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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. JDPower

    Avast 5

    Because installing an AV requires a restart which kinda defeats the object as Returnil will just remove it on restart.
  2. I've just discovered that Firefox's own clear history function doesn't remove the sidebar history either, I've got sites showing up in there that I've not visited for weeks and I have FF set to only save last 2 days history. I tried clearing the history in FF, tried setting it to clear on close, tried disabling the saving of history in FF options, and still the history isn't cleared
  3. Yup, thats far better advice than mine. I should now after all these years the installer is called ccsetup, not ccleaner
  4. It won't be in 'All programs' cos you've not installed it. Just do a Windows search for 'CCleaner'
  5. That's where I got my code from originally, obviously cocked up the copy and paste (amended my post). Forgot about the sticky post
  6. Create a winapp2.ini entry with the following: [Internet Cache] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default\Cache|*.* [Cookies] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Cookies [Internet History] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|*History* FileKey2=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Thumbnails FileKey3=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Visited Links [Current Session] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Current* [Last Session] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Last* [Form Data] Section=SRWare Iron DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe Default=True FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default|Web Data If you don't know how, simply copy the above into Notepad, then save as winapp2.ini making sure the 'Save as type' dropdown box says 'All files'. Then put the file in CCleaners program files folder. When you then open CCleaner you should then see the SRWare entries showing under under CCleaners applications tab
  7. If they're definitely uninstalled they should be safe to remove, just make a backup when it asks you, then you can restore it if there is a problem.
  8. I just checked this out and discovered that the history wasn't being cleaned for me either. BUT I use an older version of CCleaner as I don't like the new results window. I just tried the newest version and this DID clear Firefox's history.
  9. Did you note my last comment that if you allow cookies you should only see it once? (I found it would happen on first click, then not again UNLESS you refreshed the page then clicked it, then you would get the popup) Also I searched the site for 'imagebam' to check other screenshots and the same popup came up with every linked pic when clicking to enlarge them. EDIT: Just to confirm, as you asked, I just tried your screenshots in the desktop backgrounds thread and as expected they also have the popup.
  10. If Real Player still works, what is your problem? The last download location option just makes Internet Explorer forget the last directory you saved a file to, it doesn't delete anything IN that directory. Have a look at the CCleaner docs if you need more info about any of the options: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner
  11. Are you logged on as Administrator? Also have you tried disabling any security software that may be protecting the registry?
  12. Nope, still there I'm afraid. Have been doing some googling (was annoying me as to why it wasn't being blocked and I have come across it on another site once before) and it turns out it's quite a notoriously difficult popunder to block (Google livejasmin popup and see for yourself). Only way's I can find of blocking it are to set a specific rule in Noscript, which I don't use as it bugs the hell out of me. Or far easier, there is a Greasemonkey script that blocks them which seems to work well on my initial testing: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/67246 Incidentally from my Googling, if you allow cookies you should only see the popup once in 24 hours, as I restrict them it pops up with every click.
  13. Most of the time (use the SwitchHosts extension with MVPS hosts), still get the popup with it activated though, just as a "Problem loading page" window instead
  14. Just a warning - that hosting site hits you with adult popups (which rather annoyingly got through on Firefox) when you zoom the pics to full size
  15. JDPower

    DNS Jumper

    Interesting little tool, got me Googling and came across NameBench. Gives a very thorough test to find the fastest reliable DNS servers. If only they could add the quick switching ability of DNS Jumper it'd be perfect.
  16. JDPower

    Avast 5

    I know its no big deal on a half decent system but still some way above what Antivir uses here - two processes currently using 7Mb
  17. And why is that most likely, what are you basing this assumption on? Personally I'd say the most likely cause is wear on hardware and components, followed by the increasing amount of stuff that gets installed on a computer over time and a long way down that list being a few empty reg entries (somewhere just below breathing on your computer the wrong way). Apologies if I'm being facetious but I really think you are placing far too much importance, and wasting far too much time, on this
  18. AFAIA CCleaner basically fills the entire free space with a large empty temp file then overwrites it in one go.
  19. Or click on a Windows file that isn't actually used by a program other than Windows, eg click on a prefetch file and this will show up .pf as an unused file extension in CCleaner (or any other reg cleaner)
  20. http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron_download.php
  21. JDPower

    Free Clip Art

    It's not something I use but this is the site that immediately came to mind: http://openclipart.org/
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