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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Just so you you know, I've been experiencing a minor bug with the new version of the GUI where the defrag window sometimes doesn't open, but defrag does happen. The new version of JKD itself though is working faultlessly
  2. JDPower


    Once again a reason for the beginners guide to be linked to (or included) within CCleaner.
  3. Did you use the 'Tools' section of CCleaner (Startup and uninstall) or just the cleaner and issues sections?
  4. Yeah, think you do. Heres a couple of links to help: http://majorgeeks.com/page.php?id=12 http://engr.smu.edu/~kaytaz/xpservices.html
  5. In that case just tell him you've installed software that logs any adult site visited, he won't wanna risk the possibility that its true and the following embarrasment
  6. Changelog: Get it here: http://www.kessels.com/JkDefrag/index.html Also new version if the GUI: Get it here: http://www.emro.nl/freeware/
  7. I think you're better off asking on the Mozilla forums or maybe somewhere like DeviantArt. I like the idea though
  8. Do you mean CCleaner is finding 870 issues and they are reappearing after fixing them? If so make sure you run it and fix all issues found a few times (sometimes takes 2 or 3 runs before all issues are cleaned) then try THIS THREAD. OR, as you said you have 870 problems "that will not fix through CCleaner", do you mean you are finding the entries with another program and trying to clean them with CCleaner? If so thats normal, CCleaner is a safe reg cleaner and as such will not find anywhere near as much as other reg cleaners (which will probably flag valid entries as invalid and expect the user to know which are safe)
  9. A few reg cleaners do clean them. They are stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options If you use RegSeeker you can get a custom exclude.ini HERE
  10. I tried it a while back and found I didn't really have much need for it, though I have recently been using the slightly more basic DiskView which I like alot so may give it another go.
  11. Just seen this extension listed on AMO, really nice idea (not tried it yet though, not using FF2): CacheViewer: This extenion is GUI Front-end of "about:cache". Allows searching and sorting memory and disk cache files. Basically a cache browser so you can view images etc in cache.
  12. Nice spot, same here. Just a wrongly titled CCleaner entry I think
  13. Let us know how is running stability wise (I've still not upgraded to FF2 and have been waiting till it'd had a couple of updates to iron out any possible bugs)
  14. That could explain it. I'd go for JKDefrag, not just because I think its better than windows defrag, but mainly cos its so much quicker and you won't have to wait so long for it to complete.
  15. Have you tried the obvious - virus/malware scan, checkdisk, defrag?
  16. JDPower

    Same handle?

    I use the same name everywhere too.
  17. FF1.5 also updated (to 1.5.10) for those of us still sticking with it.
  18. Personally I hope not, doesn't fit CCleaners purpose (IMO).
  19. Just got sent a link to this video from 9/11. I thought I had got desensitised to the WTC imagery but this is a stark reminder of how horrific it must have been to witness (it is 25 mins of footage filmed by a witness in a nearby building): http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...675597508654859 This is VERY powerful video so don't watch if that is going to bother you. Thought it was worth sharing, though if any moderators disagree, please feel free to remove it.
  20. Yes theres some good stuff on that site, only stumbled across it a couple of days ago (and have now removed a couple of tweaks that I discovered were useless )
  21. Well I finally got round to trying this out and got to say I actually prefer Total Uninstall. Yes ZU is very fast but I just prefer the way TU works. Plus I tried installing and uninstalling a program with ZU and it said some files couldn't be removed. It didn't tell me what and just said it'd try again next time I started the program. So I restarted the program and nothing, no notifacation of whether it did or didn't remove them. At least if Total Uninstall can't remove something its listed it immediately after uninstall, allowing me to remove it myself (and know its removed). I'm not saying its a bad program, just not for me in its present form.
  22. Still available on Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninsta...RemoveWGA.shtml
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