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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. You didn't happen to run this did you?: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=26268 (If so then I, belatedly, now make known my initial thoughts it should probably be removed to save any users having problems and laying the blame with CCleaner)
  2. Can I just add my own personal thanks to Dennis for all the info he's posted in this thread, I've picked up a few things myself (let alone realise I've never actually created a recovery disc with my imaging program!!!) Cheers Dennis
  3. But many have heard about it, including the CCleaner developers hence why CCleaner has cleaned flash cookies for some time now
  4. That is a beta release isn't it? In which case CCleaner will not support it until an official release.
  5. Nope, date and size don't show on XP (I don't know whether it's supposed to though I would have thought so)
  6. JDPower

    Duplicate files

    I don't see where you're having a problem. I just downloaded it and tried it and was able to tick individual items and delete them no problem (right click>Delete selected) 6543 duplicate files is a scarily high number though and I would suggest exercising extreme caution with what you delete (dupe file finders are as dangerous, if not more so, than reg cleaners IMO) Edit: It finds 1559 duplicates (324Mb) on my computer - NONE of which will, or should, be deleted.
  7. Just to add to my previous post, have just discovered the rather excellent fact that the extensions status bar text changes colour if the hosts file is blocking a page you are trying to load. No more wondering if a page isn't loading because of the hosts file, and if it is just a single click to switch to the original hosts file. I'm really liking this method of hosts file control
  8. I think Antivir would be a better choice on such a low spec as it is runs lighter than Avast
  9. A few points. The fact you got infected through, you think, IE8 is not IE8's fault. It's far more secure than IE7 and if you were gonna get hit you'd have got hit using either. Firefox sometimes does continue to run in the processes tab for a little while after closing FF (but should eventually close after 20-30 seconds at most), this can be longer depending on extensions installed or number of extensions installed. If you contact Mozilla they will just suggest you try running FF in FF safe mode to rule out an extension causing the issue which it probably is (you can start FF in safe mode by clicking the Windows start button>All programs and the Firefox safe mode shortcut can be found there). You really should clean the cookies from all browsers to remove any tracking cookies. You can save the cookies for sites that require a login in CCleaner by going to Options>Cookies and moving the cookies for login sites across to the 'Cookies to keep' side.
  10. No probs, I wish all queries on here were too easy
  11. You can already do that, just right click the individual items and analyse/scan them
  12. I personally think defraggers that constantly run in the background like that are a waste of time and just provide unnecessary wear on the HD
  13. No, just temp files, logs, recently used lists etc. On a computer that's never been cleaned, yes, probably.
  14. The simplest way is to go to Options>Include and click the "Add folder" button, navigate to and select the folder it will give an inclusion rule like this: C:\Example\*.* If you then right click that entry you have just made, select "Manual edit", then simply remove the end bit so it looks like this: C:\Example Oh and don't forget to tick the "Custom files and folders" box under the advanced section in the cleaner tab.
  15. Looks like a bunch of drug crazed kangaroos!
  16. One of the reasons I don't use a modified hosts file is I don't like that lack of control over when it's active or not (ie it's always on). Well I've just found this extension and it seems to work a treat, just a click of the status bar icon to switch between host files : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/14258
  17. JDPower


    Malwarebytes Anti-malware should remove it but you may be best following the instructions HERE and posting in the spyware hell section
  18. IIRC the slowdown issues that were reported were fixed with a hotfix or two so I would suggest visiting Windows Update and making sure you're all up to date before trying removing it.
  19. I'm thinking it's gonna be a bit on the pricey side, although I'm not sure I'm entirely believing the first part: http://www.computeractive.co.uk/computerac...-tvs-convert-2d
  20. Where you'll find it has already been suggested : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=26066
  21. Search and ye shall find: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...mp;hl=duplicate
  22. JDPower

    Missing Icon

    Just go to "Program files\CCleaner", right click the CClener.exe and create shortcut and put the shortcut wherever you want. Or if that don't work just reinstall it
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