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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. The line starting "Include1=PATH" is ONLY added to the config file when YOU add an include file in CCleaner. As I said, go to CCleaner's Options, Include section and delete "C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp" That is a separate issue I think, I have no experience of Junctions though and don't really understand what you're getting at so maybe someone else can give some idea with that
  2. That is a file that you've added yourself for cleaning. Simply go to Options>Include and delete the filepath you mentioned.
  3. It's been debated to death here many many times, it ain't gonna happen
  4. But until you have a fully installed properly working Opera I doubt the developers will take any notice, they can hardly be expected to work on bugs for "half-deleted" installs.
  5. You don't actually need to use it. If you ignore the initial download box (which starts the Adobe download manager), then click the "If your download doesn't start...." link, it downloads just the Flash Player
  6. Or perhaps use an install tracking program when you install stuff such as ZSoft Uninstaller or Total Uninstaller and or a program that gives a more thorough uninstall without tracking the initial install such as Revo Uninstaller. I actually use Total uninstall AND Revo. I track the install with Total Uninstall then when uninstalling use Revo followed by Total Uninstall. (PS I'm not suggesting Total Uninstall is a better tracker than Zsoft, I actually suspect it isn't, it's just what I'm used to using and have so many installs already tracked with it I couldn't get rid of Total Uninstall now anyway)
  7. Surely the issue is a screwed up Opera install, not a CCleaner bug???
  8. You simply had to remove the key CCleaner uses to detect Google toolbar is installed: HKCU\Software\Google\NavClient\1.1 This is not a fault of CCleaner but of the toolbar for not uninstalling fully and does happen with some programs. For future reference the easiest way to find this out is to download the embedded ini files from this thread which is updated with the current ini files with each CCleaner update. You can then find the code used for the program you are after and it will list the detect key.
  9. Don't be silly, they won't charge you to uninstall. No, they'll offer you an upgrade. For a small fee
  10. Thanks Hazel, FileHippo's update checker wasn't notifying me of this for some reason Oh and I do hate how they try to push the Adobe download manager on you without giving you any option in the matter
  11. Yup, one of the most exciting finishes to a rugby match I've ever seen. Made even more so by the fact I'm half Welsh and was watching the game with a Scot
  12. Probably not but make a backup when it asks just to be on the safe side
  13. Ok, I've just been looking into this some more and I think this may actually be a Firefox quirk/bug. The history entries that can't be deleted are all sites that are bookmarked. For example if you have a history entry for piriform.com and have it bookmarked, no amount of running CCleaner will remove the history entry (nor will trying to delete it within FF). However if you delete all your bookmarks relating to piriform.com, close Firefox, then run CCleaner, when you reopen FF the Piriform history entry will now be deleted. And/or the entry CAN now be manually deleted in Firefox (by right click>delete or FF's history cleaner)
  14. http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner
  15. You don't need to delete old backups manually if you are using Erunt's 'backup registry at startup' option, it can be set to delete old backups automatically by adding the "/days:X" switch to the end of the startup shortcut's properties (where X is the number of days backups to keep). eg my erunt startup shortcut is this: "C:\Program Files\ERUNT\AUTOBACK.EXE" %SystemRoot%\ERDNT\AutoBackup\#Date# /noconfirmdelete /noprogresswindow /days:3
  16. Oh my Facebook page has now updated, I really really like it. So much more intuitive and easy to use. *Sarcasm off*
  17. Oh great, so the one site I actually use it is getting rid of it
  18. I've changed my mind. From now on I'm going to pronounce it..... Boris
  19. Easier to say? By adding more letters and make the name longer? You're already saying "Sea cleaner" so that is obviously easy to say already, then adding an extra sea (Does this mean "C C C cleaner" is easier still?) Don't think I'll ever understand this one lol
  20. Um, its spelt CCleaner, so pronounced C Cleaner. Why would you add an extra C that isn't there? Strange
  21. On an OT note, why is it seemingly every site on the planet now is adding a pointless Facebook style toolbar at the bottom. And just in case that alone didn't annoy you half of them pop up some pointless balloon message to say "Welcome to my brilliant website", or some such rubbish, covering part of the page. *Rant mode off*
  22. Yes, CCleaner almost certainly won't trash your system.
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