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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. That's only true with C/C++/other ugly languages. C#, for example, is easy to read - one of the reasons for that is its extremely long and descriptive names:)
  2. The problem is that it is never precise. Just look at Windows's File Copy dialog.
  3. Aethec


    1. The only mistake I see here is that "Piriform" has an 'i' before the first 'r'. (and this is a "pear", hence the name "Piriform" which means "pear-shaped") 3. Why would they remove this ? This is an English forum, everything is supposed to be used by English-speaking people. 4. What's the point in registering if you are logged in ?
  4. Disabling Protected Mode is not a good idea. Why don't you add the Virtualized folder to CCleaner's Exclude list ?
  5. No no no no no no no. A big "no". NT still is modern technology - in fact, some things are still the same from NT 3.1 because they're good. And rewriting for the sake of rewriting is a bad idea. http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000069.html Nullack >> Holy Carp. At least you'll have a nice GPU-accelerated Web with next-generation browsers (but don't all those fans make a lot of noise ?) Mr Don >> Why don't you switch to Linux? Or OS X? Or BSD? Or Solaris? Or whatever you want? You seem to think MS are idiots that only want money and want their users to suffer. Sorry, that's wrong. The fact you are using WinXP means you think it is superior to the competition, or that if fits your needs better than other OSs.
  6. I wonder what will be in Office 15. I doubt they'll support XP, but I also doubt they'll simply add some D2D animations like they did with Live Messenger...
  7. There's a fix from MS to disable DLL search in the Current Working Directory, a.k.a. CWD. http://support.micro...2264107&x=9&y=9 Install this, and then: Open Registry Editor. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager Right-click Session Manager, point to New, and then click Dword Value. Type CWDIllegalInDllSearch, and then click Modify. In the Value data box, type FFFFFFFF, and then click OK.
  8. Two resident antiviruses at the same time can (and most probably will) cause conflicts. You should disable it
  9. Well, since Win9x have a completely different kernel than Win2k/XP/Vista/7, it might be using something that isn't available on Win9x.. But why would you want to do that anyway ?
  10. And then people wonder why I never use Apple products for Windows...
  11. Yeah... I already knew about that program. In fact, Nir Sofer makes Startup Run as well as What's in Startup that shows BHO + Startup, but, not tasks. I already knew about autoruns, but hey, they asked what we wanted... So I replied! Heh! Can it hurt to want? Most users wouldn't know what most of the startup items are, and a lot of them would blindly disable everything without thinking (just see what happens with the Registry cleaner)
  12. You'll have to backup all your data regularly when MS drops XP support, and have an installation disk ready, since even one flaw after the 2014 deadline means all the remaining XP computers could be infected However, specifically asking for XP if you buy a new, modern machine is ridiculous. It's like buying a Ferrari if you hardly know how to drive.
  13. I'd add "If you want to stay with XP, don't complain about not having new software".
  14. Sorry, but...benchmarks aren't real-life situations. Besides, most of those "benchmarks" are quite obscure (your first link mentions SunSpider...that's a browser benchmark...). However, the new things introduced by Win7 and backported to Vista are awesome. For example, DirectCompute can dramatically speed up effects on large images - in Paint.NET, the DirectCompute implementation of some blurs is up to 310x faster (no typo) than the CPU implementation of said blurs. But this can't be shown in a benchmark, since benchmarks are forced to use software working on all platforms the same way.
  15. All this data is anonymous. The main point of it is to have large amounts of data so they can improve their next product. Office 2007/10's Ribbon, for example, was heavily influenced by what users used, didn't use, how much, how often, etc.
  16. Deleting this board's cookies might fix that...
  17. Please either read about IE, ActiveX, Win7, try Win7 with modern programs, and think before posting, or don't post in this thread. Seriously.
  18. Try SysInternals AutoRuns. You can see everything. However, since you can see everything, you can mess up your PC...be careful. P.S.: I don't know if your extremely long post is a troll, but...1) that's not the subject and 2) you're one of those XP SP2 diehards. Please, keep XP and let the rest of the world be happy with Win7.
  19. Yes, indeed. Removing Gutmann would be nice. With, of course, a small explanation in the changelog.
  20. I don't see it either....even though all other pictures on wallpaperweb.org work.
  21. You'll still be able to use old versions.
  22. Windows Firewall. I don't see why anyone would need another, really. Unless you're on XP and want to filter outbound connections.
  23. Some suggestions: Try using another antivirus, maybe it's AVG's fault. If you have another computer to sync your iPod, uninstall all Apple-related things (don't forget Bonjour). They are known to cause BSODs, slowdowns, etc. Update your drivers. If you don't mind installing a plugin, My-config.com has a useful tool for that: http://www.ma-config.com/en/
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