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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Sorry don't know. I noticed the changes because I wrote my own cleaner for Firefox so CC never saw it - until after the changes when CC suddenly started finding FFx stuff that mine hadn't cleaned. TBH my cleaner logs you out of all websites/fora as well, but that's what I want it to do. If you're stuck I could try and see which bits of my cleaner does the actual logging out, but I'd bet it's one of those session entries.
  2. If your computer is working as expected then it's probably not worth keeping more than the last one, maybe two. Anything older than the last Windows update may break your computer if restored. Win Update usually changes some registry entries. You have read the above about not running reg cleaner on a regular basis?
  3. Which notifications? Which browser are you using?
  4. You were simply being told by other users that the current documentation is out of date. There is no need to have a rant at those users. You are aware that the documentation is copyright and you will need permission to reproduce and/or share it? (And should have got permission to copy it). From the terms of use: https://www.ccleaner.com/about/terms-of-use
  5. Duplicate threads merged. Whilst I've not seen that particular one reported, some users are having problems with v5.64 not installing. The developers are working on it. If v5.63 is still working for you then stick with that until a new version is released. If you need to reinstall v5.63 (or an earlier version) then you can find it on the right of the page here: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  6. Do you mean your Activity History / Timeline ? CCleaner does not currently clear your Activity Timeline, you will need to do that in Windows itself: Settings>Privacy>Permissions & History>Clear History. While you are there you may want to turn it off so it doesn't save your activity in future? (And doesn't send it all to Microsoft).
  7. As nergal says, other apps will use IE's storage locations for temporary files. Plus CCleaner will always find a particular IE file called 'deprecated.cookie'. (C:\Users\.....\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\deprecated.cookie). As soon as CCleaner removes that file Windows will recreate it, so it will always be found. If you are using Custom Clean then you can make that file an exclude so that Custom Clean will then ignore it.
  8. I recall that Firefox did change where some things were stored last year, as well as adding some new locations. It may be that the information that you want to keep is being saved elsewhere now, and CCleaner is (always was?) cleaning that location. I can't remember them all but as your issue seems connected with sessions then look at: 'sessionstore', 'sessionstore-backups', 'sessionCheckpoints.json', in appdata\roaming. I'd also look at various entries in 'cache2\*' in appdata\local. If you run CCleaner in debug mode it will create a logfile in the CCleaner folder which you can open in a text editor to see just what has been cleaned, that could help pinpoint the entries that you want to keep. https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner/troubleshooting/running-ccleaner-in-debug-mode
  9. That is simply an incorrect message being shown by Health Check. (The developers are aware and will fix it for the next version). It IS connecting to the server, but isn't finding any software updates. I've tested it myself and saw the following: When the seperate tool Software Updater reports that your applications are up to date HC instead wrongly says 'Unable to reach the server'. When there is an application to update Software Updater says so, and so does HC - So HC is obviously able to reach the server to check but is giving the wrong message if nothing is found. So HC is doing it's job - But it's showing the wrong message when there are no software updates found. Simply ignore it until they fix the message.
  10. It's one of the known issues that they are working on. That particular one is simply a wrong message being shown by Health Check. It is connecting to the server, but isn't finding any software updates. When the seperate tool Software Updater reports that my applications are up to date HC instead says 'Unable to reach the server' . When there is an application to update Software Updater says so, and so does HC - so it's obviously able to reach the server to check but giving the wrong message if nothing is found. You could simply ignore it for now or revert back to v5.63, you'll find it on the right of the filehippo page: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  11. You have to make the distinction between 'Update' and 'Upgrade', they are different things. You don't have to pay to update CCleaner Free to the latest version. (You do have to pay to upgrade from Free to Pro). It isn't a new tactic, that page has been the same for as long as I can remember. When you get to the page where it offers an upgrade to the paid version then simply scroll down to the bottom and click on 'No Thanks' to go to a page where the Free version can be downloaded. Alternatively don't update through CCleaner's GUI itself, instead download it from the 'Builds' page and double click the downloaded .exe file to install the update. (Use the 'Slim' Version, it doesn't contain any offers). https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds You may want to hold off updating to the latest version though, whilst working OK for most some users are having issues with it which are being investigated/fixed.
  12. Health Check reports everything internet related, Cookies and Temporary Internet Files, as 'Trackers'. Whilst strictly correct in one sense of the word they are not what you, I, or anyone else would think of as a 'Tracker' at all, see the link in my signature below this post.
  13. The previous post has been hidden from view because of abuse by Auftspeed. You are correct, you have broken the forum rules regarding abuse.
  14. I have flagged this to staff members who can check what has happened to your support tickets. Just quickly though, have you checked your email spam folder to see it the replies are in there?
  15. 'Trackers' are simply what Health Check calls cookies and temporary internet files, see the link in my signature below this post. Health Check has a few issues - Use Custom Clean instead of Health Check. If you want to set Custom Clean as the default then go to Options>Setting and under 'CCleaner Home Screen' select 'Custom Clean' Alternatively go to filehippo and go back to v5.63, just reinstall it over the current version. Older versions are found on the right of the page: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  16. Why are you making these suggestions about things that CCleaner can already do? Please desist.
  17. @Kenoti You shouldn't put your reference number in plain sight like that, somebody could steal it. You need to contact support to resolve licencing issues; it's not something that we can do on the open forum. There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com Be aware that we are told they are busy at the moment following the new version release, and so the reply may be a bit slow.
  18. You need to contact support to resolve licencing issues; it's not something that we can do on the open forum. They should be able to change your purchase fairly easily. There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com Be aware that we are told they are busy at the moment following the new version release, and so the reply may be a bit slow.
  19. Have you ever used CCleaner? It already does most of your wish list there, the others are not it's job, not possible, or not needed. 1- CCleaner already does that for popular apps - If you purchase the pro version. Of course it can't possibly update every app/driver that exists. Use Health Check, or Software Updater from the tools. 2- Malware removal is not what CCleaner is designed for. Get an Anti-virus/anti-malware app. There are plenty of free ones. You'll probably be offered the Avast/AVG anti-virus when you install CCleaner. 3- CCleaner already does Secure Deletion: Options>Settings>Secure Deletion. (And Drive Wiper/Wipe Free Space for already deleted files). 4- The registry cannot be defragmented as such, because it is always open when your computer is running and you can't defrag open files. You can clean the registry of orphaned/unneded entries which CCleaner can already do - It is not recommended to use any registry cleaner with Windows 10. Microsoft have a tool called 'Page Defrag' which can attempt to defrag the pagefile and registry hives before they are re-opened on the next boot after it has been run. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/downloads/pagedefrag 5 CCleaner already does that, Health Check. Not the Windows Updates bit because that's Microsofts job, and Windows Updates are now done automatically anyway.
  20. I never take any notice of 'estimated' times in any software (including Windows itself) for obvious reasons. 194% is interesting though, 100% is everything.
  21. It seems to be a problem with the software updater that gives that message. If everything else is working then simply ignore it until it gets fixed. Pro (paid) version gives you Smart Cleaning, scheduled cleaning, multi user account cleaning, automatic updates, and customer support by email. Free version does everything else the same but not those.
  22. Most people will know that Windows 10 is due a feature update next month. This on howtogeek today is a good read of what to expect: https://www.howtogeek.com/438830/whats-new-in-windows-10s-20h1-update-arriving-spring-2020/
  23. That is the Windows User Account Control, it's shown by Windows whenever you launch an app that can make changes to the registry, etc. I'm surprised that you haven't seen it with other apps as well. In CCleaner if you go to Options>Advanced you'll see an option to 'Skip User Account Control warning', if you tick that then Windows won't show the permission box when you open CCleaner.
  24. 'Cookies on Computer' is only reporting what cookies are already there, it's not a question of necessary or unnecessary it's simply what someone (eg, Youtube) has already put there. It would be an issue if CCleaner didn't report all the cookies that were there.
  25. It's been doing it since at least 2014, and yes it surprises a lot of people when they first find out that Windows does this. This Scott Hanselman blog is worth a read for more about it: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheRealAndCompleteStoryDoesWindowsDefragmentYourSSD.aspx I still wouldn't use a 3rd party tool to defrag an SSD though.
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