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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. My DSL modem provided by my ISP has a built in firewall and I find that provides good intrusion prevention and I use the XP firewall. It has setting that can be adjusted in the Exceptions and Advance areas.
  2. Original Star Trek Bones to Captain Kirk Its dead Jim http://www.lockergnome.com/it/2005/09/28/its-dead-jim Monty Python The dead parrot:
  3. I rescued an old Pentium 177MHZ 32MB RAM system from the recycle area in my apartment and got it to run Win98SE and installed an Ethernet card for high speed Internet and sold it to a lady who had never had a computer but wanted to learn.
  4. Latest virus fixes: http://www.troublefixers.com/category/virus-problems
  5. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb963902.aspx
  6. It messes up Hotmail for me. I had to un-install it. IEPro's spell check is spell as you type.
  7. With a good HOSTS file you would not have had to waste a second. MVPS HOSTS file: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm hpHosts HOSTS file: http://www.hosts-file.net/?s=Download Manage them with HostsMan: http://www.abelhadigital.com
  8. That reminds me of that horrendous day 9/11 2001 I was buying coffee in the local coffee and doughnut shop when the server asked me if I had heard about the tragic accident in New York that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center and I replied that I had not so I went back to my apartment and turned on CNN and watched the whole thing for about 8 hours.
  9. Why not FDISK the hard drive and remove all partitions? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/255867 I have an old Win98SE bootable floppy that has FDISK and FORMAT on it that I use to make hard drives clean to be able to install a fresh copy of the operating system. You can get the disk images of boot disks at: http://www.bootdisk.com
  10. This may help: http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_haldll_missing.htm http://www.informationweek.com/news/window...cleID=185301251
  11. Running any FAT32 partition will slow you down. FAT32 is like 10 years old and in computer years thats about when the Dinosaurs ruled the Earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table NTFS is inherently faster and does not need defragging too often: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS
  12. De-select all items in both Windows and Advanced then select one item then run CCleaner to see what it finds and can remove. If you hold down the left mouse then swipe the items in the Analyze or Run screen then depress Ctrl+C (copy) then open up a Notepad session then Ctrl+V (paste) the output from the CCleaner run.
  13. I find that Volumouse works quite well as I have it set up to control the Master volume by holding down the Alt key and rotating the mouse wheel to the volume I like: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/volumouse.html It can be programmed to control up to 6 Volume control settings.
  14. http://www.mchenrycountyblog.com/uploaded_...orry-715603.jpg
  15. There are two sites that I use to verify that my system is up to date: Belarc Advisor http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html <== gives lots of useful system information as well Secunia: Online Software Inspector http://secunia.com/software_inspector
  16. http://billpstudios.blogspot.com/
  17. I like to keep my system's clock synchronized with one of the atomic clocks available on the Internet and I do this with Neutron: http://keir.net/neutron.html I don't use Windows Time Service as the clock it uses is not reliable.
  18. I have FLV Player and I keep my videos in My Videos and it opens real fast: http://www.martijndevisser.com/blog/flv-player I don't use K-Lite Codec Pack though.
  19. That fix was what I needed to permit install and update of Windows Media Player 11 on my XP Pro system. SP3 working well here and the system seems a bit more perky but I did a defrag after the installation as well.
  20. Another reason why I don't use Firefox and use IE7 with IE7Pro
  21. Last time I ignored an update on my XP Home system it got infected shortly after and it started doing weird things and would not permit me to run regedit nor Task Manager so I booted from a floppy and used FDISK to remove then add the partition and installed XP Home on the partition then all of the Updates then all of my favorite applications and it took about 8 hours.
  22. If you don't want the app then send it my way. On my XP systems I am quite happy with: avast! Free anti virus CCleaner from Piriform hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files managed by HostsMan MBAM from Malwarebytes Windows Defender from Microsoft WinPatrol from Bill Pytlovany
  23. If I understand you correctly this is what you want: Primary IDE adapter: HD 0 plugged Master <== C: drive Note: binary counting starts at 0 HD 1 plugged Slave <== E: drive Secondary IDE adapter: HD 2 plugged Master <== D: drive CD 0 plugged Slave <== F: drive Do NOT use Cable Select as it is unreliable. What does the BIOS indicate about the hard drives? Are they all set to Auto? Install the OS on the C: drive and keep the other drives for data. See: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/ide4.htm
  24. If I remember correctly it is part of the Realtek audio driver package and it is OK.
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