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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Just to expand that a little - Java Quick Starter needs to be disabled from within Java (Control Panel>Java>Advanced tab, tickbox under 'miscellaneous'). The NET Framework requires a a little work to remove: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/963707
  2. I tried the portable version before posting the message, works as expected. There is a slight bug with it though, you have to restart CCleaner before it works (at least on my system), whether enabling or disabling it.
  3. Has been suggested before and I 100% agree.
  4. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS. Finally I'm a 100% happy CCleaner user again, thanks MrG Andavari, we having a party to celebrate?
  5. Confidential to friends and family? There's over 30,000 members on this forum, all of whom could see that info if they'd wanted (could Google perhaps have already been able to see it, the Google bot often shows up as being on the board as a user, did it have user privileges?). Whilst I agree with what you're saying I think it's a slight over reaction. Personally I never put anything in a forum profile that I'm not happy for the world to know, I'm certainly not bothered about Google knowing I like motorsport or rock music or whatever (which they will now know as the "Google spiders" will have committed this oh so important forum post to memory). Like I say I agree it shouldn't have happened, I just don't see why you're so upset about it, what harm will befall you by google knowing your hobbies (genuine question BTW). If you didn't want anyone knowing your interests, don't post them on the internet, that's my general rule of thumb regardless of how private the site is supposed to be.
  6. Why not just use Recuva to overwrite all found files? Will be quicker and less wearing on your hard drive than wiping the entire disk.
  7. I'm sure that's great if you have a middle button, alot of people are laptop users and don't have that option
  8. Nope, never had a need to use it. Never really used any of the additional tools in Revo.
  9. I noticed some old links are broken too (I guess its related to the bbcode issue). Some that have been shortened and have "......" in the middle of them try to open the link with that as part of the address. eg the link in the first post in this thread: http://forum.pirifor...showtopic=27652
  10. It is if you use an old version (as I do): http://www.aplusfreeware.com/categories/util/uninst.html But if you were going to pick an install tracker to start using I'd suggest going for Zsoft's anyway as it's more up to date. I only still use Total Uninstall cos I've been using it for a long time and already have most of my programs tracked with it, so couldn't get rid of it even if I started using Zsoft.
  11. As Dennis said, each serves a different function. I'd suggest using both. I use Revo and Total Uninstall (which is an install tracker like Zsoft). I use the tracker for all new installs and Revo for any uninstalls that I haven't tracked. Though even if I have tracked the install I will use Revo to uninstall the program first then run Total Uninstall to pick up anything Revo misses.
  12. Can't say I'm overly keen on the layout, seems far too chunky with an awful lot of dead space bulking out posts/threads/forum sections/everything. The default skin colours aren't too bad I suppose (if I turn the screen brightness down ).
  13. Damn, here's hoping for a subtle skin that doesn't hurt the eyes, I'll miss the old CCleaner forum skin
  14. CC, I wouldn't let the scaremongering bother you. Windows has unpatched security risks nearly every month but do you immediately uninstall Windows? No, you have good security software installed and take the relevant precautions browsing. I sometimes think some of the people on certain forums must be a permanent nervous wreck online scared to click anything for fear the entire universe may suddenly cease to exist
  15. JDPower

    Pale Moon

    I had a play with this a few weeks back and saw no noticeable performance difference. Plus the fact it will always be behind FF on security updates (and has no update notification of any kind) and I decided against bothering with it long term.
  16. I said in my first post: "Click the quality button and above 360p and 480p you find Textp"
  17. Ah, sorry, didn't expect that vid to be an 18 rated vid, have changed vid link to something else (the vid isn't really important, you can probably find a few other examples)
  18. CCleaner has only had that option in the current version (2.30) and it's working fine here. If you had it as an inclusion before perhaps try deleting the inclusion then re-adding it and see if it works then
  19. Click the quality button and above 360p and 480p you find Textp, by using text mode you are saving YouTube $1 a second in bandwidth cost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F22MidnAaTY PS Don't forget to read the blue info box when you've selected text mode
  20. Yup, still using the CCleaner skin, the others are just too harsh on the eyes
  21. http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/faqs.html#Anchor-Wha-44708 The wording has been amended in the current release anyway so no longer and issue.
  22. First the positive, the improved inclusions screen is excellent, as is the improved context menu options. BUT it says "Improved Firefox History cleaning" but it still doesn't clear the sidebar history, which I thought would be the fix. Also can I request just a little more detail in the changelog than just "Improved....", that changelog doesn't give any clue about what has actually changed in the FF Database compacting, OpenOffice cleaning, free space wiping (this in particular would be nice to know as CC is still playing catch up a little in that area) etc. Apart from wanting to know so you can check it out, its good to know so you can keep an eye out for any bugs and check the improvements work correctly. (And I know I scream this in vain with every release but I'm not the only one, please can we have the option of having the detailed results screen by default. Pleeeease )
  23. JDPower

    avast 5

    That's exactly what I'm doing, it's supposed to be supported till september, I'll decide then if I'm upgrading or switching to Avast.
  24. If you're referring to our preference for a certain older version, I gave up on my vain hope the results screen would be 'fixed' and am now using the current version
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