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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. Simple reason : To prevent people from having a completely different user experience, crashes, bugs, et al. when using buggy themes. Patching UXTheme means "I have understood I might run into problems when installing custom themes".
  2. Obvious troll is obvious. Anyway, most people upgrade Windows when they buy a new computer.
  3. Aethec

    WinApp2 Wizard

    You can't. Firefox cleaning is hardcoded into CCleaner since it's more than simply deleting files.
  4. In Vista/7, you can set the maximum CPU usage in the Control Panel's Power Options. Is there something like that in XP ?
  5. Aethec

    WinApp2 Wizard

    Here's a wizard to easily create Winapp2.ini entries. It does everything you'll need to create entries easily (except watching the clipboard when you're in Regedit - I'll implement it later) It requires the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (much, much, much smaller than the full one), if you haven't got it already you can download it from here : http://www.microsoft...&displaylang=en It should work with XP/Vista/7, however, I only tested it on a x64 Win7. I'd be grateful if someone tested it on WinXP and on a x86 build of Vista/7. Special thanks to Ranhiru for the original idea Winapp2 Wizard.zip Here's the source - it's built in C#, and the UI uses WPF (except the open file/open folder dialogs which are in WinForms, as there's no OpenFolderDialog in WPF...). It's quite simple - I'm sure I could optimize it a bit, but the performance gain would be really small since it's already quite fast. source.zip P.S.: I won't have any Internet access in the next ten days, so if there's any bug, I won't be there to correct it. Sorry.
  6. Actually, typing defraggler /debug will work only if Defraggler is in the "path". Hazelnut forgot the quoting marks : "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe" /debug should work on a x86 system. The x64 exe name is Defraggler64.exe;)Snippet
  7. Maybe try this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/fixing-bootmgr-is-missing-error-while-trying-to-boot-windows-vista/
  8. Shouldn't we create another topic to talk about spying your kids ?
  9. Bump. There's too much users complaining about 30% fragmentation or so after DF defragged because there are SRPs...
  10. It's long because 1) It's written in HTML (I'm not kidding) and 2) there is no index. Windows has to search C:\Windows\Installer everytime. Don't ask me why...
  11. I'm creating a wizard for that...in C#, however. And WPF for the UI, because it's awesome.
  12. As I said, the more you want to protect them, the more they'll want to view "objectionable and potentially harmful material". Explaining them why this content does not represent real-life is better IMHO. Andavari >> Well, I got blue screens once, but now I haven't noticed any bugs. Maybe because I don't play games so the graphics card is never really used.
  13. English is 1033. It's built-in CCleaner ; you can delete the whole Lang folder. Here's a full list: http://www.science.co.il/language/Locale-Codes.asp?s=decimal
  14. That's not how CCleaner works, but yes, it'd be nice.
  15. Maybe the integrated graphics card takes some of those 256 MBs. (but...isn't the PC awfully slow ?)
  16. A 15-years-old boy having restrictions is rather pointless - that's my view too. (like Pandora's box - if you restrict it, the kid will want to bypass the restrictions. And if he can't, he'll view porn elsewhere) Recently, NVIDIA drivers have burned some graphic cards by disabling the fans due to a bug. Starcraft II has done that, too, by redrawing the menus an infinite number of times, again due to a bug. Thus, a virus could physically damage your hardware, like any program can if it has admin privileges. There are also rootkits that modify the BIOS to hide themselves.
  17. Enable system files/folders view in Windows Explorer's Folder Options, and then add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list. Vista/7 have much bigger System Restore Points, and they can't be defragmented.
  18. Index.dat files are deleted after a reboot because they are locked by Windows
  19. Aethec

    Version 2

    Well, the devs know them, obviously. But if anyone knew, he'd have spoken already, don't you think?
  20. CCleaner is not built using C++/CLI (the official name for VC++.NET), else it would require .NET. Anyway, .NET doesn't use INI for its config files
  21. Why ? The Registry has a lot of advantages compared to the old INI files.
  22. I think Windows would crash first. But...I don't want to try
  23. Try typing for /l %i in (1,1,10000) do start in the command-line. It should be even worse
  24. Actually, Windows XP Media Center is only XP Pro + additional software. I don't know if there's a way for a program to know if the XP edition is a Media Center one.
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