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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. JDPower


    Yup, its a scam site - the download does not download CCleaner but their own non freeware program
  2. The older versions did say 48 hours. What makes you say that? Have you looked at the file properties to check? Of course the easiest way to find out is to simply untick the "Only clean files older than 48 hours" then run CCleaner and see if those files are gone. It won't do any harm unless you're in the middle of installing something, I don't have the 48 hours box ticked at all and have never had an issue caused by it.
  3. Then you've just been lucky, its not really a good idea deleting it.
  4. Frostwire and KMPlayer create unneeded folders in 'My Documents' which I have always had as inclusions in CCleaner: E:\My Documents\FrostWire E:\My Documents\The KMPlayer Now in 2.29 these are not being deleted (I've gone back and tried 2.28 which DOES delete them) and ticking or unticking the 'Recurse subfolders' box makes no difference to this. Unless I'm missing something obvious this is a bug, hopefully can be addressed.
  5. IIRC, though I'm not sure if its the same in Win7, it requires a reboot before the list starts refilling. It would be the same no matter what program you used if that is the case, it's just how Windows works
  6. Friendship is like pissing your pants - everyone can see it but only you can feel it's warmth
  7. JDPower


    Firstly, cleaning your registry will do little, and more likely nothing, to speed up your system. Check what programs are running in the background - any that are unneeded, any that are resource heavy like antivirus etc that may have lighter alternatives. How much RAM have you got? For a chat client you may want to look at Miranda, especially from a performance point of view, as it uses next to nothing in terms of computer resources. It may take a little tweaking to get it looking and functioning how you prefer (eg some minor functions like smileys may require an additional plugin available from their site) but well worth the time.
  8. Try unticking "User Assist History" under the Windows tab>Advanced section
  9. See this thread: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...p;hl=OpenOffice
  10. Dennis, come on, you're disappointing us now - where's the pear tree
  11. I don't install it cos I've never actually needed it so what's the point of having it.
  12. Because it does on my computer and every computer I've used so can only assume there is some issue with the Flash cleaning on your system that needs looking at
  13. It would run better if you could move the C partition to the front, most partitioning programs should be able to handle that. Also move the pagefile to the OS partition, there are simple instructions for that here: http://maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/m...as-paging-file/
  14. It already does. You're still misunderstanding - the settings.sol contains some of the websites you can see via the Flash settings manager AND contains the Flash settings (open it yourself with notepad and have a look), they are the same file so it will make no difference moving the file elsewhere, cleaning, and putting it back - the settings.sol will still contain the same sites. CCleaner already cleans everything EXCEPT the settings.sol file for the reasons already mentioned, unfortunately this means any sites that are written to the settings.sol file show up in the Flash settings manager, this is the price you have to pay to retain Flash settings. Or if you don't care about the settings do as most do and add it to be cleaned by CCleaner. If you were really desperate to keep the settings you're idea of a batch file may work - delete settings.sol, set you Flash settings to create a new clean settings.sol file, then move that file elsewhere and use a batch file to have it replace any new settings.sol file that is recreated.
  15. But, as I understand it, the settings.sol file IS a Flash cookie file, it just happens to also hold the Flash settings so there is no way of saving one without the other. Regarding Silverlight I have never needed to install or use it so have no clue about the cookies produced by it unfortunately.
  16. Won't be bothering with that then
  17. Yes but only if it's SAFE and I am assuming there is good reason not all "$NT...." folders are removed (when hotfix uninstaller cleaning was introduced it DID clean more, then the problems started being posted here, I know, I was one of them)
  18. Looks to me like the D partition is at the start of the drive which is where your OS partition should be (as it's the faster part of the drive). Also the pagefile is showing as on the D partition and this should be on the OS partition, not a separate partition.
  19. You said the "only delete files in Windows temp folders older than 24 hours box is checked". Untick it, then run CCleaner.
  20. Because it's far more likely the 1 out of 40 is wrong than the other 39 out of 40 are wrong.
  21. It is probably just recreated (as a new, empty, log file) as soon as you delete it. I've seen it happen sometimes and don't give it a second thought.
  22. Just to cover the obvious - have you tried reformatting and reinstalling Windows?
  23. Also try re-downloading it
  24. Was just reading about this on another site and the general consensus seemed to be 'very fast but very buggy'
  25. Don't tick any of the advanced section unless you understand exactly what you're doing. Have a look here for what each one does: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner/ccleaner...d-windows-files
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