consist of, it may be something other than CC which is clearing the thumbnail cache or otherwise causing it to update. There is also the possibility that it's Windows itself which is doing this automatically, especially if you have a lot of thumbnails: Apparently Windows deletes/rebuilds your thumbnail cache at startup if it is bigger than about 700MB, see this article: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_install/stop-windows-auto-deleting-thumbnail-cache-revised/5d09ef73-7777-4d59-8e47-965379fb91f0
  18. Advertising / linking revenue. Just ignore (be sure to untick) the Chrome offer if you don't want it.
  19. You do have 'Thumbnails' unticked in CCleaner so that they don't get cleared?
  20. You need to 'save settings to ini' in Options>Advanced. This puts a file called ccleaner.ini in the CCleaner folder. Copy that file to a memory stick or similar, and paste it into the CCleaner folder once you have installed CC on the new computer. That will bring across all your current CCleaner settings to the new machine. Just a warning - once you have created the .ini file you have to keep it, if you delete it then CCleaner will revert to the default settings.
  21. ? If there is nothing in the list then what files do you mean? Could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing so that we can take a look.
  22. It sounds that CCleaner Browser has been set to be your default browser when it installed. Simply change it back to make Chrome your default browser again, so that when you click a link Chrome will open. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95417?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en Then uninstall the CCleaner Browser if you don't want it. Once it's uninstalled then it's gone and can't bug you anymore. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/4028054/windows-10-repair-or-remove-programs As for how you got it; It was probably offered when you installed a previous version of CCleaner and you didn't untick (maybe didn't notice) the pre-ticked box, so it installed the browser as well.
  23. If you untick 'System>Temporary files' and run a Custom Clean does it finish then? If so, then that would indicate that there is a problem with one of those system files. Another trick that often works if/when CC gets stuck like this is to run the built in Windows Disk Clean-up. Because it's Windows itself it can force close problem files that CCleaner can't. In this case I'd run it twice, once for normal files, then again but this time select 'Clean up system files'. I'd then do a restart (not a shutdown).
  24. It's simply because Health Check reports more things as 'Trackers' than Easy Clean did. Using Easy Clean just now reports 8 'trackers' which are all cookies. Using Health Check straight afterwards it reports 41 'trackers' which are the 8 cookies plus temporary internet files. So it's just reporting more/different things as being 'trackers'.
  25. Certainly, Simply untick 'Empty recycle bin' under System on the Windows tab and CCleaner Custom Clean will leave it alone. Just to be absolutely clear - Settings made in Custom Clean only apply to Custom Clean, - they DO NOT apply to Easy Clean/HealthCheck which will always use it's own rules.
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