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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Its Removeself, not deleteself. You should use "|*.*|REMOVESELF", for example: E:\My Documents\The KMPlayer\|*.*|REMOVESELF
  2. Never heard of it till now but having just spent quite a few mins Googling it (it's not easy to find info on is it), personally I'd avoid it like the plague: http://www.conetrix....ity-Issues.aspx http://windowssecret...our-PC-with-CNN And be aware it's not a magic bullet for all Flash videos, it only has an effect on Octoshape enabled live streams
  3. I have scroll bars on the exact same sections as you've posted (WinXP). Can't think what's causing that other than some sort of theme issue but you seem to be using the default XP theme so can't be that
  4. That'll be because people keep resurrecting it
  5. Firefox doesn't necessarily have to be open for the exe to still be running, especially with some extensions which have been known to keep the Firefox exe running long after Firefox has been closed. Thats why I specifically asked if the "firefox.exe process" was still running
  6. Had you made certain the Firefox.exe process wasn't still running?
  7. This thread isn't about a problem, its normal CCleaner behaviour. The other thread is completely different.
  8. I'm going back an awful long way but IIRC in the veeeeery early days CCleaner did used to clean it whilst it was open but it would break Firefox, hence it has since skipped cleaning it whilst FF is open. I'm not sure if it's actually possible now, do other cleaners do it?
  9. It just cleans up log files, recent file lists etc. BUT, and this is unique only to Office, allowing CCleaner to clean Office will reset your settings to their defaults so if you don't want to lose your settings untick the office entries under CCleaners applications tab. For more basic info on CCleaner take a look at the help files: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner
  10. CCleaner hasn't cleaned the Firefox cache with Firefox running for as long as I've been using it (several years) so this is nothing new
  11. 10 seconds, is that all? Have you got the relatively new "Compact databases" option ticked as well under the cleaners Firefox section, this will almost certainly be the option that has added that humungous amount of time to the clean. It doesn't really need to be permanently ticked, just run occasionally.
  12. Good point Dennis. I would have pointed it out myself (if I'd actually noticed ) I have no idea what the difference is though, they do have a habit of making these names and differences up for free giveaways. It doesn't exist on their site and only exists on Google on sites talking about the offer
  13. Thought this was an interesting take on the Google Pac Man day: http://blog.rescuetime.com/2010/05/24/the-tragic-cost-of-google-pac-man-4-82-million-hours/
  14. One little thing I just remembered, if you go for the Ashampoo Burning Studio offer tomorrow and have to supply Ashampoo with an email address make sure you use a temp/junk email address. They do verge on spam with the amount of emails they send once they've got you email addy.
  15. I don't know specifically what CCleaner cleans that resets the Office settings, I don't use MS Office so have never looked into the specifics of it but it has cropped on here many times and the only solution is to untick MS Office cleaning. I'm guessing the file that Office stores its recent file lists etc is the exact same file it stores any settings you change, so cleaning one removes the other, but that is just an (educated?) guess
  16. I see what you're getting at but no, there's no other less obvious settings, just untick the Office boxes. Unfortunately due to the way Office is built the only way CCleaner can clean up it's recent file lists etc also means the settings are reset to defaults. It's a common issue with CCleaner (and other cleaner apps as far as I know) and MS Office unfortunately.
  17. Courtesy of our friends over at V3, AdAware 8 Plus available free for 24 hours Thursday: http://www.downloadjunkie.co.uk/2010/05/lavasoft-ad-awa-2.html And the really rather good Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 available free on Friday: http://www.downloadjunkie.co.uk/2010/05/exclusively-fre.html Apparently another free app to come for Monday too
  18. Which 'option' are you talking about? Have you got 'Menu order cache' or 'User assist history' ticked under the advanced section? If so untick them. EDIT: Mini rant removed
  19. Untick any boxes related to MS Office under the cleaners applications tab
  20. Just be careful. I've been there, done that and broken Windows by doing just that (AND might I add by trusting a certain well respected Windows slimming guide)
  21. Um, how about AdBlock: https://chrome.googl...cnamgkkbiglidom Oh and I don't see a pic in first post either
  22. I'm quite pleased, it doesn't succeed on my Firefox thanks to installed extensions. The first proof of concept does manage to change the tab title and favicon but no page content loads, it's blocked by Request Policy. The second proof of concept that is supposed to get past NoScript protection (which I don't use) doesn't work at all, I discovered this is thanks to CookieSafe Lite. Simply not having cookies allowed for the site stops it working. And if I try again but with CookieSafe disabled, once again no page content loads as it's blocked by Request Policy.
  23. JDPower

    wipe free space

    Not sure what you mean by "complete delete" but I suspect the answer is yes, it is the same. It overwrites all the free space on your disk so that any files you've deleted with Windows own delete feature (as opposed to a third party secure deletion software) are unrecoverable. See the CCleaner docs for more info: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner/using-ccleaner/wiping-free-disk-space
  24. And then people would complain about the 1.1% of recoverable files after wiping free space
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