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Everything posted by Aethec

  1. There have been some people complaining about a wrongly calculated fragmentation (e.g. 142%) when having NTFS-compressed files on their drives, but it seems Defraggler does handle them.
  2. Well, read the link. It's quite long, but you'll understand soon enough.
  3. I'm talking about separating tabs, not only processes. This is what IE has been doing since IE 8.
  4. Thank you CleanMem's behavior is quite funny...the log correctly states that the memory went down an unbelievable level ; however, the programs begin eating memory a lot until they reach the old level within seconds. It seems to do exactly what I thought...place everything in the page file. Useful for software not used often, though.
  5. I already posted that in the Software forum Anyway, XP SP3 is free. If someone catches a virus because he still uses XP SP2 as of now, it's his fault.
  6. You're wrong. The only defragmenting method we'll ever need is this one:
  7. The extended support for XP SP2 finished today. Now we'll have to wait until 2014 to finally see XP die forever...even though I don't think the number of people using XP in 2014 will be as big as it is now.
  8. Firefox does not have a multi-process architecture, except for Flash, Silverlight and QuickTime which are all sandboxed.
  9. Could someone please post the content of the "Apply_log_settings.bat" file ? It isn't in the portable version, and it seems it's the only way to have Cleanmem understand the settings.
  10. Well, since FF doesn't separate processes...I can't see what your point is.
  11. Meaning, you don't have browser crashes in IE ? Since it has sandboxed both plugins and tabs before everyone else, I'd argue it's a useful thing. Especially with poorly programmed Flash games (but that's the dev's fault, not Adobe's)
  12. Adobe...what ? Media Player ? I didn't know it even existed.
  13. Well, it's a bug in Chrome's tab separation.
  14. I still didn't figure out how to use the portable version AND generate a log. It justs sits there for seconds and closes on my system. PS : Isn't Real Player one of those used-to-be-useful-but-now-really-bad software ?
  15. I've got that problem too. As a workaround, you can either stop deleting the IE history or exclude index.dat
  16. I think too many giveaways are for useless software, or yet another video converter nobody has ever heard of.
  17. Chrome's tab separation, like IE's, is much better than what FF currently has.
  18. S00, it's not because you think some Windows built-in apps are bad that everyone does
  19. It's Firefox, don't expect it to be light. And the plugin separation means more stability but more used memory, too.
  20. Aethec


    Are you really sure of that ? I highly doubt the IE team would let a 37-megabytes memory leak pass through. (hopefully, one day we'll all be using managed programs, with garbage collectors...) I just tested it, and...it does nothing on my system. The process is there for a few seconds, and then closes.
  21. Personas are backgrounds for FF's toolbars, like this : https://addons.mozil...ox/addon/10900/ However, what the screenshots don't say (but the reviews do) is that you can only use the default theme (Strata). If you use a different theme, Personas will be disabled. And since the default theme is quite ugly...well...Personas aren't a useful feature at all. Besides, it seems you have to register in the Personas website if you want to save the recently used Personas...
  22. Aethec


    A memory cleaner ? Uh...usually they either don't do anything, or put everything in the pagefile which is a really bad idea...
  23. Well, if an addon crashes *cough* Flash *cough*, it won't crash Firefox. It has the completely useless Personas integrated (unless you like using the FF default theme, you'll never be able to use them)
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