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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Yup, needs a restart to clear (as do index.dat files which also contain browsing data). And Norton doesn't like anything so that doesn't surprise me.
  2. Have you restarted the computer after running CCleaner?
  3. It's a cracking little program and it's been improved slightly since the last time they gave version 2 away, I just wish they'd put back the freehand tool from version 1. Still one of the best giveaways yet though.
  4. Ah, sorry, I completely misunderstood the question. I don't run CCleaner automatically but sure someone else will be able to give some advice
  5. JDPower

    c cleaner

    Read and decide for yourself: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner
  6. If you go to 'Options>Advanced' do you have the box "Only delete files older than 24 hours" ticked?
  7. Well this thread encouraged me to check out these update programs having not checked them out for a while. My opinion, Update Notifier and UpdateStar both pretty rubbish (Update Notifier more-so and comfortably worst of the bunch). Sumo wasn't bad, though not error free (told me my Iron was out of date - the suggested current version was actually a beta version). And best of the bunch, though also not perfect, Secunia. Picked up on the fact that the IE Flash version (not that I use IE) and Foxit portable were outdated where the others didn't as well as picking up on a couple the others also got. Amusingly it listed IE8 as insecure with three vulnerabilities despite being fully patched and up to date (and Firefox 100% secure). It stupidly (IMO) it listed two versions of IE and WMP because it picked up on the backups in Windows DLL cache (have just run the online version and that does the same, as well as picking up on outdated Outlook, also in dll cache). It listed Shockwave Player 10 as an end of life product on my machine even though 11.5 is what is installed, so will investigate that. And it seems awfully slow to launch on my system. As I said been a while since I checked out the above and Secunia impressed me enough that I will be installing it permanently for occasional checks alongside FileHippo so thanks to Razz for starting the thread.
  8. Not a bad suggestion to be added to the tools section so that individual 'Open with' entries can be easily deleted, not the regular cleaner or issues section though as most users would not want to delete these, or all of them, every time they run CCleaner.
  9. FileHippo Update Checker is what I use too, works well for me and more reliable than the other two similar programs I've tried - Sumo and Update Star
  10. +3 Can't see why it was ever put anywhere other than the tools section
  11. No SRWare (stable version) is not as up to date as Chromium, it's not even up to Chrome/Chromium version 4 yet. And as far as I'm aware Chromium doesn't have the tracking that Chrome does either, SRWare Iron just takes the privacy elements a step further and removes any trace or tracking. (Having said that I use Iron, not chromium)
  12. Don't see what relevance that is when you said that was an issue with the size of the manual update download. But the manual update is only necessary when the regular update system fails, and that hasn't happened to me once since they changed their update system about a month ago (and it was happening ALL the time to me before those changes) Don't get me wrong, I was extremely p!$$ed off with the update system before, only reason I didn't change AV was simply down to never getting round to it, but I can't fault them now. If you've used it since the changes and still have issues then that's bad luck but the majority of users have no issues with the update system now and it's unfair to slate them when the issues you described are the exact issues that were fixed.
  13. Well as someone who was losing patience with Avira's updating I have to say it has been 100% flawless since they made the changes to their update system. Are you actually using it now or just slagging it on the basis of how bad it used to be? Of course the forums are gonna be full of people with issues, that's why they're there. You'd almost certainly see the same thing in any AV's forum.
  14. And if you delete the files you mentioned and run CCleaner with Firefox closed, then try the download again, does the same happen? Are you using a download manager (eg DownThemAll)?
  15. Just for future reference - when trying new software I suggest you read how to use it before looking silly with a post like that Unless of course you're just trolling, in which case put some effort into it
  16. If you are just talking about the 'Cleaner' section the items listed are not the programs themselves, just the log files, recent files list etc from those programs. More info here: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner
  17. JDPower

    DSN Cache

  18. What OS and IE version? I've just checked on my machine (XP + IE8) and with Autocomplete checked rundll shows briefly then disappears. (Without it checked it doesn't appear at all but you may just have an option checked that I don't)
  19. You've posted different descriptions of your problem across three seperate threads now, not the best way of helping us to help you. I would suggest following the instructions here to check your computer is not riddled with malware: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=20120
  20. You've posted different descriptions of your problem across three seperate threads now, not the best way of helping us to help you. I would suggest following the instructions here to check your computer is not riddled with malware: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=20120
  21. Why, what happens? Have you tried deleting the two related files you mentioned and running CCleaner with Firefox closed, then try the download again.
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