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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Do you honestly think Google give two hoots about the drivel contained in 99% of the billions of emails and web searches made? "Ooh, look, John just sent an email saying Hi howya doing, log and store that, it'll be invaluable". Come on Seriously, I've had issues with one or two of their practices in the past but the amount of fud and conspiracy theories around Google is ridiculous.
  2. I think you are getting confused about how CCleaner works. When you click the 'Run Cleaner' button it cleans all the checked items on the Windows and Applications tab, there's no need to click on the applications tab and run it again.
  3. I don't have an IE7 updates folder. I have occasionally deleted the contents of the ie8updates folder but it's not something that should be added to CCleaner IMO
  4. What date are you looking at when saying the file is older than 24 hours? IIRC CCleaner goes by the last access date, not creation date. You could always just untick the option "Only delete temp files older than 24 hours" if they bother you that much
  5. Because they are unsafe to remove. I very much doubt it.
  6. Backups won't help much when your banking details are stolen
  7. That to me screams a warning you should alter your browsing/downloading habits if you're getting hit that often. It's only a matter of time before you get hit by one before AVG has updated to include it in it's definitions (if you're not already infected with something).
  8. To avoid future disaster you may want to consider installing the Firefox add-on FEBE: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2109/ That will backup your history (as well as bookmarks, cookies, etc etc, basically everything Firefox related) and can be scheduled to run every day if you so wish, or you can just do it manually as and when needed.
  9. So sorry to hear about your loss Lulu. I lost my dad to cancer last year so do know how it feels, it's not easy but you will get through it. My sincere condolences to you, your mum and your family.
  10. Gee, is it national pedant day or something, lighten up guys and perhaps offer her the advice she came here for
  11. Most will recommend Avast or Avira of the free ones. Personally I use Avira and have done for a year or so now with no problems, though I have no experience with the newly released version 10 (I will stick with V9 till support runs out, thus avoiding any early bugs or issues the new version may have)
  12. Well after the discussion here about using only the memory cache I decided to try it. So have been running Firefox with disk cache disabled (not just set to zero) for the last week, also took the probably unnecessary step of setting FF's RAM cache higher than default (200MB, same as my disk cache was set to). Now I can't say I've noticed ANY performance improvement, but I haven't noticed any DROP in performance either. So as it has no noticeable performance effect, but does save on disk wear/fragmentation and saves having to run CCleaner to clear cache after every FF session, I shall be leaving it set up as is with no disk cache. Glad I started this topic, and thanks Anomaly for the post that set me off looking into, and using, the above
  13. I'll be nearly double that the day after!!! Glad you're well and back
  14. Just for your information, you can remove Java Console 6.0.16 (it's an old version and should have been removed automatically when 6.0.20 was installed), you can also disable Java Console 6.0.20, Java Quick Starter and Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant if you so wish. There was actually discussion about these recently here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=27875
  15. Yup, really like them Fluffy
  16. Well if I ever come across one of these ClickOnce apps I'll simply install the .NET framework assistant, but until then I'm happy not having an unnecessary extension installed
  17. But I would have thought that would cause some performance hit as the browser has to then (when full) continually decide what cache items it can remove to make space for more. Though I freely admit my knowledge of how browser caching technically works is fairly poor so may be way off, hence why I started the topic
  18. Have you ever come across a ClickOnce app? I removed the assistant on day one and have never had any page or app not work due to my Firefox's lack of ClickOnce support. There are lots of things you could install that add support for this that or t'other, should you install them all even though you'll never even see, let alone use, what they add support for though?
  19. That's how it always worked for me before, I always got an email for every reply.
  20. Interesting. So most people still don't go above 100Mb or so. I changed it to 200Mb a couple of weeks ago and using CCleaner after browsing sessions, as I always do, have seen quite often the cache has the full 200Mb to be removed so was curious as to what sort of size others had it set to, as I assume 100Mb wouldn't take much filling (which I'm guessing would affect browsing performance wouldn't it - browsing with a full cache?)
  21. So they could check any possible bug themselves
  22. There is absolutely no need for the .NET Framework Assistant in FF and it can be removed using the instructions given in the link I posted. It has absolutely no effect on the functionality of the .NET Framework itself.
  23. Nope, no problem here.
  24. I know the recommended figure years back used to be 100Mb but with browsing nowadays involving watching online vids of increasingly high definition (and therefore size), increasing amounts of downloads due to faster connections, surely 100Mb is on the low side by todays standards. What size do you have your cache set to and why?
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