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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. Dial-a-Fix It is a good application to run to insure the correct Services are active for Windows Update.
  2. In Windows Explorer navigate to the hard dive you want to display then click on the Details icon then Tools then Folder Options then View then select Display contents of system folders, Display the full path in the address bar, Do not cache thumbnails and Show hidden files and folders then un-check Hide extensions for known file types and Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and ignore warnings then click Apply to All Folders. Be very careful to not to delete required system files.
  3. The Celeron processor is about 1/2 the speed of an equivalent P4 processor. You could add another 256 MB RAM into Slot 'A0' Crucial.com's SCAN MY SYSTEM will tell you what type of RAM to get: http://www.crucial.com I'm not sure who is the cheapest RAM supplier in Australia. As the old saying goes You can't have too much money or RAM I love your Koala bears.
  4. When I first got my IBM ThinkCentre 2.8GHZ P4 256MB RAM XP Pro system I added 512MB RAM right away as the system was slower than the old system that it was going to replace that had 1/2 the speed rating. I found out that the pre-installed Norton anti virus trial was the thing that was making the system operate as fast as molasses in an Inuvik winter. I used Add/Remove to un-install it and the other un-install routines I found on the Web then I used RegSeeker to search for Norton then Symantec to remove the huge registry entries left over after the un-install. I installed avast! Home Free and now the system is the fast system I would expect. I have avast! on my XP Home and WinME systems and they are quite happy.
  5. Welcome Little Miss Techie from cold Canada What are your system specifications? Belarc Advisor is good to display that information: http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html
  6. Defragler ( defragging ) is like the game Jenga If you have played it you know how eventually unstable the structure becomes. So Defragler ( defragging ) moves the blocks ( data ) around on the hard drive so that there are no gaps making application and data access faster.
  7. Try IE7Pro: http://www.ie7pro.com IE7Pro Features Enhance Internet Explorer's Tabbed Browsing Capabilities Double click to close tab. Open new tab from address bar Enable/disable tab browse history manager Enable/disable crash recovery Move the IE menu bar above the address bar Hide search bar Modify the maximum number of parallel connections to the web server Select the external program to view page source Super Drag and Drop With Super Drag and Drop enabled, you can open new links by simply dragging and dropping the link on the page. You can also Drag and Drop to search selected words with the default search engine or save the selected photo when Shift is held down. Mouse Gesture Mouse Gesture allow the user to execute commonly performed tasks (open/close a tab, go back, go forward , print , scrolling page etc.) by drawing a simple symbol on the screen. Crash Recovery Crash Recovery automatically restores all opened pages after a crash happened. Save Page to Image Flexible and easy-to-use tool that converts html page from any URL to image. It captures the whole web page's content into JPG, BMP , GIF , PNG or TIFF on the fly. Quick Proxy Switcher Different internet connections do often require completely different proxy server settings and it's a real pain to change them manually. AD Blocker Blocks all forms of advertising, including Flash ads, rich media, fly-ins, slide-ins, pop-ups, pop-unders, spyware and adware ads, and messenger ads. Greasy monkey alike User Script IE7Pro Script is to Internet Explorer7 as Greasemonkey is to Firefox. It lets you remix the Web via scripts. Inline Search Adds the inline search bar like firefox has, finds as you type, use the F3 and Enter Key to cycle between multiple results, highlight all results. Spell Check IE7Pro Spell Check will check any text you enter and alert you to possible errors by adding a red underline to any potentially misspelled words. I don't use its Mini-DM ( download manager ) as my DSL connection downloads quite fast nor Ad Blocker as I prefer hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files as it is a much more efficient way to block ads and known malware sites.
  8. I like avast! and it works well on my 256MB RAM WinME, 512MB RAM XP Home plus 760MB RAM XP Pro systems. I have email, Standard Resident protection with Automatic database updates only.
  9. I liked it and that's where I learned Internet Explorer (IE ) Then IBM's ill fated browser when Microsoft told IBM to take a hike. I became quite good at configuring Communication Manager which was quite a powerful communication application that supported ASCI, BiSync dial-up and SDLC ( IBM's proprietary protocol ) When I left IBM in '98 I purchased a ThinkPad with Win95 that I promptly updated to Win98SE so that I could use IE. Beware of Geeks bearing gifs
  10. I think that would be a good addition for winapp2.ini I couldn't find where IE7Pro stores its history though. One of the best IE7Pro User Scripts: Google Two Column Display http://iescripts.org/view-scripts-108p1.htm
  11. Minor addition for CCleaner bat files Runs CCleaner silently then reboots to clean up index.dat files @echo off"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTOshutdown -r -t 10 -c "Windows will reboot shortly"echo.echo To abort the Windows reboot press any keyecho on the keyboard before the shutdown timer expires,echo otherwise don't press any keyboard buttons.echo.pauseshutdown -aclsexit
  12. I found the solution. I forgot to enable Custom Files and Folders in the Advanced section.
  13. I have some real good Land in Florida I can sell you. I un-installed AVG 7.5 on all of my systems and installed avast! Home Free and its working great.
  14. That sounds like a good episode for The Re-Inventors
  15. If the programmer that coded the un-installer would remove ALL registry entries added by the install program then it would make CCleaner's job much easier. That's why there are applications like Total Uninstall to monitor application installs and help remove all traces of the install.
  16. I do not like this suggestion as I like to keep Windows as pristine as possible and only have ad-ons or applications run only if I select them.
  17. What is the network thingy from Vista?
  18. I am running avast! Home edition and its a Folder and a log file that it created so it could be in use. I made an entry in Include Folder and that did not clean it out as well.
  19. http://technology.newscientist.com/article...s-to-watch.html
  20. I ran the latest CCleaner on my WinME system and asked it to clean out the System Temporary files but it did not. My Temp and Tmp Environment variables are set to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP Do I have to add that Folder to Options Include area? I don't believe I should have to do this.
  21. Have a look at: http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/Remove-Lang...-Bar-t2783.html
  22. I never had a problem with WinME and I still have one old system that works quite well but then I don't play computer games. Most computer games at that time relied on Real Mode DOS which WinME does not have. Wasn't it Bill Gates that said or something like that? Maybe its time for me to delve into the world of Linux so I'll peruse around to see what people are using and recommending. Another news article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...isrc=newsletter
  23. I like System Explorer but I do not select it to replace Task Manager: http://systemexplorer.mistergroup.org The Monitoring Process tab produces a nice graph of what application is active and how much system resources are being consumed. I have not seen a svchost.exe jump up in usage when using Media Player though.
  24. I like the Shutdown script from Andavari: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=100472
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