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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. I do see a potential use for it - but it would be better named 'Hide'. (or 'Hide from List').
  2. I was assuming the OP was wanting to transfer settings Mac-to-Mac, 'users/shared/' is a Mac directory. There seems to be currently no way to do even that with the Mac version.
  3. I had just realised that might be the error, and was just editing the previous post to note it when hazelnut's popped up.
  4. It may simply be that the USB is faulty, if it's a new one then take/send it back for a replacement. But TBH if you are upgrading from Win7 or 8.1 then I'd just use the Update Assistant, it's never failed me. If you like to have installation media, in case of emergencies, then once you have Win10 installed you can create a recovery USB directly from Win10, but it's not really necessary these days. As long as you have an internet connection you can repair or even completely reinstall Win 10 at anytime. With Win 10 you don't even need your licence key, it's stored as a 'digital entitlement' on the Microsoft servers.
  5. I suspect that it will contain machine specific information, OS version, CPU type, and so on that is displayed in the CC GUI rather than any settings.
  6. As far as I know/can find there is no counterpart of the Windows .ini file for CCleaner on a MAC. I'm not sure just what would be in that .dat file you have found; can you open it in a basic text editor and see if it makes any sense? (If you are lucky it may be in plain language rather than code). You can find the CC Mac documentation here, but I can't see anything in there about saving settings. https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner-for-mac/using-ccleaner-for-mac
  7. For each browser where you want the details saving uncheck "Saved Passwords" and you may also need to uncheck "Saved Form Information". That's because some websites save your login information as a form rather than just a name/password. Also bear in mind that some websites, especially those dealing with money, paying bill, etc. may not allow the password to be auto-entered by your browser. As a security measure you have to type it in each time.
  8. Looks like the developers have been busy over at Malwarebytes. The browser protection extensions that have been in Beta have now been renamed to "Malwarebytes Browser Guard", given a new user interface (yes the controversial robot does appear), and fully released to the public. If you are already using the beta version it should update automatically to the fully released version. The fully released extension remains entirely FREE. Two versions are available - Chrome, (also covers Edge Beta, and Vivaldi), and Firefox. The Browser Guard extensions can be found here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/browserguard/ The User Guide can be found here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-3446 The discussion forum(s), for feedback or questions, can be found here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/252-malwarebytes-browser-guard/
  9. I'm not sure that I understand your question. If "nothing is in drive" then that could only be a newly formatted (unused) drive and there would be nothing to defragment or optimize. If the drive has any fragmented files on it (including the Operating System files) then defragmenting will join each fagmented file into a 'one-piece' file, and move them into a 'better' position on the drive so that they will load faster. Nothing is deleted, the files are just moved about.
  10. I think the point is that Easy Clean is meant for people who have no technical knowledge whatsoever. So it does not support custom settings and winapp2 is a user based set of custom settings. TBH I'm not sure why anyone using winapp2 would even think of using Easy Clean - the two things are so far apart.
  11. Although the CC browser is now widely available it is still officially a "preview" (read Beta if you are more techie). So some things are not going to work as expected. As to your specific questions I don't think anyone but the browser developers and the CC developers could answer that at the moment. (And they are probably different teams). While they may not reply here they will have noted your input.
  12. The robot has been a bone of contention with some since they started using it on the advertising/download webpage a while back. Along with their use of wording like 'Awesome' and other teenage type wording. You should see the Android version, when you launch it it looks more like a game than a serious security application. I guess it's just the new generation of young programmers coming through.
  13. You have to select the files yourself. This is deliberate. Some system and other program files need to have duplicates for things to work properly. So unless you are very tech savvy you should leave those alone and only look at your own files - documents, photos, videos, and the like. While CCleaner can find duplicates for you only you can decide which to keep or not. You wouldn't like it if a programme deleted the wrong thing.
  14. I also only use it as a scanner not real time, but that's by choice so that I can see what other unregistered users are seeing. (To answer their questions better). I have a valid MB licence key, given to me when I was invited to join a 'steering group' on the forum, but have never registered it. However I do have the Malwarebytes for Firefox extension protecting my browser real time and the stand-alone Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (beta) running real time, as well as Windows Defender of course. The browser add-on (there's one for Chrome as well) is particularly good at spotting/blocking dodgy websites and links. It also works as an adblock and clickbait blocker.
  15. So are you are downloading the file onto a USB sucessfully? Your USB needs to be big enough; MS says at least 8GB but I'd use a bigger one. I'm not quite sure about that '"can not be used on target USB"? Once you have the MCT on a USB then you should then be plugging the USB into a turned off computer and then booting the computer to install Windows 10 on that computers drive. The computers drive will be the 'target'. Is there a particular reason why you are using the MCT? If you are only updating one machine then it's easier to connect the machine to be updated to the internet and use the Update Assistant (top of the same webpage) rather than downloading the MCT.
  16. It's been a semi-secret but it's official now so we can share it - Malwarebytes has a new Beta version MB4. https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/249586-malwarebytes-4-beta/ It has a new user interface which you can see in this post: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/250841-mb-401-new-interface/?tab=comments#comment-1330702 It is a beta version so read the 'Known issues' if you are thinking of trying it. I've had it for about a month and have had no problems at all with it, although others have reported some issues, especially False Positives found during scans. There is a dedicated thread on the Malwarebytes beta forum for reporting FP's and other issues, see the first link above.
  17. Try this, it says 7 & Vista but its been updated for 10 : https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13631/customize-your-icons-in-windows-7-and-vista/
  18. I assume we are talking about desktop shortcuts? I'm on my phone at the moment but from memory you would change a shortcut icon by right clicking it and going into the properties. There is a button in there to "Change Icon" or similar wording. Are you saying that all newly created shortcuts are being given a CC style icon? If so then that's something that's something that the browser developers should be made aware if to get that behaviour stopped. I'd have to look up how you can stop it yourself once I'm back on a Windows computer.
  19. It sounds like you have accepted the offer for the new CC browser when you installed CCleaner. See here how to reset your Icons, it gives an example for PDFs but you use the same process for other types of file as well.
  20. US site: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 UK site: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10
  21. I'm not sure just what you are saying there? Are you saying that Easy Clean is not deleting any cookies at all? Or are you meaning that Easy Clean is removing your 'Cookies to Keep'?
  22. Open CCleaner and go to Options>Smart Cleaning. There you will find your browsers listed and alongside them you can change what action to take when shutting down each browser.
  23. On most Windows 10 versions you can't uninstall OneDrive. The best you can do is disable it by unlinking and hiding it. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/turn-off-disable-or-uninstall-onedrive-f32a17ce-3336-40fe-9c38-6efb09f944b0
  24. The OP did say he was downloading the browser from the offer. I think it was just the op's AV that recognised/classified the CC Browser incorrectly. Which would seem to show that that partciular AV's definitions are not regularly updated. I'd also noted the oddity of the version number, but assumed it was probably just a typo.
  25. The Google toolbar is not a virus. It was in the Standard CC installer as an offer. (it's no longer there, the CC browser gets offered instead). It's picked up by some AVs as a PUP - a Potentially Unwanted Programe. In this case it wasn't actually the Google toolbar but the new CCleaner browser that your AV has picked up as a PUP and got just which PUP it was wrong, probably because it's also a browser. The main point to note is that there was almost certainly, (never say never), no virus involved, it was just a warning that you may not want to download/install that particular software. (Because doing so would change your browser - which it did).
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