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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Another user reports that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57718-ccleaner-not-opening/?tab=comments#comment-317551 Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that is up to date itself - it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
  2. Another user reports that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57718-ccleaner-not-opening/?tab=comments#comment-317551 Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that is up to date itself - it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
  3. You have added to an old post, it's best to make your own new one for a new question. We'll need a few more details to give a meaningful reply. Could you tell us: Which version of CCleaner are you using? Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean? Which Windows version are you using? Which anti virus are you using? Which Browser(s) do you use? If you are using Custom Clean then what does it say it's stuck on?
  4. Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that is up to date itself - it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx Another user reports that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57718-ccleaner-not-opening/?tab=comments#comment-317551
  5. Having had an unwanted Chrome install myself in the past I sympathise. I should point out that Chrome is not 'spyware'. (Yes, I know the arguments). The request for permission to install it is there in the CCleaner installer, but the pre-ticked box is easy to miss if you are not looking for it. (Always read everything on any installer page before clicking the button). We have campaigned for a number of years to have this pre-ticking of offers removed and have had partial sucess with Avast and Piriform offers which now have a much clearer offer which is now on a seperate page in the install process, and not pre-ticked. However, I (and other mods) agree with you that the bundled offer for Chrome still being presented somtimes on the initial installer screen, and still pre-ticked, is not acceptable. We particulary don't like the way that Piriform clearly announced with v5.64 that: "Offers for Avast and CCleaner products are now presented in a separate step in the installer " "Offers for Avast and CCleaner products are no longer checked by default " but totally neglected to warn users that the Chrome offer was still as it was on the initial page, and still pre-ticked. And have told then so.
  6. Try using the 'Slim' installer, it's the bottom one of the three on this page: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds Download it then double click on ccsetup565_slim.exe to install. From your description of what is happening I have a suspicion that blank page is where the 'bundled offer' should appear in the standard installer. The 'Slim' installer does not contain any offers, so if I'm right then it should install without problem. Please come back and tell us if that works.
  7. Thanks for letting us know that @ddashorn
  8. It's always best to start your own thread rather than tacking onto someone elses. It can get confusing just who is being answered if there is more than one person asking questions on a thread. Your's sounds to be a different problem from the one where you posted, (which seems to be talking about automatic browser cleaning), so I've split it off. There are some problems at the moment with certain Anti Virus programes blocking CCleaner from running for some users. Could you tell us which anti virus you are using? (and which version of Windows?).
  9. As the overwhelming majority of these reports involve TrendMicro then this appears to be a TrendMicro problem and it is probably TrendMicro who have to come up with a fix. Have you reached out to their forum? CCleaner is working 'normally' with other AVs which suggests that it's not a problem with CCleaner itself. Previous CCleaner version can be found under 'Older Versions' on the right of: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ Note that you will have to use the older version in Free mode. If you register an older version then it will immediately update itself to v5.65 as soon as it registers, leaving you were you were at the start.
  10. nukecad

    not loading

    There is an issue with some AV's blocking v5.65 at the moment, Trend Micro seems to be the most prominent. White listing CCleaner in Trend is working for most. There is an official response here: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57672-march-2020-update-issue/?tab=comments#comment-317489
  11. There is now an 'official' reply regarding this issue, but it seems to have missed this thread.
  12. That's simply because Health Check calls more things 'Trackers' than the previous Easy Clean did. As for why some things come back after cleaning it's simply the way Windows works. It will also happen if you have your browser (or other apps) synced. For more information about both see this post: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043
  13. It appears to be an anti virus issue with some, but not all, AV's stopping CCleaner from running. See here for a message from the Piriform staff: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57674-ccleaner-stopped-working/?tab=comments#comment-317484
  14. Thanks for the report. Apparently this is because of some maintenance that Microsoft are doing which is affecting servers. I've noticed today that some other servers elsewhere are also being affected and some websites are down because of it. The Piriform staff are in contact with MS to try and get it resolved ASAP.
  15. Are you using Health Check? There seems to be a problem with connection to a server that Health Check uses. If you Use Custom Clean instead of Health Check, that doesn't try to connect to that particular server so should finish ok. Custom Clean cleans what is ticked and ignores what is unticked so you might want to look through those and adjust them as you want before cleaning. There are two lists to look at, one for Windows and one for other stuff.
  16. @Ted Lowther Which antivirus are you running?
  17. v5.64 will be on Filehippo, they always keep old versions on the right of the page. They go back as far as v1.16.082 from November 2004, so I don't think you need worry about it becoming unavailable any time soon. As for a fix, it depends exactly what the problem is. At the moment it looks like an Anti-Virus false detection by some AV's, which those AV companies will have to fix themselves.
  18. Some users are having issues with v5.65 that seem to be due to some antivirus programmes not recognising it yet. Trend Micro seems to be a particular problem, and possibly McAfee. If you are one of the affected users then for now we suggest re-installing and using a previous version, v5.64 or v5.63, which can be found under 'Older Versions' on the right of: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ Note that you will have to use the older version in Free mode. If you register an older version then it will immediately update itself to v5.65 as soon as it registers, leaving you were you were at the start.
  19. Some users are having issues with v5.65 that seem to be due to some antivirus programmes not recognising it yet. Trend Micro seems to be a particular problem, and possibly McAfee. If you are one of the affected users then for now we suggest re-installing and using a previous version, v5.64 or v5.63, which can be found under 'Older Versions' on the right of: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ Note that you will have to use the older version in Free mode. If you register an older version then it will immediately update itself, leaving you were you were at the start.
  20. Some users are having issues with v5.65 that seem to be due to antivirus programmes not recognising it yet. Trend Micro seems to be a particular problem, and possibly McAfee. If you are one of the affected users then for now we suggest re-installing and using a previous version, v5.64 or v5.63, which can be found under 'Older Versions' on the right of: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ Note that you will have to use the older version in Free mode. If you register an older version then it will immediately update itself, leaving you were you were at the start.
  21. If you try to register 4.64 as Pro then it will automatically update itself to 5.65 again as soon as you register, leaving you back where you started. Stay with 5.64 in Free mode for now.
  22. Found this from 2018 (before I was a mod). The tread is about the buttons taking a long time to turn from grey to blue, but my reply there goes back to when they wouldn't turn blue at all for me. Maybe some of the suggestions there could help? https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/51272-ccleaner-takes-long-time-to-load/?tab=comments#comment-296340 I found my older thread as well but it's not very helpful, at the time I decided to just live with it sometimes not working and having to close and relaunch CCleaner. I will note that at least one of the servers seems to have been playing up today. Reading back what I found in those old threads I'm wondering if that could somehow be connected to your grey button problem if it's only happening today?
  23. I've removed it for you, the in-line editor can be a pig at times with attachments and links. For future reference if you scroll down the editor you'll see thumbnails of any attachments in that post with a bin icon to delete them. (The plus icon adds them into the post after loading, or if you backspaced and removed them by mistake). Not sure about your grey box, but I seem to recall something similar from a few years ago. If I have time I may take a look if I can find anything useful.
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