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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. According to Wikipedia, this is a server-side thing. Thus, CCleaner or other software can't do anything about it.
  2. When FF will separate tabs, it will use more memory, but all memory from a tab will be freed when the tab is closed. Currently, most of it is still used.
  3. ...Please stop complaining...or at least read what he said. This is not a configuration supported by Microsoft ; they don't have to do anything. If you tried to install Windows on a PS3, and it failed, would you say MS are a buch of idiots ? No. It's not a supported config, they don't have to provide support for it. Sadly, OEMs don't really care whether they customers have problems or not.
  4. Uh...The UAC prompt means "Do you want to give admin rights to this program?". It can't be bypassed - that would render it useless...
  5. Because for someone who doesn't know that TACO and Beef TACO are cookies opt-out addons, TACO is...well, a taco.
  6. Uh...When I installed it, Explorer started acting wierd, throwing RPC errors everywhere, drag'n'drop didn't work at all (in any program), and other weird things...This was fixed after a reboot, but I hope Mozilla will fix that
  7. This is not MS's fault. The KB article says this happens when sysprep was done on an Intel computer and then deployed on an non-Intel processor. Microsoft can't do anything about this, I'm afraid. Contrarily to what you might think, MS doesn't want to screw their users' computers. Especially not when the said users are enterprises. Back on topic now - Vajradhara, did that solve your problem?
  8. Did you check the "Wipe MFT Free Space" checkbox in CCleaner's settings?
  9. How do you know they are overwritten "mostly" ?
  10. ...Because you're so much better at programming and finding what exactly causes a bug in millions of lines of code, right ?
  11. Do you need to sell your drive ? Did you delete top secret files that should never be recovered ? Unless the answer to one of those questions is yes, you shouldn't use WFS. Besides...how do you know CCleaner doesn't overwrite all the data ?
  12. It might be related to NTFS-compressed files (they appear in blue in Windows Explorer). Defraggler doesn't handle those very well.
  13. Well, I don't know why this message appears, but I can tell you defragging a SSD is pointless. No matter where a file or file fragment is on a SSD, it takes the same amount of time to find it. If you defrag it, the SSD will die before the laptop, since Defraggler's defrag algorithm tries to fill all holes and does not care about how many times it writes something on the disk Besides, as Tom's Hardware says it, "An SSD?s firmware uses wear-leveling functionality to assign different locations for the data you push to the drive. Defragmenting the SSD would only jumble the data around more, for a ?sequential? file as seen by a software defragmenter doesn?t correspond to a sequential series of pages on an SSD block.".
  14. Don't defrag a SSD. It's pointless because of the way SSDs work, and it will greatly reduce its lifetime.
  15. Aethec

    XP SP2 is dead.

    No there won't be. MS is not stupid. XP is in extended support. That means "no more SPs".
  16. Aethec

    XP SP2 is dead.

    Anyway, in four years no program will be supporting XP. IE 9 won't support it. The Windows Live Essentials won't support it, including Messenger which is widely used. Firefox won't support it for all eternity, especially if they are planning to use D2D - since it isn't supported in XP, maintaining two different rendering engines, one for XP and the other for Vista/7, will be a nightmare. I highly doubt the next version of Office will support it. Nor will freeware like Paint.NET. That is already a lot, in terms of market share. Besides, the benefits of using Win7 aren't simply fancy graphics. Anomaly >> Companies staying with XP is neither ignorance nor laziness. It's called compatibility. And money. Most companies just can't afford re-creating all their internal apps, which often were built for IE 6 and IE 6 only.
  17. Aethec


    No need to go to Portable Apps. Mozilla's FTP already has portable versions of all builds (the win32 ZIP ones are for Windows)
  18. Aethec

    XP SP2 is dead.

    Not fifteen. Four.
  19. Aethec

    XP SP2 is dead.

    XP SP3 extended support will end in 2014. I hope everyone here has got enough money to buy a new computer before 2014... Andavari >> Win7 will be supported for a long time...maybe not 13 years like XP, but for a long time.
  20. Well, on my Win7 x64, they go back to the original level within seconds.
  21. If your company policy says you shouldn't use CCleaner...well, don't.
  22. Well, when I don't kn ow something, I usually Google it
  23. Well, Firefox can't (at least not on my system) release memory when you close a tab. Having a one-process-per-tab architecture fixes that, at the expense of using a bit more memory for each tab. Besides, the only wasted RAM is unused RAM.
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