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Everything posted by YoKenny

  1. On news server news.grc.com in newsgroup grc.news.latestversions I use Outlook Express to read the newsgroups.
  2. It fails the same for me in XP Pro. Go to Start then type cmd and in the Window type set to see what environment variable are set.
  3. Fixed with its built in updater to version 2.3 build 2923
  4. Its working fine here in Canada on this fine Spring morning.
  5. 6 new and 58 updated items in 44 lists: http://lists.thedatalist.com/pages/New_Links.htm
  6. Includes a firewall and is a good router: http://d-link.ca/products/?pid=62&sec=2
  7. YoKenny


    Yes. It could be or a failed application installation or removal. Please read: New Users Start Here, Instructions and Advice http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11000
  8. Messing with Outlook Express' fragile dbx files is the best way to kill that Identity's email store.
  9. Who is the maker of the router and model number?
  10. I think that an ultra fast Terra byte hard drive loaded with every possible date and event details during Girlfriend 5.0 with Instant Access 2.4 for Argument 4.1 and above helps immensely. Its best to use Eraser 5.86a with at least two passes on the hard drive to remove date and event details for Girlfriend 1.0 through 4.0.
  11. http://www.winpatrolflash.com/
  12. I received that message a while back and un-installed it then downloaded avast! Home Free: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html I have read that Grisoft has agreed to keep updating its definitions until the end of the year but you probably have to put up with the message to upgrade to the bloated 8.0 every time you want to update the definition files.
  13. YoKenny


    juliab, why not get a copy of HijackThis and post a log in the analysis area? Spyware Hell - HijackThis Log Analysis http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  14. It would make the LZ 129 Hindenburg seem fast. But then this seems to be a trend along with the latest update to AVG 8.0
  15. I never did like Firefox. I use IE7Pro: http://www.ie7pro.com With the latest update that adds FasterIE its probably as fast if not faster than Firefox. With its Plugins and User Scripts it can add many equivalent Firefox add-ins. My favorite Plugins are Accu Weather and Server Info. My favorite User Script is Google Two Column Display: http://iescripts.org/view-scripts-108p1.htm
  16. goff123, welcome. index.dat files keep growing and keep a record of all sites you visit so they represent a privacy issue. CCleaner does a good job at cleaning up some index.dat files but it does not clean them all. Index.dat Suite ( Freeware ) does the best job of finding all index.dat files and scheduling a cleanup at the next boot up. It also has a good viewer and cleaner of several Windows tracking files plus you can set it to do a defrag before Windows applications are loaded: http://support.it-mate.co.uk/?mode=Product...=Index.datSuite
  17. Go to Start then Control Panel then System or install Belarc Advisor.
  18. I'd like the Silva GT3 Base MSRP: $75,000 but my credit limit is only $200.00 and my pension income permits me about $300.00 per month to buy toys so maybe I'll print a pic of it and put it on my wall.
  19. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/05/19/firefox_data_snoop/
  20. Please read: [solution] Registry Issues Keep Re-appearing In CCleaner http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8588
  21. JOE.G, welcome. I like PastIconsFlusher because explorer.exe must be stopped and the registry entries for the tray icons flushed then restart explorer.exe: http://prm753.bchea.org/software.html I prefer to run PastIconsFlusher then reboot. While you are there you should get JavaRa
  22. yamakawa, welcome. Please review the following topic as it may answer some of your questions: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15836
  23. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...isrc=newsletter
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