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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. I hope Uruguay will be last (4th). Suarez's hand against Ghana was a shame.
  2. Don't Wipe Free Space (unless you are selling your hard drive), and don't clean the Prefetch
  3. Aethec

    New recovery way

    I don't think the Windows API for creating files can take a physical location on the drive as a parameter... ( source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858%28VS.85%29.aspx )
  4. Don't forget to use the Norton Removal Tool, since Norton is not known for clean uninstalls
  5. What about the freespace defrag ? (a little offtopic, but...you will see a big difference in performance if you upgrade to Win7. XP just can't handle multi-core processors, gigabytes of RAM, or any modern hardware, correctly ; Vista and 7 can.)
  6. Try right-clicking on your drives in Defraggler, then Advanced >> Defrag Freespacce (Allow Fragmentation). This should not leave holes. PS : XP on a quad-core system ? Seriously ?
  7. That is strange... Open a Command Prompt in Win7 (Start Menu >> type cmd and hit enter) Type set , hit enter, and look for the values of AppData, LocalAppData, and Temp. Are they paths on D:\ or on C:\ ?
  8. An MSI installer is a good thing - the installation is managed by Windows itself ( = Windows knows where the program's files and reg keys are stored, and will be able to delete them all if you uninstall ).
  9. If you don't want LSOs, disable cookies, too. It's exactly the same thing. An LSO cannot do anything itself ; it's just a file, and the site that created it (and only the one that created it - www.example.com can't read www.example2.com's LSOs) can write in it or read it. If the Photobox webmaster wanted to take your credit card number (I don't know anything about Photobox - I assume there is some kind of paid accounts ?), he could do so by lots of ways - cookies, LSOs, javascript, ...
  10. Alright, let me put it with other words : LSOs will not do anything harmful unless the webmaster wants to. I doubt the BBC would spy its users
  11. Actually, the $Recycle.Bin folder is not shown in Explorer - but you can still see it if you type its path in the address bar.
  12. Theme is SlanXP2, background is here
  13. In Windows Explorer, enable hidden & system folder view, then go in C:\$Recycle.Bin
  14. Aren't you a little paranoid ?
  15. The "Decline" button looks a bit too much like a "Stop install" one IMHO.
  16. Well, with such a small drive/partition, that is possible - but highly unlikely to happen. What is the file that doesn't want to be defragmented ?
  17. Have a look at this : http://www.mywot.com/fr/scorecard/fixio-pc-cleaner.com
  18. Not using a browser simply because an old version of it didn't taste your needs is quite ridiculous. I mean, at least test it before saying "I'll never use it again" (well, you can't really test IE9 yet, but...)
  19. There is an MFT Zone in Vista+, I can see it on my computer (Win7). Actually, since the MFT is used to find all other files, I think it's the most important file to be defragged
  20. To clear the left side, simply clean the cookies - don't forget the Flash ones under Applications - Adobe Flash Player.
  21. Add C:\System Volume Information\ (a.k.a. the folder where System Restore Points and Shadow Copies are) to Defraggler's exclude list. You'll need to enable system files/folders view in Windows Explorer's Folder Options firs
  22. I don't know much about American law, but...doesn't breaking a NDA cost lots of money ? (besides, we don't know if those are true...especially the one praising Apple...why would MS do that ? They have 95% market share and Apple 5%, not the opposite...)
  23. Regmon was replaced by Procmon PS : No offense intended, but saying "m$" is quite ridiculous.
  24. Aethec

    FF 4.1 beta

    It's 4.0 beta 1, not 4.1 Besides, it's not even a beta yet - simply a candidate for beta
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